Friday 24th of January 2025

bias at the ABC...

finance kohler

Every time Alan Kohler opens his trap at the ABC "finance report" it's to bash Labor's economic credentials...

I may be wrong here, but that's the impression he gives... In the process he promotes the loopy lying clowns on the other side of politics... Let me say this here again: capitalism in the hands of conservatives is dangerous. 

Alan Kohler who made a few million bucks by selling his financial advice company, is a right wing punter who cannot come to praise anything that Labor does... Labor saved this country from the GFC. This annoys the Liberals (conservatives) not end... The conservatives will poopoo successful "social" programmes because these were not done according to the ultra right wing rule book of "stuff-people-saves-the-cash".

Kohler of course has conflicts of interest as soon as his jolly face appears on the ABC box... He must know this, the ABC must know this... I have noted for example, I could be wrong though I have looked, that the iView repeat of news does not have the Kohker segment in it and goes straight to sports (nearly one boring third of the "news")...

Meanwhile Kohler also pontificates on the Drum... his right-wing slant being more obvious there...

The federal budget is now in the position where it can't grow its way out of deficit. To return to surplus we now need spending reductions or increased taxes, or both, writes Alan Kohler.

The headlines this morning declare that Australia's AAA credit rating is "under threat". Actually they should say something like: "Hooray, the AAA yoke might be thrown off".

Being one of only eight countries with the highest credit rating and a stable outlook is one reason Australia's manufacturing industry is being killed by a high currency: the shortage of AAA bonds globally boosts our investment inflow.

One way to get the currency down and stimulate the economy would be to keep stimulating the economy with government spending until the AAA rating is lost. Growth would be boosted twice.

I'm half joking. Well, maybe just a quarter joking.


As a result of this blowout in health expenditure, the budget is now in the position where it can't grow its way out of deficit, which is the shorthand definition of a structural deficit. That means to return to surplus there must be a meaningful fiscal contraction - either spending reductions or increased taxes, or both.

That won't happen this year, that's for sure. We will have to wait for next year, and the traditional tough budget in the first, and maybe second, year of a new government, before it starts spending again in time for the next election.


No, Alan you are completely joking... We all know what's what...

But you have to realise that due to some insidious actors, whenever a Labor party is in for re-election, the business sector "contracts" deliberately to thwart the chances of that party and whenever a liberal party faces re-election, the business sectors runs on high-octane as to tell us things are booming... Nothing to do with the economic situation, just a reaction to the political landscape... Meanwhile the media is 95 per cent bashing Labor on the head while promoting the idiots on the ultra-right wing of politics... I am surprised that Labor still has a base vote of 32 per cent... Under these assaults, one would see 5 per cent as doing extremely well...

Capitalism is a dangerous beast in the hands of the conservatives...

Krug and cocaine suppers at bonus time...


But she did these things at terrible cost. Her household bible was The Road to Serfdom by that now-discredited high priest of so-called economic rationalism, Friedrich Hayek, who preached that government austerity solved everything so long as the rich were allowed to get richer. In her manic pursuit of this free market utopia, Thatcher gutted industries and entire communities in Wales, Scotland, and England's north, destroyed lives and jobs, and cemented in place the hapless British underclass which her pygmy Tory successors are oppressing yet again.

Freed from prudent restraint by her "Big Bang" deregulation of 1986, British banking turned itself into what was essentially a giant Ponzi scheme notorious for its systemic corruption, paving the way for the crash of 2007. Britain's Big Five banks were forced to pay some £11 billion ($16 billion) in fines and penalties last year alone, about 40 per cent of their profits, but the children of Thatcherism, the Etonian spivs and Essex Wide Boy traders of the City of London, continue to whoop it up over Krug and cocaine suppers at bonus time.


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Wait for it... That's the way Tony Abbott wants to do his business... I mean crap on your lap... It's a 30 years retard... But you've been warned... Read carefully my comment above...

CONflict of interest at the ABC...


The ABC is facing government-mandated budget cuts and can't follow the Southern Cross Media route of throwing stock at its big names. 

So it has had to go to some unusual lengths to retain its talented finance reporter - a bloke on loan from its mates at News Corp by the name of Alan Kohler.

The problem is, Kohler has been dreaming up new ways of making money at the operation he sold to News Corp for a motza, which includes the Eureka Report.

The latest effort to stay solvent will see Eureka gear up to sell financial services and get Kohler into the business of stock picking.


Wouldn't we love to see Eureka's call on News Corp. Don't suppose we have to run that one past the boss, Rupert Murdoch.

ABC's spinners have assured CBD that protocols are in place to ensure viewers remain commercially unsullied. 

For starters, they point out that the Eureka Report has always carried share recommendations and advice, and in practice "the stocks recommended by Eureka are almost never covered in any of the general financial reports Mr Kohler does for the ABC", and any actual conflicts are "upwardly referred" whatever that means. 

"The new arrangements do not change or increase any potential conflicts in relation to this issue," says our flack.

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We have been on this case for a long time now... Kohler should have been given his marching orders at the ABC long ago. He is biased despite treading carefully seemingly. So why does the ABC — a public broadcaster — employ a privateer who sold his business to Mr Murdoch in which he is part of, no less, still doing at the ABC? Has he powerful friends who influence the ABC management? Has he got a contract made of stainless steel?... Who knows, but he should have gone a long time ago. If Alan Kohler had any proper sense of his CONflict of interest at the ABC, should he dismiss himself? His hanging on seems to be very greedy... Of course that's the business he is in: report on the greed status of the nation. 
Prior to the election last year, he was discreetly lauding the credentials of the Liberals (CONservatives) and poopooing the Labor party management of the economy... We knew that the Liberals (CONservatives were going to thrash the place big time after lying through their teeth to get elected. The poor were going to be hammered while the rich would get a tickle from a feather. Ugly.
See toon at top...