Friday 24th of January 2025

the lies are going to flow like sewage from an overflow at the merde-och media...

lies and lies

mischief by gus

PRIME Minister Julia Gillard's office has denied claims from a Sydney radio host that she was being investigated by police over the Australian Workers Union slush fund affair.

Ms Gillard has consistently denied any wrongdoing in relation to the slush fund affair.

2GB host Ben Fordham told his listeners today he wanted to correct comments made by Ms Gillard during an interview in March that canvassed the AWU case.

Fordham said the police were still taking statements and had asked him to make a formal statement relating to the March 7 interview.

"When I mentioned this police investigation, the Prime Minister sought to clarify something. Julia Gillard wanted to make it clear to you that she was not one of the people being investigated.

"I am correcting that record this afternoon because I know for a fact the Prime Minister is being investigated by police over the slush fund scandal. She was being investigated at the time of the interview."

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You see how it's done?... One media says something stupid and grossly erroneous about Julia and Julia has to deny it, but then the other media sewerage outlets, especially the merde-och use it to still throw doubt on Julia... It's orchestrated and scripted of course...

More of this caper to come, mostly because the conservatives (LNP) are terrified that Julia might scrape through at the elections with more independents... Chris Berg is doing his bit to crap on Julia and Labor — and most of the ABC commentators are doing same as well, in unison, WITHOUT ONE OUNCE OF CREDIBLE EVIDENCE, just bile. 

more crap from the merde-och press


I don't know where this is going but here it is:


Others said it was simply the government rewarding Labor staffers for their loyalty.

"I find it extraordinary. It is not only a curious way of trying to convince people to stay," one senior government source said.

"It's basically an admission we will lose the election. And its using taxpayers' money to pay staffers off."

The memo, which has been published on the government's website, said the changes to the termination payment were made through a ministerial direction.

It means Labor staff working in ministerial offices will now receive a one-month termination payment should Labor lose the election.


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Gus: I have searched for three hours this morning all the internet and government website for this "memo"... Zip, nothing, nada... So I have no idea where this information came from (a disgruntle leaky staffer?) and the merde-och press being the only media outlet with this "information" I question it...

It's most likely the staffers have been promised that their "entitlements" under the present employment laws are safe... Nothing wrong with that... The point being made by the merde-och press is that Labor thinks the election is lost, so "why fight it — just vote for our Tony, Hey?"

The merde-och press, like most of the conservatives who call themselves "liberals", know that the election result is not a given... That is why they add to the sauce repeatedly... Tony is DESPERATE, actually...


The website front page has NO MENTION of Barry O'farrell (NSW Liberal) signing onto the Gonsky education reforms... but the item above has prominence between some silly kayakers in a lava thrill and Gayle hitting a cricket ball on a roof more times than ever before... I can see our little rat Abbott FUMING with popped eyes...


Tony Abbott is an Idiot...

rah rah...


Special Minister of State Mark Dreyfus has defended his decision to extend the termination payment for political staff by two weeks, describing it as ''appropriate'' and nothing to do with the upcoming federal election.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott slammed the government on Wednesday over the payments as being ''fast and loose with taxpayers money''.

''Two weeks had been found in practice, not to be long enough. You need the four weeks.'' Special Minister of State Mark Dreyfus 

In contrast, his frontbencher Bronwyn Bishop, who is shadow special minister of state, said the Coalition were not opposed to the practice.

Mr Dreyfus has sent a memo to all senators and MPs and their staff, announcing that if staff lose their jobs as the result of a federal election, they would get an additional paypacket. This would cover them for a total of four weeks.

Read more:

There you are, no need to have your knickers in a knot, Gus... The item above is confirmed... But I slammed News Limited not so much for the information but for the biased tone of the rah-rah around it...