Friday 24th of January 2025

flying pigs...

presidential suite...

This is a repeat of part three of the (unabridged unedited) introduction to the book "The Age of Deceit" by Gus, a work still in progress.... 

When actor Mel Gibson allegedly sprouted an insult referring to Jews, to a cop, while being arrested for driving while being drunk, he may have expressed “in vino veritas” a dizzy fluff that we, honest gentiles and Jews alike, feel at odd with, when we contemplate the Jewish “superiority” and its full momentum. Though this feeling of "being-the-one" may have been transferred on to him, via his own religious belief under the headline: the only “truth”… his outburst may have been directed at this extraordinary school — well entrenched now in all prominent political circles, driving the USA, the UK to a great extend, profoundly in Australia by alliance — that uses the Jewish Straussian model of neo-conservatism rule, by association or by desires…

Since time going back to the dawn of civilization, Jews have declared themselves the “chosen” people, The Children of God. Although they claim it was God himself who chose them. Why? Who know? It does not make particular sense but it gives us a great reason to exist.

In order not to be left behind, the Christians have also adopted the same label with value-added tourism concept to go and spread the good news to the rest of the world, spreading like manure on a vegie patch of the vegan people. And the Muslims jumped a bit later on the same treadmill. Whatever suits anyone, says Gus… but could “being the chosen people” be the secret mother of all porkies, especially those of the Neoconservative system? A porkie that is underpinning the values of our activities, of our various associations and of our little wars even those before the crusades: Yes, we can be (and are) better than our competitors.

It would be foolish to start Israel history when it was "reborn" in 1947 with the 1920s’ Zionist movement successful landing, helped by an international community secret desire to elegantly rid themselves of the Jewry (as we know this has been replaced with a reverse effect: the Muslim infiltration of the western world). The layers of time go back to Abraham from whom the three religions of Middle East sprung and are still weirdly “fighting” each other today in many complex and fluxing alliances. All wars of course waged in the name of freedom and justice, but truly in the name of greed: Freedom of Greed, as long as it is Jewish, or that the Jewish gate-keeper takes its cut.

If one looks at a modern map of Israel drawn by Israelis who believe in their rights to exist where they are, one could be amazed but there is no argument: the Palestine, including the Gaza strip, the Sheeba farms and the Golan Heights are firmly included in the state defended borders…

That a concrete wall is being built here and there, that the Gaza strip is “given” back to the Palestinians are mere setbacks in the long history of up and coming Zion. A bit like pulling back to run faster and jump higher so to speak, when the wind is right.

One can see the Palestinians are between a rock and a hard place. The Palestinians could either stop harassing Israel and become, as slowly as the long hour-glass of the days of our lives can take, eventually absorbed by greater Israel since on the maps they already are or they keep on a few extremist attacks that give their frustrations a bit of release. These sand-flies attacks of course are secretly back-fermented by Israel to give itself the high moral ground of retaliation and the “right to defend itself” slowly diminishing the population of Palestinians to a rate of ten to one… Either way the Palestinians are shafted... And in the Arab world Palestinians have very few friends — since the greater stock of greed, Oil, could be upset, thus stop filling the Ali-Baba mega-treasurous caves of little despots.

The march of greater Israel is on, slowly, one little step at a time… Unfortunately, the Sinai had to be given back and the recent spat with Lebanon — that has exposed a small chink in Israel armor — are but broken gossamer threads in the winds of Jewish history… Big threads mind you if you count the money and prestige, but the webs are still being silk-woven in the back rooms by a million newborn spiders.

In these slow and carefully crafted conquests made walking on eggshells with 500 pounds bombs, alliances are made. The Christians and the Jews (the US and Israel), The Christians and the Muslims (the US and the House of Saud) and the Jews and the Muslims (Israel and Turkey). And the Europe also threads some iffy alliances with all to maintain supplies of the good oil… The use of Fundamentalism on all sides provides the fodder necessary to wage wars... Imagine half-hearted soldiers non-committed to perform! They would not die for a flimflam, would they?
Many of these alliances are designed to weaken the Saracens so they never unite again, letting Zion rule on its former empire once again. The empire of course is only that — an empirical and false memory written in the great book of illusions, in which defeats are turned into sins and victories into god’s work. These illusions carefully tendered growing through history to culminate into the superman syndrome that drive big brother, the USA, who can see the great grab at the end of it all. Little things that happen by “accident of the imagination” are rounded up and corralled into masterful purposes. Zarathustra becomes Superman, but to make it palatable and plausible to the masses of poor morons, the fight is disguised as protecting justice and the underdogs, while it is fought for the smart rulers to rule over a greater growing empire…

Of course the sins of the Luthors of this world have to be demonized, evil-ized so that we have no qualms in defending our patch by waging wars in advance. But the real Luthors and the real Supermen are never black and white — as in the comic books or the legends of history… They bleed of the same blood and dream of the same peace… and may be of their own little patch.

It was a strange caravan that saw many Arabic chiefs go to the UN and beg Washington to help stop the war Israel was wagging in Lebanon recently (July-August 2006)… The overt alliance between Bush-the-Idiot and Israel-the-warrior was no tom-foolery. Most of these Saracen chiefs rule like dictator, some worse than Saddam, over their Kingdom of oils and they feared their subjects would start waking up to the drum of their brothers in distress, revolting within, to go and fight against Zion, demolishing the carefully constructed alliances and creating unrest in their own Saracen states… These chiefs deal with their own complex problems, their own divisions between Sunnis and Shia, all praying to the same god via different prophets, but, good bless ’em they amass the greatest of all fortunes that even the richest man cannot dream of… Of course, the chiefs have a weapon in their own lies about their buried resources, the proportional output and the tightening of it that can make a president listen (it did work in the early 1970s).

For us, the ordinary folks that toil our virtues daily, all these greater machinations are above our heads. As long as our comforts and securities are maintained, improved, and that we can drive from A to B, from pump to pump, we do not realize we are the pawns of the greater game — the deadly game in which we kill or die for illusions that our masters implant in our brains. We are distracted by singular purposes — the tits and bums of dolly idols — while the march of history passes us by.

Some fools would like us to believe that the end of the world is nigh… But this deceit suits the greater original porkies of all sins to enforce our fears into tightarse-ing spasms. The spruiks are getting louder and louder, the lies are inflating beyond belief! Will the bubble explode? The theme of Armageddon is implanted in each of us, as our individual lives are finite. The priests of civilization momentum know that and all they have to do is press that button and we bend at the knees to protect the continuum…

All it takes to push for subtle greater conquest, at this moment of history is a bumbling idiot or an extremely clever man to be in charge of the western civilization… I would suggest we have both. Our front man is out of his depth, brain dead, unable to know a cow from a horse, with flashes of surprising self-deprecating humor… But our Bushie is only the dummy of a puppet master whose dream of history is passed-on from secret Doodah to secret Doodah, using the Jewish grail to transmit their Luthorish ways… A unified peaceful world that they own and control… Leo Strauss was one of their prophets…

A Jew I may be or not, a visionary I hope I am not… I hope I have the wrong visions here… trying to mono-phase the future… It is a difficult task that even historians don’t agree upon. History has many connecting hidden strands, like the strings of a complex puppet the face of which distorts like a soap bubble. The flow and ebb of historic machinations can wait another day… The sun is coming up. China, Europe and Russia are also waking up on the same planet. Some slowly, and there are a few minnows trying to also quack… The US Empire is slowing Europe by not releasing its strange hate-love grip on the UK, and relentlessly trying to break the bond between the French and the Germans. Eventually Albion may be cast adrift by Europe, and the English Sausage can become as full of fat as before… The US has favored China to avoid the greater yellow peril spill but in the process abandoned Mexico. Now the Latin America is awakening to its oil power, making new alliance with Russia and Iran…

Cuba, by default may have been the only non-greedy place on earth… watch for the swarms of stinging bees flying there, to pinch the sugar of its sweet flowers to turn it into honey-greedy-pot…

Back to the great Neo-con.

By now, one has to realize that Neo-conservatism is a form of greater “structuralism” with porkie-added value to give it that important flexibility that lacks in any system where “equality” rules solid with a stick (whether it does or not, in reality). This noble lie loosen the adherence to the now elastic principles of the system (whatever the system), via a couple of simple devices that encourages the bum rush — competition (greed) and spruiking (all the form of media including advertising and propaganda), the latter used in the case of Neo-conservatism like a carrot to a donkey — to crown the Dollar-King and create a world of scrambling scrooges. But these are only mechanics… The surfaces of the true ideals are kept to a minimum, because the heart of the greater con cannot be spruiked…

For the lowly priests of this adapted “structure”, everything has a price, including principles. Very early on, many people, especially those with no conscience saw great opportunities to make loads of cash, as the system “created itself” with a bit of push and shove from below, exhumed from the long-tried bases of grab-all kings who had the bigger stick, until finally formulated, — but well implemented by then under the guise of a democratic system — by Leo Strauss. Like in most kingdoms, deceitful psychopath can go to the top, but not exclusively.

For the individual person, money-grab becomes the key motivation for anything that is performed, not the benefit of the group — although this can, and often does or should, come as an extra benefit. The beauty here is that everyone can play positive reinforcement than one is “better” than everyone else. The cultivation of hero and role models, like in antiquity, becomes essential but with complex categories, entities from Superman to pop stars being used daily in the sauce of real news (tailored spruik) to keep the masses amused and dazzled.
Hey? Who in their right mind are going to question the system that provides us with our wants and needs, while political democratic meetings can be so boring compared to an easy night on the tele, where the amusing fodder is already pre-munched for our lazy and tired bones… Isn’t it why so-called junk food is so popular too?… Are we Masochists?

Only a few of us can win the true favors of the illusionary dollar-king, while the rest of the ordinary fodder-making slaves burn their guts out at various level on a strong pyramid of growing greed (including people outside the system, whose lands and resources are appropriated by various subterfuges, for basic energy) hoping that one day they will become top dog… and pigs might fly…

Truth, of course, takes a massive battering in the various increments at which people can be enticed to partake of their money to fuel the higher echelons. Spruiking is the essential ingredient to trample the opposition — and war becomes validated by the system’s needs and is used on many occasions. Nothing new here since Plato’s times nor since Bertold Brecht exposed this nature of business in wars with his play “Mother Courage and her Children”, but the scale at which the Neoconservatives use the spruik to control people, like ditty birds following the flock leader or a herd of lemmings, is mind-bogglingly enormous and fantastically growing.
Media proprietors have an exclusive role to play, maintaining the illusions of worship of stars, spreading the government porkies with variants of truths, and cashing in one of the spruiking tools —advertising. Not all advertising is misleading but most use the power of the illusion to induce desire.
Spruiking is also the sweet process of inflating/disclosing/setting the value of whatever, using various techniques from advertising, propaganda and even “poker-face” playing in certain situations. Yes, better than a priest sermon that transforms our cosmic angst into beliefs and fear of god, spruiking modifies, and even creates, nothing into wants then into needs. This fantastic tool, applied to the desire (and the created need) to rule over a greater kingdom base, to increase the value of the top of the pyramid, leads to the justification for pre-emptive wars. The more we have, the more we “need” to protect, the greater the lies. And all’s well in the best of the growing worlds. Inflation and recessions become little levers to keep the money moving, because without movement of money, there is no profit to be made. The structure would collapse...
The “noble lies” are used to create the illusions necessary both to control the masses within the neoconservative system and bash those outside of it.
The pure magic here is beautifully maintained by throwing in some truths and some reality amongst the lies, so it becomes difficult to know if we have a half-truth or a half-porkie or a fully baked con-artistry. We are far from the notions of Existentialism, in which one accepts or rejects one’s own reality. We are far from compassion, as we divide our takings to give crumbs to charity in an effort that gives us the glow that maintains the porkies. We are told that the government is doing fine with a small surplus of cash while the rest of us is hammered with personal debts that could run a small country. This to make sure we can never be truly free. Neo Conservatism hates pure freedom.

Every bit of information is loaded with a purpose to suit the master viewpoint, but not to explore the ultimate truth or its construct. Thus the Minotaurs and the half-goat-half-people truly exist as, even if some of us cannot believe in these, enough of our population fall into the traps, the webs and sticky lines of deceit, listening to an ever-increasing amount of porkies, coming to you via all sorts of media.

This concept “that everything has a price, including principles” let the USA to become the major home for bounty hunters who traipsed the landscape for reward — not principle, nor justice. You scumbags… And nothing much has changed. The price placed on the head of some of “terrorists” have been so huge, (in millions of dollars), that someone’s high Muslim principles somewhere are bound to crack to the shimmering lure and become a traitor to his boss...
The wandering Jews have been a bit like bounty hunter… traipsing the land for rewards —the holy grail of Jewishdom, the chalice of the savior that never comes, the promised land that is now implanted in realdom Palestine…

Yes, many great thinkers and many artists, analysts of where we are and where we want to go — politically, scientifically and stylistically — have been great Jewish minds or fascinated by the Jewry. Einstein, the two Strauss, and many more have proven solid in structuring the modern western world.

History is full of fantasies that are written on stones, in books and revered in relicts for the only purpose of spreading an idea, right or wrong, beyond the present relationships. The facts of history are muddled with interpretations that could shame Hans Christian Handersen for being too literal to the truth.
There, in the back room of a tailor shop in Pittsburgh or Chicago may be, the Grand Doodah of Doodahs presses the buttons of subterranean history… and more porkies surface somewhere in the world:

From another report:

""""Kosovo has been cited publicly by Israeli officials and journalists since the war began. On August 6th, Prime Minister Olmert, responding to European condemnation of the deaths of Lebanese civilians, said, “Where do they get the right to preach to Israel? European countries attacked Kosovo and killed ten thousand civilians. Ten thousand! And none of these countries had to suffer before that from a single rocket. I’m not saying it was wrong to intervene in Kosovo. But please: don’t preach to us about the treatment of civilians.” (Human Rights Watch estimated the number of civilians killed in the NATO bombing to be five hundred; the Yugoslav government put the number between twelve hundred and five thousand.)

The Pentagon consultant told me [not Gus] that intelligence about Hezbollah and Iran is being mishandled by the White House the same way intelligence had been when, in 2002 and early 2003, the Administration was making the case that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. “The big complaint now in the intelligence community is that all of the important stuff is being sent directly to the top—at the insistence of the White House—and not being analyzed at all, or scarcely,” he said. “It’s an awful policy and violates all of the N.S.A.’s strictures, and if you complain about it you’re out,” he said. “Cheney had a strong hand in this.”

The long-term Administration goal was to help set up a Sunni Arab coalition — including countries like Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Egypt — that would join the United States and Europe to pressure the ruling Shiite mullahs in Iran. “But the thought behind that plan was that Israel would defeat Hezbollah, not lose to it,” the consultant with close ties to Israel said. Some officials in Cheney’s office and at the N.S.C. had become convinced, on the basis of private talks, that those nations would moderate their public criticism of Israel and blame Hezbollah for creating the crisis that led to war. Although they did so at first, they shifted their position in the wake of public protests in their countries about the Israeli bombing. The White House was clearly disappointed when, late last month, Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, came to Washington and, at a meeting with Bush, called for the President to intervene immediately to end the war. The Washington Post reported that Washington had hoped to enlist moderate Arab states “in an effort to pressure Syria and Iran to rein in Hezbollah, but the Saudi move . . . seemed to cloud that initiative.”


Yep… Even intelligence gathering has been supercharged with porkies..

So, back to the beginnings. Since its fiery origins, the Earth has experienced many Aeons, Periods and Ages such as that of Fishes and that of the Dinosaur... Now, we are advised we live in “the Age of Information”... In fact, we have been marooned in The Age of Deceit for yonks. Corruption and deception are part of nature... but as clever humans, we’ve made a full-blown art form of it… Even our rulers may have lost the thread of purpose, a bit like a cat catching a mouse without the hunger-driven instinct, since it was fed with processed crunchy ersatz that same morning. Just tricked by a vicarious pleasure to do it. But I believe somewhere someone has the key to the ultimate secrets. Relative secrets sure, but secrets do not exist if everyone knows them...

So we’ve been tricked by spider-webs that are so hard to see, our face gets full of sticky stuff when we walk through our garden. It’s a deceptive deadly insect-capture apparatus, part of the survival of the spider. We have expanded on the tricks of nature beyond our own knowledge using unbound imagination… We imagine little vibrating gossamers to explain the world and its possible multi-world of pulsating membranes… All this to conquer uncertainty… while time does not really exist.

Yes, corruption happens in nature at the core of life blocks —even in the smallest of energy blocks that are elusive.

So-called genetic engineering is gene corruption. Cloning on the other hand goes against the natural survival necessity of incremental uncertain variety.

Well entrenched in nature, corruption and deception are thus also part of human relationship. We have devised inter-systems to control, managed and encoded corruption and deception, since too much is harmful to our comforts. Nowadays, corruption and deception have become very sophisticated — hidden in their role of axle grease that helps the modern human world spin faster and faster. Spruik, man… spruik… But do not bring in morality and religion into it... please.

Yes, we are fodder as we get dazzled by the sparkling illusion of a magic trick and admire the skill, rather than try to understand the reality, hidden in front of our nose... actually inside of our selves.

The following chapters in this book, "The Age Of Deceit", explores the processes, the reasons, the excuses and the accepted forms of deception and corruption, at all levels — including governments that use spin, decrees, secrets and straight lies to win our trust and beliefs in more cases, detailed as much as possible... and may be with porkies included...

As Murray Bookchin said:

"This challenges the traditional image of evolution, of life pitted against the inorganic world, of society pitted against the natural world, including life itself. It's obvious that we can no longer go back to this very simplistic Darwinian notion of life as a struggle for existence in which there are inorganic or otherwise hostile forces that select the 'fittest.' Fit to what? We are not fit to live in the original atmosphere of this planet, which was anaerobic [devoid of oxygen]. All of these things lead to a very important ethical conclusion that symbiosis, not competition, seems to be the main driving force in evolution."

Gus would suggest a bit of both, more peaceful symbiosis, with much less murders included in the competitive element. While our desires and successes become more and more stylistic — as we peel away from survival — the more sympathetic symbiosis and understanding are needed in our invention.

Neo-con artistry in its association with capitalism is perverse and hypocritical and less of a civilizing factor than woven grass-skirts in the most of primitive society… it’s a return to dog eat dog, so dangerous. Unless… Is this a necessarily development due to the size of our cultural burden that we seem to be entering a chaotic phase of deconstructionism? The greatest tool of human is not the stick nor the wheel, but our imagination. Like most invention have a dark side when placed in our hands, the dark side of imagination is the porkie. We excel at it... and cartooning is the porkie closest to the truth.

The questions now are: Can we do better than that? Should we do better than that? How long have we got before we need to do something different.

Our little planet might let us know sooner that we may care.

Thus ends the far too long introduction to “The Age of Deceit” by Gus Leonisky.

Gus Leonisky

Part one and two can be read at: 

We are part of nature...



Age of deceit

Chapter one (first part)

Welcome to planet Weirdo: Hope and fundamentals


I won't beat around the bush...

More than 30 years ago, the battle was on to save the planet from human disdain and a somewhat massive deliberate ignorance of nature. Many of us went on the barricades...

We must have failed. These days, there has been a frightening expansion of this ignoramus deliberatii and an extraordinary hardening of focused stupidity, in denial of nature, enforcing the destruction of it via many means, including official economic might and illegal operations — as if subconsciously and collectively, "intelligent" humanity as a whole, wished to destroy its own origins.

If you are a believer, you might get offended by my personal ramblings here in this exploration of reality — but the religious fanatic who ignores nature and science, and uses the "modern" technological products from these such as guns and bombs, to beat the crap out of non-believers — or infidels on the other side of their own narrow beliefs system — gets my back up.

Thus dear believing-reader stop here, hold on to your religious guns and go on a crusade against whatever windmills you wish, but preferably start with your own beliefs of peace — if you, your high priest or your church-going president, have declared war on something, including terror... And please fight against your sacred teachings if they've spurred you to a holy war against others for no other reason that your beliefs conflict with theirs. A holy war is an oxymoron. A Jihad is an oxymoron... A Crusade in an oxymoron... Dangerous sure, but oxymoron nonetheless. So, be bloody with your prophets! As the Jehovah witnesses (unless they're Mormons — who knows — I don't pay attention these days, as to the whiteness of the door knockers' shirt) every second day tell me: "beware of false prophets"!... Yes I am beware of all — them included. And please do not shoot this messenger because the journey you are about to embark on — or not to embark on, should you decline — is that of stated scientific evidence in a relative slice of our beautiful universe.

Please note, I am not the first person to present this strongly atheistic viewpoint. Throughout history, many people have lived their lives in the secret cocoon of natural knowledge in relative cosmicity. The few enlightened holistic humanists who tried to be heard above the cackle of religious fanatics — fanatics that included all kings and all popes who controlled what should be accepted or not — were "shut up"... but as you know the Earth is not flat anymore.


Have you ever asked yourself: what is the purpose of religion? Organised religion?
The answer is your own. The question itself is a hard one to fully grasp in its grand horror — especially if one is coming from an already loaded mind that answers everything from a religious viewpoint.

"We are the children of God... "We are the Chosen People..." "Allah is Great..." The spider webs are set.

Although there are many forms of spirituality, there are three main organised religions, with variants, that have taken over the minds of three-fifth of the word's population. The Christians, the Jews and the Muslims. All these come from Abraham's descendant in the Middle East, itself a product of rising civilisations, becoming adept in symbolising interpretations of life. Now, all these religions claim to have captured the direct phone-line to God, all claim to be the only way to Him (Her? It?) despite some feeble attempts at impossible Ecumenical meeting points. The respective adherents of all three fight each other to the death under the banner of His (her? Its?) name... for supremacy... for control... for power. Of course, there are moderate people amongst these — people who do not wish to war and accept that others have the right to believe what they will, but by being there, these moderates support, willingly or not, the fanatics, extremists and fundamentalists — although they might deny it.

Thus, "we" glorify God to glorify ourselves in humble resemblance to this master of the universe we do not know — and also to deny our natural origins, because... because we cannot be clever monkeys, can we?... But denying our natural origins is like denying we are actually living on this planet. Thus we live on planet "Waitingforheaven" or "Dieinmartyrdom" or planet "Waitforthe-secondcoming"... It's a weird planet. It's actually planet Ignoramus in total disguise. If aliens or a few trumpeting angels came by accident, they'd think this planet is inhabited and ruled by nuts — nuts that are hell-bent in destroying each other... and their mother Earth for a buck, calling her a "purgatory" or a slut, or a strange place to expunge the "sins" we did not commit... and that's a sad story. In "Forbidden Planet" — that major movie that revolutionised science-fiction on the silver screen — very superior intelligent beings destroyed their fabulous-selves accidentally by artificially augmenting their intelligence, but at the same time growing their dark subconscious to the point it became a monster killer. At this level, we are but miniature ankle-bitters, but we still find the sharp knives, the stones or the boiling water on the stove that will kill us and our mother in whatever order of destruction we can manage.

Is this human-nuttery part of nature's own secret path to an unthinkable evolution? or are we simply nutsos?


Any religious person who accepts the evolution theory is a fence sitter — a worry. An uncommitted nut who's avoiding the conflict between the fairy tale of creationism and the reality of what's out there by blending the unblendable... Yeah... But why in hell do we need this illusion of being fallen angels rather than being silly beasts on the way to a better mortal life?

Any religious fanatic who does not accept or does not try to understand the theory of evolution is a fruitcake too. If that religious fanatic decides to impose his or her views using violence, brainwashing techniques or war, that fanatic is bloody dangerous. That's my view. Hey I am not here trying to pussyfoot nor to convert anyone but to expose the hypocrisy of crooked usage of beliefs like a Christianity that explicitly forbids the killing of anyone but will be used to wage crusades and wars led by knights and a moron of a god-bothering President leading you to death from his comfort zone. This unethical duplicity gets my back up. I am also here exposing the narrow-mindedness of other religions like the Muslim religion or the Exclusive Brethren that brainwash reality out of young impressionable mind, creating fanatics specialising in not knowing the true nature of things. Curiosity in analysis and synthesis is the essence of intelligence. Uncertainty is our lot. Dogma is vile.

We and they are demanding tolerance? Sure as long as they let me speak.

Four billion years ago, something weird happened accidentally. In the turbulent cooling of the earth (formed by sidereal aggregation of matter about one billion years before that — at the level in the solar system in which particular elements would assemble — see Laplace's work on the subject), in the complex and acid soup of the cooling sludge, a few elements "crystallised" together in small molecules and the firsts of enzymes* appeared. The rest is the history of evolution. A picture that science can paint reasonably clearly from evidence in the rocks and other sources, including genetics — a picture that can be mathematically painted even as far back as one millisecond from an event referred to as the "Big Bang", about 15 billion years ago... Theory! theory! I hear some of you shouting, etc..... But the truth is that the exploration of our universe via probes journeying millions of kilometres and the understanding of ourselves via medical techniques, including cloning all compute back logically to these defining moments. No fairy tales here.

So why are we so afraid...? Why are we so callously massively resisting this greater line of origins that whatever good fancy book — Bible or Quo-ran — can deliver? A world made in six days? Loosing a paradise for eating an apple? The fight between "good n' evil"? A black stone set in the corner of a building (a stone that is not the original black stone since the first one had been stolen by another kingdom's thieves?). A short journey, from a person dying on a cross? A civilisation built on guilded statues and grandiose monuments?... Virgins awaiting at the table?


Yes ultimately we are at the mercy of this universal angst, that greater mystery we cannot fathom... Uncertainty... Why? Why are we? why are we here? Why are we on this little planet that looks like a pinhead, in a dark concert-hall, when seen from the edge of the solar system, itself tinier than a tiny blimp in the scheme of things in an unfathomable universe where we measure distances in millions of light-years. Is this an illusionary place where science works? ...No! This is the real space-time line in which we live our short consciousness as individuals but are part of the continuum of life from about three and half billion years ago, via our genes in evolution, since these enzymes started to build complex acidic-proteins that became self-duplicating.

It took approximately another half a billion years to generate fully dedicated independent cellular units that could "feed" from the soup and duplicate themselves properly from that first accident(s) of molecular construct. The scientific record shows the earliest "life-forms" we can be certain of — although there would have been many other minuscule "formats" like primitive viruses. These geologically recorded early "life-forms" are stromatolites, blue-green algae that colonised shallow sea and built layers upon layers of themselves as the lower layers died-off, while collecting sediments for "food" (suspended mineral substances used in the duplication of themselves and in the construction layer of their "space")... this was approximately three and a half billion years ago (North Pole, WA*). And there are stromatolites still living today in special environment in which more recently evolved "creatures" cannot graze upon them, Shark Bay in Western Australia where the salt concentration is too high and Yellowstone National park where sulphur concentration is also too high for "newer" life-form to survive.

We have entered the world of the small earliest creatures, many of these would have been unicellular or protein without a casing... eventually, changes in the environment and the complexities in the construct of these molecules let to more complex unicellular "beings".

Via accidental encounters, varied symbiosis happened between some of the "newly developed" various origins and branches of these "beings"... some symbiosis died off, some flourished... Evolution is one pace forward and one zillion unproductive steps... It took nearly another THREE billion years for the first "sea creatures" to appear from that soup of evolving protozoarians... By then, a few distinct simple animals and plants formed, by cellular associations that gave a greater power of survival in which movement or stability was the key to success in a particular environment. There are still a few "basic" sea creatures living out there and I do not mean monsters of the deep but some strange animal species, some that are only a stomach — a large colony of cells that capture sediment or bits of other life form to survive and eventually sexually multiply by producing two distinct gametes. With the process of survival in evolution, two important factors come in early, even in the days of the "soup": Aggressiveness and receptivity… Without receptivity, food (molecules that were suitable) would not be "absorbed nor digested" and without aggressiveness food would not be captured... These two characteristics of being are at the basis of our every move, including in deceit and in corruption. And cannibalism… More of that later.

The sexualisation within species did happen with "beings" becoming too complex for just a basic cellular split, with cellular specialisation in a unit, but many, like plants, retain this "cellular cloning" ability and we have too, to a certain point in our "stem" cells. These are basically genetic whole blueprints of ourselves once our eggs are fertilised. These stem cells cannot develop in other places than within a protected environment and the group of increased-specialisation cells which they — the stem cells — create (creating complex structure of various organs) or in specific protected conditions which excite many researchers with a Petrie dish — while religious believers are frightened this process could demonstrate the true origin of life. But I am going ahead of the evolutionary line here.

Thus about 570 million years ago slowly started a "greater life under the sea"... Animals became bigger and more "ferocious" while breeding more and more. Many species came and went... Using these two important factors, aggressiveness and receptivity, some did better than others. Sexual activity needs a certain aggression and a certain receptivity...

About 400 million years ago, a few sea-weeds and sea-plants managed to survive outside the sea edge and starting to colonise land, developing characteristics that led them to retain water during dry time, and capture water from the ground via a root system and through their "leaves"... these earliest land plants have been found fossilised in the geological record. At the same time, some species of fish (some known as Devonian fish — impressive fossils in the geological record) developed and these can also be found between 400 and 350 million years. As you know, there is no life that can survive without water... Some animal species can survive with not much, but ALL need water.

By the Triassic period, starting 245 million years ago, weird fishes started to invade the land under the evolutionary guise of amphibians since there was by now a great abundance of "vegetal" food on land drenched with rains... and soon many of these creatures evolved to survive on land alone... See these strange creatures (not part of the original "amphibians” but a good comparison) that still exist today such as lung fish, salamanders, frogs and the like. Some became carnivores since there was abundance of easy "living" proteins to capture. This grand invasion of the land by "animals" took place AFTER the Carboniferous period, a time of luxurious "primitive" plants responsible for much of our coal and oil resources, although some coal and oil also formed later on. Had this animal invasion taken place at the same time, many coal seams would be but thin as one layer in puff pastry, or huge seams of fossilised dung... And a lot more carbon would have graced the skies... Earth as we know it would be a hot bloody place...

It's only by mid Cretaceous, about 90 million years ago that "modern" plants — the flowering plants — really took hold and started to spread with a greater vigour due to their more efficient reproducing ability and also coping more with various climatic environments. The "second wood*" in plants which had appeared in primitive plants mostly during the Permian period (286-245 million years ago) was by now allowing the massive flowering trees as we see today. "Living fossil trees" like the Wollomi pines are remnant of earlier family lines which did not evolve much from the Trassic period (245-208 million years ago) onwards... "unevolved" Cycad families also go back to these times. Most pines trees are more "modern" adaptation of pines from these earlier times too.

Dinosaurs came and went, between 200 million years ago and about 65 million years ago... The extinction of these massive (there were some small ones too but the big ones tickle our childish imagination —and they did start smallish anyway) animals is still controversial today... Many scientists think that a huge meteorite hit the earth and changed the environmental conditions. They could not survive... But most scientist also think that is was not that simple: despite the massive extinction, not only that of the dinosaurs, there had been a massive evolutionary step, adaptive accident of course in the scheme of things. Smaller animals, such as earliest mammals were able to survive better... feeding their young from their own body fluids rather than leave them fend for themselves as soon as exited from an egg, fluffing their lives in a hostile environment. Meanwhile what puzzled the scientists was that although the meteor that crashed in the earth was a precise moment recorded through most of the rocks around the world, it took another one million years for the dinosaurs to become extinct...

And during all these evolutionary and extinctionary steps of life, the continents were slowly wandering on the surface of the earth... Pangea and Gondwana were breaking up, broke up and some of the pieces slid across the globe... And climes changed from hot to cold and vice verso...

India — called the sub continent because it is not part of the Asian "plate" — was but a sliver of Gondwana (southern super-continent) that separated from Antarctica about 90 million years ago and hit Pangea (northern super-continent) at "high speed" (for a huge piece of rock) and formed the Himalayas... Australia, separated last from Antarctica about 45 million years ago and still moves northward at 7 centimetres per year... leading to some huge earth tremors and the daily earthquake along the New Guinean and Indonesian line...

How do we know all this? Simple my dear Watson... well not really but scientists who study the geological record in detail — and I mean in precise DETAILS — can see precisely the same rock formations and the same imprints of evolution (SAME fossils) in specific places that give an extraordinary clear picture of the past continental puzzles... How can we be sure of the dating? The dating processes are varied but more accurate than the clock on railway square tower... Within a few thousand — sometime only hundred years — over millions of years — the margin of error is thin. In evolutionary time, it is insignificant. Earlier at the beginning of the 20th century the time lines were out of whack but carbon dating and nuclear decay was not available... From the mid 20th century onward, scientists have been able to pin-point with "frightening" accuracy, all events along the earth history.

Why do we need to know all this? Because this is nature. The result of all these transformations, extinction and changes in "evolution" brought us to be from great ape stock from the dark forest of Africa three million years ago. There is no shame in that... It's a beautiful event. Our genes are so close to that of chimps that it's fascinating. 96 per cent at least are the same. But wait, there's more! Some plants have genes that are more complex than ours! Some animals too! whoa!

Does that mean that they are superior? Superiority of size or complexity is an edgy concept... Nearly a wrong idea, as even in a jungle where fierce survival fights can take place, the survival of ALL species depends often on the survival of only one, any one in the group of competing species. Consider for example a computer program that is evolved from a basic line of command, with bits being added on, to give it more features… Eventually the steps needed to drive this stack of commands slows it down. To go from A to Z, the process goes A to B to C to D etc when eventually it reaches Z. Some programs can be rewritten less step-complex so that they can go from A to Z in a flash.

Despite our tremendous adaptability, some species might survive better if our environment changes. Our species might die. So... it means that there is diversity in life's forces — the amazing enzymes that crystallised 4 billion years ago and gave a blue print to an amazing molecular evolution that is DNA, our genes and the genes of all creatures...

In the early sixties when my dad had cancer, I "flippantly" proposed, but was serious about it, that many cancers were due to enzymes. This in the sense that the wrong enzymes could get out of hand, knowing that enzymes ARE catalysts... Joke apart, I also could see that "new soap powder loaded with enzymes" were destroying my socks or making them beyond slimy, if I left them in the wash for more than a couple of days... These days many cancer research laboratories are closely studying the behaviour of enzymes...


So how come a molecule can create what we call consciousness?

Here starts another journey, a complex but fascinating journey of memory, memorial increments and reactivity... For humans this is played out in uncertainty but still under the umbrellas of aggressiveness and receptivity, like for all other creatures... But the greater ability to perceive uncertainty has given us the ability to chose purposefully rather than just reactively although the line between both is very thin...

As a species, we thus have diversifed, not in our animality, but in our choices of associations via our management of aggressiveness and receptivity. We have created various cultures that are resonance of this management in specific environments … Most of this management, through our history has been accidental and responsive to “need”.

Rulers have come and gone by the power of the sword and their ability to lie.

We can do better than that...


End of part one-chapter one "Age of deceit" (book, unpublished, by Gus Leonisky..)



a few embarrassing sackings today...


The Pentagon has sacked a high-ranking US general in charge of hundreds of the country's nuclear weapons, citing a "loss of trust and confidence" in his leadership and judgement.

Major General Michel Carey was serving as the commander of the 20th Air Force, and has been under investigation for several months over allegations of personal misbehaviour.

"The nuclear deterrence mission is one of great focus and discipline. Personal behaviour is vital to that, especially from a commander."

The US Air Force's management of the three intercontinental ballistic missile wings has come under intense scrutiny in recent months after 19 missile crew members at an air base in North Dakota were decertified after a poor showing in a March inspection.

In August, another air base in Montana got a failing grade in its inspection, which cited "tactical-level errors during one of several exercises".

The Air Force denies the inspections had anything to do with General Carey's removal, which comes just two days after the Navy fired the deputy commander of US Strategic Command - which oversees America's space operations - due to gambling issues.

Vice Admiral Tim Giardina had allegedly been caught using counterfeit gambling chips at a casino.

Last week, another two Marine generals were fired for failing to properly defend a base in Afghanistan from a deadly 2012 Taliban attack.


meanwhile at the futbol:


Socceroos coach Holger Osieck has been sacked following a 6-0 thumping at the hands of France in Paris.

The Australians were hammered 6-0 by Brazil in Brasilia last month, and on Saturday morning (AEDT) the national team had another horror show against the French at Parc Des Princes just eight months before the start of the World Cup.

The move came just four months after Australia qualified for the World Cup with a 1-0 win over Iraq.

Since then, the Socceroos had scored just five goals and conceded 19 in five matches, including losses to Japan, China, Brazil and now France.

Football Federation Australia (FFA) released a statement on Saturday (AEDT), confirming Osieck's contract had been terminated.

"The decision was taken after an internal review of the 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification campaign and the international matches played since, including the 6-0 defeat to Brazil on 6 September and the 6-0 defeat to France earlier today," FFA chairman Frank Lowy said.

He said the long-term interests of Australian football were paramount in making the change.

"The decision is based on the longer term issues of the rejuvenation of the Socceroos team and the preparations for the World Cup and the Asian Cup," he said.


Nearly 400,000 people have been evacuated from their homes in India as one of the largest cyclones the country has ever seen bears down on the east coast.

Heavy rain, strong winds and large waves are lashing the coast as Cyclone Phailin sweeps through the Bay of Bengal towards the states of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh.