Friday 24th of January 2025

the media wars...

media wars

Anyone who think that the media self-regulation works please place your hand up...

the trench warfare of media...

This morning the media sphere is full of smoke from shells exploding right, left and centre... The Terrorgraph is telling us that the new media laws would be an attack on "freedom"... Let Gus state here that I want "the freedom to kick Murdoch in the balls if he had any". But that's beside the point... Then we have the greens and the independents claiming these reforms don't go far enough... Meanwhile some usually astute bleeters are off the rails, such as Mungo MacCallum telling us that:


Why did Labor pick a fight with newspaper editors that it would most likely lose - if not now, then after the election? For Mungo MacCallum, the answer doesn't lie in conspiracies and death-pacts. Instead, it's just another stuff-up.

And with Conroy's declaration came an ultimatum: his media reforms are to be passed without amendments, no deals and no bartering, before Parliament rises this week. And if they're not, then he'll .. he'll ... well, actually, he'll back off and forget about the whole thing.


Well the bad news is that any time is a bad time to pick a beef with Uncle Rupe and if you think that the Libs (CONservatives) are going to help a bipartisan view on the subject of media behaviour like Labour and the Tories did in pommyland, you're dreaming... And if you think there has not been any phone and voicemail tapping by the merde-och press in Australia, you're dreaming as well...

What Conroy did with his "ultimatum" was to flush out the crap, the bile, the puce, the puke, the hate, the hypocrisy and the runny mierda from the press...  

The media has fired most of its salvos in one hit — and possibly a miss... The point here is that the news laws could work well not so much to stop the media from telling shit which the new laws can't stop, but at least to give one the ability to have some recourse to some "justice", other than through the toothless mouse of the present media regulator — itself owned by the media. That's all... Oh I nearly forgot. Plus a relaxation of what the media proprietors can buy on top of what they already own... 

It's not another stuff-up... It's shock tactics... And at this stage of the game it's the only way to get things done against a loopy rabid media in which spruikers have been given instructions to destroy Labor, since the mid 1980s

So we have more bleaters, bleating like a bunch of goats lost on the other side of Mt Ararat, say like Peter Reith, still working his trade of dishonorable weasel at the ABC... where if you view his "full profile", there is no mention of "kids overboard" and of "rabid dogs working the waterfront"...

And of course, the ABC has not had one voice in support for the proposed new laws, not because they are bad, but because it would upset Uncle Rupe and the opposition...


So far, the ABC has everyone gunning with Mr Murdoch, three bags full Mr Murdoch, you're god Mr Murdoch... Another bleater on the national broadcaster is a former Labor dude, Bruce Hawker: 


It is much harder to convince people to support change than it is to stick with the status quo. Without effective planning, reforms like Conroy's media laws are doomed, writes Bruce Hawker.

Time and again Federal Labor loses the day because it fails to make a case for its reforms. When this happens it is left looking disorganised and weak.



Effective planning? have you ever tried to plan political warfare against the media?... No one has ever been able to do it, EVER. And this is why we are now at this juncture. The media has gone feral. It needs to be put back in a cage... Those pollies who get favours from the media have to sleep in the same bed and when Uncle Rupe ask for it, you bend over and spread your legs, Tony.


The Conroy attack is smarter than it looks here... It's ballsy by necessity, even exasperation and desperation. Nothing wrong with that. And the laws have been targeted well enough.

BUt this morning on the radiooo-for-Mr-Abbott, Fran Kelly's RN, we hear some cunning (expert, of course) bastards trying us that the media is diverse because of the internet, blogggggers and the online papers like the incoming "Australian Guardian online" (which is not here yet?)... Did he mentioned the Independent Australian? Nupe.

Get a life... Uncle Rupe and his cohort of pseudo-competitive arse-lickers control 95 per cent of what the Australian population thinks... It's a miracle that there is about 45 per cent of people still fighting the tide of bullshit — when adding the Greens and the Labor polls. 

The media has become is a big ugly dangerous beast... And you know why the beaters bleat?... They are worried that the laws will pass as they should...

in the bunkers, throwing missiles...

During a torrid session of question time, during which numerous Coalition MPs were ejected, the opposition complained Ms Gillard was trying to reignite a gender-based attack and accused her of saying that ''misogynist Tony is back''.
Mr Abbott had asked Ms Gillard whether she would regard a failure to pass media reform laws in the lower house this week as a lack of confidence in her government. Ms Gillard told Mr Abbott she would win the September 14 election
''Let me say very clearly to the Leader of the Opposition - it will be a contest, counter intuitive to those believing in gender stereotypes, but a contest between a strong, feisty woman and a policy-weak man and I'll win it.''
Leader of opposition business Christopher Pyne complained that Ms Gillard went far beyond answering the question. ''And then she, as an aside, said for some unknown reason, misogynist Tony is back,'' he said.
''I would ask her to withdraw it because it is a slur on the Leader of the Opposition and a desperate comment from a desperate prime minister.''
Speaker Anna Burke ordered Mr Pyne to leave the chamber during the fiery moment. Ms Burke said she did not hear the interjection but asked Ms Gillard to withdraw it.
''If the Leader of the Opposition is upset in any way I will withdraw,'' she said.
Ms Gillard was then forced to withdraw the comment unreservedly

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