Friday 24th of January 2025

oil on the pavement of opinions...

oil on the pavement

Picture by Gus: Like an oil film on a street, opinions can show different colours depending on the slant (or place) of our observation...

But some (all) mass media journalists and paper barons choose to actually THROW the oil on the tar and place you in a particular position to make you think in accordance with their narrow deceptive dictum... Most journalists are chosen to follow the line of their Über bosses... The other journalists of the mass media who think they have some "independence" are actually discreetly fed (by "secret" sources and "leaks") more elements of the greater deception for them to disseminate, with a slightly "different" angle or flavour, but they still contribute to the deceit...

Here, Peter Wicks explains the way the mainstream media operates and shows that it appears that Kate McClymont has fallen into this unfortunate deceitful groove:


Peter Wicks discusses the importance of the mainstream media, its ethics, bias and its exclusion of Independent Australia from the Canberra Press Gallery.

I DON’T THINK that the importance of being a member of the mainstream media can be overstated, it is a huge responsibility.

I should point out from the start that there are many in the mainstream press I greatly admire; too many to name here, but many of them would know who they are.

There are many things that I would see as being crucial as an editor of a main stream media outlet, balance being at the top of that list. Sadly, in Australia, we have seen that fall to the wayside as News Ltd seek to overthrow a government that is rolling out an NBN that threatens their current business model in several areas of their empire, such as print media and Pay TV.

Given that News Ltd control approximately 70% of the press in Australia, this has had a drastic impact on the quality and integrity of the news the public base their opinions around.

We have heard a lot about China’s control of the press and what a terrible thing that is for a society who would like to believe they have some freedom. If you control the flow of information, you control the population’s minds; it’s a relatively simple concept that seems to also work well in North Korea.

I wonder is Australia so different?

Should we refer to Rupert as Chairman Kim Jong Murdoch perhaps?

News Ltd’s main rival Fairfax is now a place where Gina Rinehart has chosen to invest her money, setting the scene for even less balance in the mainstream.

I’m not suggesting that everything reported in the mainstream is false, however it is often skewed in a particular direction by the way it is reported. It is typical of the whole glass half empty/glass half full scenario.

When the Daily Telegraph, for example, are seeking a scientific opinion on global warming, they may ask a climate change sceptic. And when choosing a story to publish, for instance, they may choose to pick one about a Liberal backbencher saving a cat from a tree, rather than a Government minister saving three babies from a burning house — that sort of thing.

Focusing on one side of a topic is another common method. We have all seen the mainstream media splash the so-called skeletons in Peter Slipper’s closet all over the front page, but have had to go online to find out about his accusers James Ashby’s motives and skeletons, or the depth of the involvement of Mal Brough and Christopher Pyne, despite it clearly being in the public interest.

It has been the same for Craig Thomson and the HSU saga. Craig Thomson, who today announced his resignation from the ALP and decision to stand for his seat again as an Independent, has had accusations thrown at him for years — all of which are yet unproven. Meanwhile, however we have hardly seen a thing in the mainstream press about the involvement of self-proclaimed whistleblower Kathy Jackson and the criminal investigations she is under. Nor have we heard anything in the mainstream about her fiancé Michael Lawler, the Tony Abbott appointed vice president of the Fair Work Commission, the organisation that, as Fair Work Australia, performed the investigation into the HSU — conveniently leaving out his fiancée’s branch from investigation during the period she was secretary. Once again, for this information and this side of the story, we have had to go online.

Given that our mainstream news outlets have become, or are becoming mouthpieces for those with a right-wing agenda, it is incredibly important we have other sources of news to provide balance.

One of these media sources, the increasingly popular and influential Independent Australia, was recently denied a position in the press gallery when they approached its current President. This travesty was enough for veteran political reporter Mungo McAllum to send in a letter of support to Independent Australia.

The choice of who should be in or out of the press gallery should be handled by someone who is independent, both politically and professionally — or in other words, someone who doesn’t work for a major media outlet.

You may well wonder: who is the current president of the Canberra Press Gallery?

It should come as little surprise that the current president is an employee of News Ltd, making him about as independent as Tony Abbott or Rupert Murdoch.

His name is David Speers and he is the political editor at Sky News.

In rejecting his application, Speers told Callum Davidson of Independent Australia that

‘Your website appears to be opinion-based rather than a news site.’

Speers would know all about opinion based reporting I guess, coming from the Murdoch media and previously being an employee of the Macquarie Radio Network at 2GB, home of Alan Jones and Ray Hadley.

I find it odd that a site like Independent Australia has seemingly been singled out as being opinion based, while publications like The Australian are still granted positions in the gallery. I guess some opinions are OK.

So a quick glance at the press gallery list shows us that journalists such as Steve Lewis, and Peter Costello’s former press secretary Niki Savva are apparently not be opinion based. Really? I must be imagining things.

When it comes to mainstream media journalists, I think things like truth, balance, checking leads and using trustworthy sources are hugely important, but that’s just my humble opinion.

Unfortunately, not all of us appear to think that way.

Back on 6 May, I published a piece on Kate McClymont’s Walkley Award winning article: ‘Thomson: new credit card claims’.

My post showed that the McClymont piece was completely false in its major allegation concerning the payment of secret commissions and also made other claims that were not only wrong, but really rather ridiculous.

Now an online petition has been started up in a bid to get McClymont to hand back her Walkley Award.

I have signed the petition as I think it does an already failing industry no good at all to reward journalism that is not only wrong, but also based on the word of a questionable witness via a flawed investigation.

Normally, when I post an article, particularly one regarding a HSU matter, I am inundated with correspondence full of criticism, abuse, and people telling me where I am supposedly wrong. Any corrections I make as a result, and there have been a couple in the past, are noted on the article and highlighted — not hidden on a back page in fine print.

However, not one person has been able to point out anything even remotely questionable regarding the McClymont piece. Not one. Not even McClymont herself has come forward to fault it, or respond to my initial queries.

In fact, the only negative comment I have seen came from James Massola who in a fine display of forensically going through the details and disproving my allegations chose to write one word on a Tweet.

That word was “Ha”.

Perhaps it was as much as he thought he could spell without the backing of an editorial team checking over his work?

Maybe it is coincidence that Massola is also secretary of the Canberra Press Gallery?

Massola, like McClymont, works for Fairfax — in fact he works for the Financial Review, which is the only publication that defied Federal Court wishes and chose to publish Kathy Jackson’s affidavit when she was in Federal Court in June last year; I don’t think they published it for comedic purposes either.

Massola however is best known for his outing of the well-known and highly respected “Grogs Gamut” by revealing him as Greg Jericho after a media convention. The outing of Grogs was in no way in the public interest and served no purpose other than to deliberately set about hurting and risking the employment of an online blogger who wished to remain anonymous. No wonder he was slammed all over social media for this act of bastardry.

With integrity like that, I’ll take Massola’s disapproval as a compliment.

I will watch with interest to see whether the Walkley Foundation decides to uphold its credibility, or chooses to cover up this shameful epiode.

In the meantime, if we are to expect having a balanced press in Australia it is vital that we support the Independent press and those who write blogs that we enjoy, whether left leaning or right.

Bias is okay if it is done in a transparent manner; people reading my posts expect them to be left leaning, people reading Michael Smiths would expect them to be right leaning — both of us are open about our leanings.

Unfortunately, it seems we are unable to expect the same from those in the mainstream.

It’s no wonder they lose a little more relevance each day.

(You can follow Peter Wicks on Twitter @madwixxy. Get up to date on IA’s full Jacksonville investigation by clicking here.)


One thing about Kate McClymont is that she was considered a "good journalist" before touching the Craig Thomson affair — which like "many scoops" has been managed with intent. The intent of scoops before and during the Iraq war was to sustain the notion the war was necessary. It was not.

This time the information would have been discreetly "manufactured" and leaked by Liberal (conservative) cronies (Kate Jackson?)..

I suspect McClymont may have suffered from what I call the McBride Syndrome... Doctor McBride did some great work on exposing the role played by Thalidomide into creating unformed babies... His study was a great advancement in science by showing that despite testing on animals, such as rats and mice, some drugs did not affect them but they affected humans badly... Following this great success McBride fell from grace when publishing "fraudulent" results on a study about an anti-nausea drug. I rest my case.


more jacksonville saga...

It has been reported to Wixxyleaks that the wedding has been postponed, however it is not known for how long as yet, or even if it is permanently postponed.

Over the last couple of weeks, there were rumours circulating that Kathy Jackson was indeed wearing white, however not in a bridal sense. The rumours that came from various circles were that Jackson was in a psychiatric facility undergoing treatment.

I did not share these rumours, as last time Jackson was alleged to be in psychiatric care the flowers that were sent to her by her union branch were apparently returned by the hospital because, they said, she wasn’t a patient. Fair to say, I am sceptical.

I cannot confirm the rumour regarding the psychiatric facility, however sources allege Jackson is on heavy medication.

Kathy’s only official role currently is as the National Secretary of the HSU, and she has not shown up for any meetings since July last year. She is currently on extended leave from her HSU role — quite extended it would seem.

As for Craig Thomson, it has emerged that Thomson plans to stand in the next Federal election as an Independent.

Thomson is clearly confident that he will be cleared in court come June, or else he would not be running at all.

Questions raised by Senator George Brandis over his standing while awaiting an appearance in criminal court to answer charges are utterly ridiculous. The election is in September, while the court appearance is in June. Last time that I checked, June came before September, so voters will have around three months to make up their mind after Thomson’s court appearance. My tip would be that if he is found guilty, he won’t be standing, so the fuss will be for nothing.

Also seemingly ridiculous are reports that Thomson did not decide to run as an Independent himself and that the ALP would not endorse him.

Thomson has been an Independent for many months now and if Labor wanted a different candidate they would have pre-selected well before now, I would have thought. Instead, there is still no Labor candidate for the seat of Dobell. I think that tells the real story.

As usual, I will keep you posted as to the goings on in Jacksonville, as there is always something of interest going on.

I should also add, in all sincerity, that if Kathy Jackson is indeed unwell, I wish her a speedy recovery and hope she feels better soon.

(Disclosure: Peter Wicks is a Labor Party member and a former NSW ALP candidate. Catch up on the full Jacksonville saga by clicking here.)