Monday 10th of March 2025

tony and george


Our man in the Vatican is a divisive figure back home

George Pell    Catholic archbishop, Sydney

FriendsTony Abbott

FoesChristine Milne

Home Town: Sydney

If Tony Abbott becomes our next prime minister, as many predict, there's one holy man best placed to whisper into his ear: cardinal George Pell. We reckon that's enough to make him our most powerful religious leader.

Abbott's friendship with Pell is no secret. The opposition leader and former priest-in-training has long seen Australia's most senior Catholic as a confidant and personal confessor, as someone he can seek guidance from. Perhaps even to ask for advice during an election year.

"Cardinal Pell is one of the greatest churchmen that Australia has seen. I am a very imperfect Catholic," Abbott once said during an election campaign. "Why shouldn't I go and seek counsel?"

Why not, indeed. Pell is equally effusive of his mate, describing him in recent a profile as "a very decent and competent fellow" and the "most formidable opposition leader in Australian history".

While much of Pell's sway lies in his strong personality and the company he keeps, it doesn't hurt that he has also become de facto leader for Australia's 5.4 million Catholics. The Church itself also commands significant power: outside government, it is the nation's largest employer and one of the biggest independent providers of health care, aged care and education.



Pell is the most atrocious religious figure in this country... See many of my articles on the subject, including this one...

Tony Abbott is an idiot..



an unchristian vicious bastard...

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TONY Abbott has reaffirmed his commitment to force asylum-seeker boats back to Indonesia, despite warnings that the policy is dangerous and potentially in breach of Australia's legal obligations.

The Opposition Leader yesterday moved to hose down concerns raised by former defence chief Admiral Chris Barrie, who said using the navy to turn boats around was potentially unwise and had incited acts of sabotage in the past.

Mr Abbott said Admiral Barrie, who executed the policy under the Howard government, had been misrepresented and the navy could tow back asylum boats once again.



Marr traced the influences on Mr Abbott, including two Jesuits - one at Riverview and the other in England during his Rhodes scholarship days - John Howard and the ALP wrecking ball Bob Santamaria.

Marr said the Santamaria dictum - when you have not got the numbers be vicious - had become Mr Abbott's hallmark and, time and again, he had shown when there was a choice between values or politics he chose the pragmatic option.

''The joke goes that Abbott would be the first DLP prime minister of Australia,'' Marr said.

''He wouldn't mind us believing that … Ever since he stepped into Parliament nearly 20 years ago he has been invoking God and the Catholic values that drive him …

''How much would they drive Tony Abbott, PM? Which Abbott are we going to get when things are tough, I ask him: Values Abbott or Politics Abbott? I wish I could quote his answer. My sense is we'll get the Abbott he decides to give us at any particular time.''

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Former Defence chief Chris Barrie says the Coalition's vow to turn boats around on the high seas could constitute piracy in some circumstances.
He said if boats were seaworthy and appeared to be exercising their freedom of movement on the high seas, any move by the navy to board the boat could be a breach of international laws.

''There would be some circumstances I guess where it might become an act of piracy,'' he said.

Admiral Barrie's comments came as it was revealed that unmanned aerial drone surveillance would form part of a Coalition government's measures against asylum seeker boats.

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Piracy is typically an act of robbery or criminal violence at sea. The term can include acts committed on land, in the air, online, or in other major bodies of water or on a shore. It does not normally include crimes committed against persons traveling on the same vessel as the perpetrator (e.g. one passenger stealing from others on the same vessel). The term has been used throughout history to refer to raids across land borders by non-state agents.



oh santa maria!...


Archbishop of Sydney George Pell has been appointed by Pope Francis to a permanent advisory group to help him run the Catholic Church and study a reform of the Vatican bureaucracy.

Cardinal Pell is one of eight cardinals and one monsignor - the others are from Europe, Africa, North and South America, and Asia - who have been appointed to the group.

The panel is a clear indication that Francis wants to reflect the universal nature of the church in its governance and core decision-making, particularly given the church is growing and counts most of the world's Catholics in the southern hemisphere.

In the run-up to the conclave that elected Francis pope one month ago, a reform of the Vatican bureaucracy was a constant drumbeat, as were calls to make the Vatican itself more responsive to the needs of bishops around the world.

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Oh... Bartholomew Augustine Santamaria would be so proud... He and Pell manipulating the innards of Tony Abbott like putty...

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full time bullshitter concurrently...

Prime Minister Tony Abbott's support for Cardinal George Pell over child sex abuse is inappropriate and factually wrong, victims say.

This new controversy came as the Speaker of the Victorian Parliament, Ken Smith, accused the former Melbourne vicar-general, Gerald Cudmore, of committing perjury in evidence he gave to a parliamentary inquiry in 1993. Mr Smith said highly placed Catholics stifled his inquiry's report.

Mr Abbott told Fairfax Radio that Cardinal Pell, a former Catholic archbishop of Melbourne, was the first senior cleric to take sexual abuse by clergy seriously.

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Gus: Ahahahah... Tony! You're a laugh a minute!... You're a liar every seconds! Unless you are a full time ignoramus and BULLSHITTER concurrently... Yep... That's it!...   I apologise to victims for laughing here but one must admit, the little bully shit really push the boundaries of credibility... See all the stickers from top along the way down on this line of comments...