Friday 24th of January 2025

dear leaders...

the dailygraph...t

I was appalled by the (retired) general's aggro while being interviewed last night on Lateline. I have met Nazi people with more compassion.

The general was strongly in favour of "turning the boats around" but was not prepared to tell how the Navy could do this "because if you reveal your tactics then the enemy adapts" as the core of his appalling stone-hearted diatribe...

Apparently he had voted for Rudd (Kevin07) but now was supporting the very "decisive Coalition" action... Asked if he was politicising the Asylum seekers issue, he said so in a few words... 


Apparently, Retired Major General Jim Molan was in charge of Australian troops in that duplicitous hypocritical war on Iraq that was waged under false pretences. The Aussie might have held precariously to the higher moral turf there (more like a tiny muddy island in a sea of rubbish) when the world was alerted to abuses and porkies by the Yanks. 
One has to remember that the SAS troops were in Iraq BEFORE the war had "been declared" (the war was never officially declared, just rockets starting to fall on Baghdad one night, especially on a restaurant where Saddam was supposed to have dinner (!) as if the big guy was going to a restaurant knowing the US was about to attack him any minute of their choosing). 
The role of the SAS was to "neutralise" a "WMD-making/storing CEMENT factory in Iraq near the border with somewhere, TWO WEEKS before the main fireworks... So they got the US Airforce of the no-fly zone to make a few swoop over the "factory", breaking the sound barrier as if the place was being bombed... The frightened people inside ran out into the night and were collected by the Aussie SAS who soon discovered the factory was only making CEMENT — nothing else, despite Iraqi soldiers defending it and not surrendering... So much for "intelligence"... This silly op of course was glorified, of course, but I believe there were a few red faces, unless this became the legend of a cock-up well done...
The "turning the boats" around in international waters, no matter the tactics used, is an act of piracy... that would have a great chance of ending up in tragedy... 
The steely-eyed general was also telling us how he would tell his good "friends", the Indonesians, (he speaks Indonesian I have been told) what to do to stop the boats at their end... Including messages from the Australian government telling "illegals" that they would be harshly punished" — which the Australian government has been doing anyway in very public advertisements... But according to his generalship, previous-Rudd (before Julia) had given some sugar to the issue... whatever that meant... 
If you know Indonesia — nearly everything there works on "corruption"... It's not corruption as we know it but everything has a secret price tag including extraneous facilitating payments that are not regarded as "corrupt"... but would be seen in our country as bribes. 
Let me say here again, if you want to "stop the boats", there was only one solution: Malaysia. The way Julia Gillard has structured this was far more humanitarian than any other solution so far... But the bleeding hearts and the bleeding heart industry, including the Greens, would not have a bar of it... So boats are coming.
No matter who is in government now, one has to show how Christian one is... So far the COALition mugs have the least Christian spirit in their hearts, especially that little shit Abbott who, unlike a Pontius Pilatus, is prepared to magnanimously take the death of people as his responsibility whatever that means: 

"Opposition Leader Tony Abbott says he will take responsibility for any deaths at sea as a result of the Coalition's policy of turning boats back to Indonesia.

In an interview with the ABC's 7.30 program, Mr Abbott was asked whether he was prepared to have deaths at sea "on his conscience".

Mr Abbott responded by saying that "obviously I will take responsibility for what happens on my watch, but the important thing is to stop the boats".

Indonesia has publicly signalled it does not like the Coalition's plan to turn asylum seeker boats around.

But Mr Abbott told 7.30 that the Howard government did not seek permission for its asylum seeker policy, and if it had been done before, it could be done again."


How Christian of Tony to decide NOT TO wash his hands of dead people!... What does this means? The dead people would still be dead and little shit would still be there with his hands on his heart... Is there some hidden secret boat sinking that has been hidden from us during the Howard years?... Little Shit Abbott throws popularistic rhetoric with no meaning... except institutionalised NASTINESS... Very nasty nastiness...

Note: unless I misunderstood what was said, the retired general has placed the death of 500 asylum seekers lost at sea as the fault of Labor... Please realise that more than 300 of these died on the SIEV X DURING THE HOWARD YEARS (2001)... What happened? Who knows... Was there a secret "turn the boats around" policy then, the one that Little Shit Abbott refers to as "it could be done again"?...


the cover of the dailygraph...


dear wordly corruption...

One person in four has paid a bribe to a public body in the last year, according to a survey carried out in 95 countries by Transparency International.

The poor record of some African nations on bribery stands out. Sierra Leone has the highest number of respondents admitting to having paid a bribe - 84% - and seven out of the nine countries with the highest reported bribery rate are in sub-Saharan Africa.

The countries with the lowest reported bribery rate are Denmark, Finland, Japan and Australia, they all have a bribery rate of 1%.

corruption map — BBC

This map placed here in relation to Indonesia and people smugglers... read top article.

read also: