Monday 10th of March 2025

murdoch and his dummies...

murdoch's dummies

WHEN THE Gillard Government announced a set of mild reforms to media regulation recently — I had an epiphany.

Why would the long-beleaguered Labor Government announce a set of controversial reforms in the lee of an election? Ones that were designed to produce a visceral response from Australia’s “free press” free marketeer cheer squad — Kerry Stokes, Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoch. These are people who were never going to sit blithely by while an almost displaced puce PM brought in unnecessary oversight over their overgrown patch.

Did Gillard and Conroy expect their reforms to get through? I doubt it. There was something else afoot, quite obviously.

Now, I may be proven wrong, but it is my view that this was a coldly calculating shot in a long and intense bout of rope-a-dope that may ultimately prove to be the undoing of her opponent, ‘Punchy’ Tony Abbott, as well as the man in his corner — ‘Coach’ Rupert Murdoch.

Gillard, and her British media adviser, John McTernan, have come up with a plan ‒ a very risky plan, I’ll grant you, but one that just might work ‒ to pit the old media against the new.

Gillard and her new Scottish muse have gambled all they have (which isn’t much, admittedly) that the power of the fifth estate – the new, and generally progressive, online media of the type you are reading now – along with the sway of major social media channels, like Twitter and Facebook, will be enough to overshadow the power of a now openly biased and corrupt old media.

treading on thin ice...


TONY Abbott has warned Julia Gillard against racing to appoint Australia's next Governor-General before the election and is threatening to overturn key Labor appointments if the Coalition wins power.

In a dramatic escalation of pre-poll tensions, the Opposition leader plans to directly raise his concerns over Australia's head of state with Ms Gillard, amid fears Labor wants to lock-in a raft of "jobs for the boys"- style appointments.

An investigation by News Limited can reveal an unprecedented number of one-time Labor MPs and union officials have been appointed to key Commonwealth agencies and statutory bodies, often on lucrative salaries.

At the same time, former Labor Victorian premiers John Brumby and Steve Bracks have been touted as candidates for one of Australia's high-profile overseas posts, Consul-General in New York. The plum role comes with an annual base salary of around $250,000 and luxurious living conditions in a $25 million apartment on the East River.

A large number of former State MPs wiped out in the most recent NSW and Queensland elections have received generous appointments to Commonwealth boards, including former NSW Minister Verity Firth, ex-Queensland Premier Anna Bligh, ex-West Australian Premier Geoff Gallop and one-time Deputy Victorian Premier John Thwaites.

News Limited does not suggest that any of the appointments were made without merit.


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While the public service could be dismantled from within, not by the Labor Government but by its own ranks, in preparation to mass sackings should little shit Abbott get his hands on the top job, the media baron empire is covering its own arse here by adding the line which Gus has "bolded"...

This of course is a furphy non-news stirred by little shit Abbott...

Similarly, There are some LNP tarts who are stirring other non-issues that Labor is planning to "degrade some values" — total fake slur made up by the LNP tarts... These of course are circulated under the winkwinksaynomore veil of secrecy within Liberal (ultra-conservative) ranks as to reinforce the belief of ultra-right-might in the wet liberals (medium conservative) who could start to think — enlightened by the glow of a reality light bulb — that the Liberal (conservative) Party is going too far into idiocy and total madness under Abbott...


And we all should know that Abbott is keen to appoint his master-teacher in deception, John W Howard, as the next Governor General... It would be fitting that as a massive piss-taking on the nation of morons that we are, Julia appoints J W Howard to the job before Tony could do it...


People don't know it, but Julia has a great wicked sense of humour.... If this would not push most people to vote for a republic, even in its most basic format, what would?

the american murdochracy

RUPERT MURDOCH is sailing through a heavy sea in his attempt to buy the Los Angeles Times, the first part of his plan to own several more newspapers in the US. The LA Times is one of a handful of prime U.S. newspapers owned by the giant Tribune Corporation. Rupert wants to own at least three of them.

Murdoch is dividing his international News Corporation in two: One half will be the already shaky newspaper publishing group; and the other half, he hopes, will finance the project with money from television and movies. A few days ago, Murdoch announced he would be calling the entertainment business 21st Century Fox.

Murdoch was once forced to sell his New York Postbecause a regulation prohibited him from owning a newspaper and TV channels in the one city. The Postwent broke under the new management and Murdoch was allowed to buy it back by persuading the regulator to exempt him from the rule in the interest of saving jobs. Murdoch reportedly subsidises this tasteless downmarket tabloid to the tune of USD $110 million a year.

It will be a test of his remaining influence in U.S. politics if he can get another waiver covering Los Angeles. Then he may need to do it again and again because he is also considering buying major papers in Chicago and Boston. This time he will surely need to influence a complete change in the regulations.

Good luck to Mr Murdoch, as long as he comes to his senses and start vouching for the protection of the planet...

a fake martyr...

Kevin Rudd began his second campaign for the leadership of the Labor Party by not standing. Just after 10 pm on 23 June 2010, on the so-called night of the long knives, he emerged from crisis meetings to announce that his deputy, Julia Gillard, had challenged him to a ballot. In his last hours as prime minister, Rudd learnt her numbers would crush him. Key unions had withdrawn their support. Powerbrokers inside the party had turned on him. Caucus members, it soon became clear, had never liked him. A psychopath, one backbencher called him. A narcissist, others said. He was a micro-manager and his office, by all accounts, was dysfunctional. “This crypto-fascist made no effort to build a base in the party,” a powerbroker told ABC TV’s Chris Uhlmann. “Now that his only faction – Newspoll – has deserted him, he is gone.
But popular opinion had not deserted Kevin Rudd. Although he’d experienced a dip in the polls, his electoral honeymoon had been inordinately long and sweet. The avoidance of an actual ballot ensured that criticism of him would remain anecdotal.
Rather than Australians hearing that four-fifths of his caucus colleagues had mutinied for the sake of good government, the story went that Rudd had been slain by four “faceless men”.
The public did not take kindly to the removal of an elected prime minister. They saw that as their job.
Gus: But the merde-och press went on pushing Rudd stars as if he had been a martyr in order to destabilise Julia... In fact Rudd SHOT HIMSELF in the foot, like those soldiers who are after an excuse for a discharge and blame the enemy or friendly fire (which was quite unfriendly at the time)...