Monday 10th of March 2025

a fairy story with useless purpose...

tony and joe

Opposition treasury spokesman Joe Hockey says it is up to the states and territories to make a case for changes to the goods and services tax (GST), after NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell called for an overhaul.

Mr O'Farrell says the GST formula is broken and he wants to see it reconsidered in the Coalition's proposed tax review.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said in his budget-in-reply speech on Thursday that a Coalition government would release a white paper into Australia's tax system, which could include a review of the GST.

Mr Hockey told Insiders this morning that the onus is on the states and territories to make a case for an overhaul, not the federal government.


Gus: Of course you know that the states ALWAYS WANT MORE MONEY... You can fill in the rest... considering the STATES are mostly of the same colour as Joe and Abbott... Thus Joe's passing the buck is a MASSIVE Dorothy Dixer... A bit like Pontius Pilatus washing his hands of the killing of Jesus, since that's what the Jews wanted...

UGLY JOE IS GETTING UGLIER by lying more and more — as he loses weight...

it does not make sense, fitzy...

The Fitz Files
I'll say it again: in the wake of the news this week that since the carbon tax was introduced last year, ''electricity generated by highly polluting coal-fired power plants had fallen 14 per cent … while renewable power had soared'', why on earth would the Coalition dismantle it to replace it with a proposal that gives ''financial incentives to companies that cut carbon emissions … [to] cost $3.2 billion over four years''? Under the current carbon tax system, the heaviest users of electricity pay the most heavily for it; under the Coalition's system, all taxpayers contribute to bribing the polluters to no longer pollute.

Honestly, does that make sense?

Read more:

vote for him if you want a flogging...

The political risk of their workplace policy is clearly not lost on Tony Abbott. The Coalition’s industrial relations policies run the risk of not just WorkChoices déjà vu, but it also underlines the potential gap between their philosophy, the expectations of the business and the relatively egalitarian values of suburban and regional Australia.

Abbott timed his IR policy announcement brilliantly — just before budget week. This meant analysis of his scheme was limited too just a day or so in the media, leaving his most contentious claims only partially challenged and somewhat forgotten.

Needless to say, Abbott has been treading very carefully on industrial relations – with the help of some handy three word slogans – while he says Australia has a

“…militancy problem, a productivity problem, and a flexibility problem.

read more:

consistent in their stupidity...


The Federal Government has attacked the Coalition over its decision to reject a boost to family tax payments for people with new babies.

Labor announced the increased payments in last week's budget as a measure to replace the $5,000 baby bonus.

The Opposition is set to support the axing of the bonus, but treasury spokesman Joe Hockey says the Coalition will not go ahead with the higher benefit payments.

"We will not support new spending measures from the Labor Government other than those we specifically identify," he told AM.

"And that is not on the list.

"What we're endeavouring to do is to be entirely consistent and our consistency is based on what we have before us, and what we have before us is a budget that's in a mess."



No no, the Labor budget is not "in a mess"... But it's the coalition that is consistent in its stupidity of purpose... which eventually would lead to flog you till you bleed... or loose your job, whichever comes first...


joe hockey's new clothes...

SHADOW treasurer Joe Hockey today used the plight of a relative whose business had gone broke to pledge greater help for small business.

Under a Coalition government small businesses owed money by Commonwealth departments automatically would be paid interest if the bill wasn't settled in 30 days, he said.

Mr Hockey said this new promise of a 10 per cent penalty paid to small business would help the sector survive.

"Small businesses work hard for their money and should not be bankrolling government," Mr Hockey told a National Press Club lunch in Canberra. 

His speech, the first in the Great Hall of Parliament House for a shadow treasurer, focused on small and medium enterprises as he promised fiscal repairs, debt reduction, and an eventual return to a Budget surplus.

He cited his cousin Gus who had called at the weekend to say he was closing his Chatswood, Sydney, menswear shop after 31 years of work.

Read more:




Men's wear? That's always been a hard business to be in, Gus....

Not because of anything else but the industry is fraught with cheap competition, including geezers getting their gear custom-made in China... I know. Back in Europe, in the 1950s, tailors would go down the gurgler because of newfangled stuff — what the Europeans called the "pret-a-porter" or "ready-to-wear confection"...

I hope, of course, that Joe used to be clothed in your shop, Gus... But I have a suspicion, Joe does not shop at Lowes either but shops at Armani now that he's lost a bit of weight...

I could be wrong though, Lowes does good stuff if they fit your size...

I still remember in the 1980s, when business terms of payments in Australia were often 60 days, up to 90 days... I had a customer I had to threaten to steal his Merc's hubcaps if he did not pay me after 180 days...

The delayed payments was not because people did not have the money, but often they waited till the last minute to get their dosh out of high interest bearing accounts... Sometimes they were waiting for another geezer on a 90 days payment to pass on the dosh with regrets...

Meanwhile if joe thinks that a penalty and interest charges would help small business, it pales in comparison to what the Labor party has already given to small business in recent years, including depreciation of vehicles by half on the first year at the height of the GFC. As of 20/12/13, there will be immediate depreciation of asset costs of less than $6,500... plus other small business benefits THAT HAVE NOT MADE FRONT PAGE IN THE NEWSPAPERS of course, as Uncle Rupe controls what you read...

paying on time...

In regard to Joe Hockey, the conservative buffoon in charge of opening doors that are already opened (see his crap comment above this one):


THE Federal Government paid $21,687.38 in late payment interest for the country's small businesses last year but recorded one of its best performances for on-time payment.

An annual survey of government payments shows 96.8 per cent of government payments were made within the promised 30 day time frame, a commitment that has a higher profile in light of cash flow concerns among the country's small businesses.

Read more:


Yep, as usual, Joe is raising an issue that is not an issue and making a mountain out of a dead molehill... But that's his way to get his clown mug and his silly anti-Labor message in the papers...


two speed tax evasion...


A future Coalition government could impose special tax brackets for both individuals and companies as part of Tony Abbott's radical plan to transform Australia's vast underpopulated north into a productive international food-bowl and a major tourism generator.

The Opposition Leader will release his third major election policy on Friday in Townsville, to be titled The Coalition's 2030 Vision for Developing Northern Australia. It follows Mr Abbott's relatively low-impact workplace relations and broadband policies released in recent months.

Declaring the north to be Australia's ''next frontier'', Mr Abbott will promise a discussion white paper which would be completed within the first year in office.


Read more:

Meanwhile the north is subject to cyclones and will be more so with global warming... As well the top soil is very poor so massive amounts of fertiliser would be needed, leading to massive amount of run-off and algal blooms, plus the "agricultural" water would leach salt from the ground as it has done in the Murray Darling Basin...

it would be funny if it was not tragic...


The Federal Government is expected to confirm a deficit of just under $50 billion in its budget update tomorrow.

Labor forecast a $30 billion deficit in its last economic statement before the election and the Government has been warning the budget position has deteriorated.

The new figure will be in the Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO), which Treasurer Joe Hockey will release tomorrow - giving the first hint of what is to come in the May budget.

Before the election, Prime Minister Tony Abbott had committed to return the budget to surplus within his first term, he then shifted that to the first year of a second term.

But now Mr Abbott is not naming a date.

Compare the toon-picture at top and the picture below (16/12/13) and see the difference:

the same picture

The same blokes with the same paper with more bullshit six month later... I was spot on, wasn't I?... Tragic. There are times when one wished to be wrong but then again with these persons who behave like idiots....