Friday 24th of January 2025

clueless conservatives (liberals)...

clueless minister

We all can have a different view about Anzac day, including this date taking too much importance in the Australian psyche... but there are points at which trespass is unwelcome...

What is reported by IA about the Liberal Mayor of Blacktown is beyond belief... It's a case of having a councillor who has a long history with Anzac Day, Charlie Lowles — 

Charlie Lowles is a man well known in his community; he is well-respected by all and is known to always put the community’s needs before his own. 

Charlie has even been awarded an Order Of Australia for his more than 40 years of community work and proudly bears the OAM initials after his name. 

Charlie has been a councillor on Blacktown council for 24 years, including serving as Mayor—

being replaced by a young Liberal crony (22) still in nappies at the official ceremony... Nothing wrong with young Liberals, male or female... But but but but as would sputter an engine running of petrol...:

That’s right, under Liberal control the city’s mayor, Len Robinson, sent the Liberal candidate for Chifley, Isabelle White, off to do the honours normally done by Charlie.

Charlie Lowles was deeply saddened by this act of sabotage on such an important day.

After all, not only has Charlie represented council at this service for longer than Isabelle White has been alive, he is also the only current councillor who has served Australia in the military.

By his actions, Blacktown’s mayor Len Robinson has effectively spat in the face of every digger he sent Isabelle along to represent. His actions show a callous disregard for any emotion felt by our veterans on this most important of days. Len Robinson’s insensitive and cruel actions on this day are at best unpatriotic and at worst an act of pure bastardry.

If the Liberal Party has any sort of integrity, decency, or respect for our veterans, they will expel Len Robinson from the party for this act, which is nothing less than an insult to our troops.


Meanwhile my mates who were at the Aboriginal Anzac Parade (see ) also told me something I thought might have been a mistake... But no, the State Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, The Hon. Victor Michael DOMINELLO, Had NO IDEA ABOUT ABORIGINAL PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY when he became minister of such...

I thought my mates were jocking but actually one of them showed me a tape of the speech, in which the young Michael acknowledges that two years ago, when invited to the parade, after having been parachuted in the job, he had no idea about Aboriginal People... There were a few rumbles in the crowd, but Aboriginal people being one of the most hospitable people in the world, they let this one go to the keeper and applauded the minister's pedestrian speech, as basically, the ignorant cad has their lives in his hands...

I hope he matures and joins the Labor Party quick smart...

But then I discover that Michael, despite his baby looks alla Tom Cruise, is 46 and has been a member of parliament since 2008... What is wrong with these people?...

queen, bible, wars, britannia, loincloths...

The conflicts hyped as the ''history wars'' that raged during the Howard era were not about history, but politics. These ''wars'' were public and polemic mostly because they centered on race, racism and the reliability of the claims of violence in Aboriginal history. Common disputes about sourcing and evidence were inflated into ''battles'' where conservatives flung mud at ''leftist'' historians, accusing them of ideologically driven fraud, and historians alleged amateurism.
Commentators tried to shame historians; politicians tried to shame each other.
Ugly things were said.
In February 2008, Kevin Rudd apologised to Aboriginal people and argued we should ''leave behind the polarisation that began to infect every discussion of our nation's past''. Since then, the ugliness has largely faded.
But we are now seeing strong signs the Coalition may reignite culture wars if it wins in September. According to this rhetoric, the Coalition represents basics, the Queen, calm, Britannia, cheer, Anzac, the constitution, freedom and the Bible.
In the Sir Paul Hasluck Foundation lecture given on September 27 last year, for example, John Howard - still the spiritual leader of federal Liberals - vehemently condemned the new school curriculum, due to be adopted after the federal election, as failing to examine our British heritage as well as ''the historic influence of the Judaeo Christian ethic in shaping Australian society''.
Tony Abbott has made powerful speeches about the need to acknowledge the shameful treatment of Aboriginal people, with words some might even call ''black armband'': ''We need to atone for the omissions and for the hardness of heart of our forebears, to enable us all to embrace the future as a united people.''
But he channelled his former leader in his speech to the foundation this month when he argued: ''There is a new version of the great Australian silence - this time about the Western canon, the literature, the poetry, the music, the history and above all the faith without which our culture and our civilisation are unimaginable.''

Read more:

strata caper...


Residents were furious at council plans to kick them out of their homes, take their land and homes by compulsory acquisition and leave them out on the street. That way, the council could put up high-rise apartments and make a tidy profit.

Also questionable is Liberal Mayor Len Robinson, who has been pushing this sudden rush to up the ante on high-rise apartment development. Len Robinson’s business arrangements are quite hard to track down, as he seems to have been involved in several companies, all of which involved Strata Management. As a result, I have referred this matter to ICAC in the hope that they may be able to get the straight answers residents haven’t yet received as to his business practices since being on council.

At long last, however there is some good news from the council regarding this action.

The Liberal Councillors, including Federal candidate Isabelle White and Jess Diaz – the father of Federal candidate Jaymze Diaz – have heard the cries of the residents, listened to the pleas of the community, and acted in a manner they deemed appropriate.

The bad news is they have now decided to take the local Aquatic Centre as well. Just for good measure.
This is the same conservative (Liberal) mayor who pushed a real digger out of the place to promote a young Liberal (conservative) woman at the last Anzac commemoration... See article at top... Hope the residents see through these Liberals (conservatives) idiots...