Friday 24th of January 2025

from the entrails of road kill...

richo turds on...

The chaotic daily churn has left news organisations with gaping holes that political pundits are all too happy to fill. But don't assume they're motivated by a desire to inform, writes Jonathan Green.

They may be biased, party-affiliated propagandists, but does any of that matter so long as our pundits are prolific?

We were treated to a pair of much-remarked-upon pieces last week reflecting on the state of Australian political commentary.

One, by Richard Cooke at the Monthly, considered the record of Graham Richardson. It seems Richo, despite a career-enhancing reputation for ready access to the good oil, is more often than not loud, confident and wrong.

The other, by Mark Latham in the Australian Financial Review, wondered at the convention of scant disclosure that lets pointed partisan prose pass as considered opinion. And yes, there probably is a difference.


One thing's for sure... One can guess (hey... I could be wrong here) that Richo and his rabid employers won't give up the barrow of rubbish until he gets it right — by chance or pure coincidence...

Like all mystical crystal-ball gazer, he thus will be applauded for such extraordinary vision in line with the grand prophetisation of the bible and the koran... We're in the muddy pundit territory where even a Jonathan Green — author of the article above — has been partisanly swimming in it... It's a similar field as that when Howard confided in us that "everyone knows" then proceed to tell us the biggest porkie ever... The juxtaposition of "everyone knows" gave credibility to the porkie — until one knew one had been had.... ten years later....

To be on the safe side, when Howard was telling us that "everyone knows" I took whatever he said as pure bullshit...

Same with Graham Richardson.. In regard to many others MALE and FEMALE commentators, one has to understand where they are coming from. First, the males are annoyed that a female PM rules the roost and many female commentators are annoyed that their beau are being ruled by a woman — of whom they themselves are jealous of...  All this before entering the delicate set up of punch bags right wing and left wing politics...

Pundits are paid to confuse the issues... They are there to divide the nation in a million pieces. They are there to stop you from having one ounce of sympathy for the tall poppy... They want you to believe the weed in the next paddock is far more valuable... They are there to break the vase where the flower stands.

Most (all) of their opinion is irrelevant and idiotic — and they have to whinge... 

Richardson is a sad case.  He still mourns (he does not) his mate Rivkin... Not so much missing the friendship but the way they creamed things up for entertainment and cash collection together... His other mate Joe Meissner was a fun caring fellow too. with a love boat... And if one reads about the Alpine Offset fire here, one finds a few more characters like Eddie in the smoke of it...

One thing fore sure is that most of the predictions by blokes like Graham Richardson are NASTY, deliberately nasty... They are pushed on the Australian public — that has no clue of what's happening — as porkied self-fulfilling prophecies extracted like smelly messages from the entrails of electrocuted bats and road-killed crows — as well as talking under the table to the soggy ruddites, still...

of scams and scare...



Tony Abbott, aided by an increasingly willing and partisan mainstream media, has been fostering public misperceptions and fear around national debt and the GFC. Matthew N. Donovan blows the lid on another Abbott scare campaign.

Let’s get real here and start talking facts. Cold hard incontrovertible facts.

$44 billion worth of net assets were inherited by the Labor Government in 2007 from John Howard’s Liberal Government.

This is after a strong period of economic growth and private investment following thedot com crash, from 2002 to 2007. Not to mention, ever surging commodity prices and resources demand, mainly from a booming China.

$70 billion of government owned assets were sold off under by Treasurer Costello, most of them at bargain basement rates. Incidentally, as an aside, he now wants the Queensland Government to engage in such reckless practices.

This means the net assets on the books (63% of the overall cash generated from asset sales) were as a result of selling our assets, without a mandate, for much less than they would now be worth if they had been retained.



IN AN ASTONISHING show of support for free press and democracy, IA’s campaign to raise funds to further the investigation into the disgraceful Ashby-gate affair has managed to raise just over $14,000 in its first day and a bit of existence! Since we published our story on Wednesday night, at time of publication, 105 peoplehave pledged their support.

A huge note of thanks to all those pledging a contribution and offering ideas and advice. It is so encouraging to receive your support and to know we will be travelling this path in good company.

As previously described all monies raised will go towards the establishment of the trust and the investigative and legal costs that will be incurred in progressing the cause of bringing the villains and culprits of the Ashbygate affair to justice.

In pursuing this goal we will endeavour to make sure every Australian citizen appreciates just how dirty this sordid affair is and expose the nefarious and criminal elements involved in this vile attempt to steal a democracy, and the pathetic attempts of our media to ignore it.

The money raised is fantastic and is indeed the very fuel that will empower us to stand up against the gigantic weight of the vested interests and self-serving politicians. However, more encouraging is the level of public support and the willingness of citizens to get involved and start taking their fate into their own hands.