Saturday 25th of January 2025

the dollipotts...


an open letter to voters...

Open letter to Liberals (CONservatives)....

You may not have noticed but changes are afoot...

So let me appeal to your better nature... 

In general, Liberal (conservative) people such as you are not a bad bunch... Lovely, smiling, gregariously enjoying life within your clique are sharing crumbs with the less fortunate — as long as your skin is white... Sorry, this was not called for...  Not all of you fit the description of my last nasty quip (though I've met a few of youse who...), and on average, the numbers add up and you are a decent sort of people.

But for some unexplainable reasons, the people you elect as leaders of your mob are dorky, narky, nasty, cunning though intellectually-bypassed and quite idiotic in their ideology. I can't believe that they represent your views...

Take climate change — or global warming as it should be known — for example. Unless your eyes are covered with spud skin on your lightly sun-tanned zucchini-creamed head at most times, you would have noticed a few things... Yes I know, it's fracking freezing in Sydney at the moment... (yet if you study averages, the temp is still above "normal" and the humidity has gone through the roof)... But if you keep your eyes wide open while you're skiing in Aspen or in Switzerland, you would have noticed that the glaciers have retreated... The big melt is happening everywhere except in a few places where the humidity has increased the rate of snowing with temperatures going up. It seems the skiing season in Aussieland is a bit limited this year, yet again... I expect though there will be some snow in Katoomba in mid-September... Anyway, it's global warming, mate.... It's not crap, it's not a fallacy, it's not a passing illusion... It's real. And it's fast.

Your dear crappy leader, Tony Abbott, is not up to speed on this issue, is he?

And talking about speed, what about "his" broadband internet policy that is specifically designed to use 19th century copper technology... I say "his" because in order to sideline his major contender to the throne, Tony has given Turnbull the task of unpicking Labor far superior NBN and to come up with a crappy illusion of an internet... Why not go back to the days of semaphore? You know the tall white post with a cross-bar at your local sailing club where they hoist the flags to welcome guests aboard your 80 foot yacht... Please take your white shoes off... and get that deck-hand to polish this slightly tarnished stainless steel fitting...

Now, there is a nanny bonus lurking on Tony's books... On paper this would seem like a good idea... Get a nanny for bubby while the wife (or hubby) goes to work... I admit to have known many a discreet nannies of people who became super-powerbrokers and these men turned out fine, later in life...  But it's a bit rich... really. While mummy was out there sipping cocktail and playing tennis at twilight after a day on the Schiff, the bub was already in bed... Does not make sense really... In the modern world, the good woman would be working 8-hour shift in a stinking factory and her wage would be less than the nanny gets paid to play with bub?... Why not send the nanny to the factory and pay mummy to play nanny?

Ah, I see, the nanny bonus is designed for the power women, the executive women who just had a kid (or twins) and now want to go back into the corporate world... isn't this a bit elitist?... I know, we need more women in the top echelons of society, but does the poor have to subsidised this exercise?... Okay, Tony said he would get the cash from a levy on rich industries' profits, to which the rich industries — his mates — told him to sod off... Thus the nanny bonus is likely to come from the child-care policy — the poor people's and all people's helping hand...

The children policy of the Labor party is far more equitable and has some flexibility for people doing shift work, including child care that does not cost the earth. 

I know... I know. Most of the swinging voters dream of starting a narcissistically filthy rich dynasty in a gated mansion behind tall walls, with private tutors... That's the sort of dreams wheeled out on the telebox: Is she going to marry him and is he going to loose his massive inheritance should he marry her?... But why did she come back, anyway?... Was there a lot of y or why in this paragraph?... 

I can see you, you — the Liberals (conservatives) — the most generous people on earth when you go to a function to buy something you don't need in order to support a charity. My hat to you. So why do you support a moron of a leader with a nasty side-kick who want to perform real acts of piracy on the high seas?... I have seen the likes of them, with nasty moustaches and well-pressed uniforms during the war — the big one, you know... 

I can remember people like Tony Abbott benefiting from Whitlam's education policies... But people like him also supplemented their free education with elitist mantras in private schools and colleges... Nothing wrong with this... There, in dusty magical rooms like those of the Harry Potter wizard, one learnt to become a gentle patronising bastard. Unfortunately, Tony lost his ways and forgot the gentle side of this superior education which encourages the use the elitist force, wisely... So why do you support a swine, say a little Pyne who could not care two hoots about class sizes nor the numbers of teachers, as long as the bible and the tikish-view of history is taught as the mainstay of our social values? In secular public schools?... Ugly whitewash of events and regression into the 1950s... Even the pope is more progressive.

Now, business is you forte... 

This is the way you make your money and employ people to the effect of making things that then you sell to other people for profit... But these days, making things is a bit passé... It's easier to shift money around from one honey-pot to another, while not breaking anything. it's a process you call investments. No beef here. It's risky like a roulette table at a Jamie Packer's casino though you know that in the end it's a gamble with the certainty of building his casino at Barangaroo, because hell what, you're going to piss money in the government's coffer. 

An offer to good to refuse. mate... But two problems of doing business is red tape and taxes... You, the Liberals (CONservatives) are certainly a fair bunch of people and you can only acknowledge that Labor has reduced your tax burden and given you incentives on depreciation — despite some extra tax added to control CO2 emissions and the mining sector, now crying poor after getting away with profitable murder... 

Cutting the red tape is one of the mantra of your dear leaders... Now, you would acknowledge that when playing sport, one needs a referee — though sometimes theses are a bit blind — otherwise the game would degenerate in a brawl... 

Most of the business red tape is like a referee on a playing field... It's designed so that, in the scrums or rolling mauls, all play fair... No eye gouging. No kicking in the shins allowed... No destruction of the turf nor of the planet (ahahah)... I know one can pay bribes to the referees... but in general red tape is there to minimise foul play and damages. Yes I know, Competition in business is a breeding ground for sneaky cunning foul play... So your leader's hidden industrial policy is a nasty piece of work...

So here we explored a few issues on which your dear leader is a nasty dork. Of course when studied in detail, ALL his policies are those of a nasty sharky dork... So why are you supporting him? Makes you look like a bunch of nasty bigoted brutes, despite your generous dosh...

So... Vote for the other cunning bastard... At least his policies are far fairer for all, are progressive and will benefit you better in the long run... And the populace love him like Napoleon. Why fight the tide by digging a sand pit?...

With Labor, you'll still be able to stay on top of the wood pile without having to appear despotic and hold the high moral ground for once... Remember: use elitism, wisely... Vote for Ruddy...

Gus Leonisky


He would rather drown children...

From Bob Ellis

I WAS RIGHT, of course. Labor will now win in a landslide, and the Liberal Party dwindle. And it may not gain power, federally, again. And I always knew this, but I did not realise Rudd, rather than Carr or Shorten or Plibersek or Clare or Beazley or Gillard, would be the leader when it happened.

I knew it would happen on policy, and so it has occurred. I was the only commentator to think this, out of hundreds. I was the only backroomer, out of thousands. Why Labor people gave up the struggle, like Faulkner and Melham and Ferguson and five hundred sombre young people of my acquaintance, is a mystery to me.

It’s worthwhile saying what happened in the last five days. Morrison showed he was mad. He would rather drown children than save them. He would rather shoot refugees than hear their case, and he said so.

This utterance ruined the Liberal Party, maybe forever. It showed that on this, their core issue, they didn’t know what they were doing. Morrison was not sacked — nor was Julie Bishop, who contradicted him.

And a great sea-change occurred. Let me explain the reasoning of this.

I used to say that all couples ‒ and all married couples ‒ play, as long they are together, a single game. It’s ‘who’s the doctor and who’s the patient?’ Sometimes the woman is, and sometimes the man. Sometimes the relationship survives the changeover, sometimes not. Sometimes the changeover occurs many times.

This is easy enough to understand.

And Labor and Liberal have been playing this game too. And, for a long time, the Abbott Liberals were winning.

Labor was a neurotic mess and the Liberals ‒ the doctor ‒ would kindly assist them into the wilderness where they would heal them, hopefully, of their grievous wounds. They did, directly, with Thomson and Slipper. Poor men, they might self-harm. Maybe they should resign.

And now, after Morrison’s Tampa rant – hold off the heathen at gunpoint and if the low-bred Batavians won’t have them, then let there be war on their infidel country – it is clear that the Liberals are the patient, verging on madness, and Rudd and Carr and Clare and Burke ‒ who look like casualty surgeons ‒ will assist them, after sedation, into their necessary convalescence.

It is a game the Liberals now have lost, and Morrison was the trigger. They look crazy now, and everything they do – refusing the debate, demanding an election, now, now – which in other contexts would have seemed but a tactic, makes them look crazier still.

They are the patient, now, and Labor is the doctor, and they have lost the great game. And they have lost the future.

And the vote, as I have said, will be Labor on 56.8 per cent two party preferred. And this means a loss of twenty-three seats, including most of Queensland, and an upshot of Labor 100, Coalition 43, Green 1, Palmer 2, Katter 2 and Wilkie 1.

liberal elitism...

Tony Abbott's policies reveal him to be in thrall to the voices of wealth and privilege, and for all his claims of conservatism, he is actually leading a party that does not believe in community, writes Tim Dunlop.

Despite it being rather fashionable to say that Mr Abbott doesn't have any policies, the fact is, he does.

As Andrew Tiedt pointed out in a recent article, there's quite a few of them, even if many them have not been properly costed, let alone subjected to public scrutiny.

Let's look at some of what Mr Abbott is offering.

There are those policies aimed squarely at disadvantaging workers and the least well-off. So, for instance, an Abbott government would reinstall the Australian Building and Construction Commission and its draconian policing of Australian building sites. It would close down the Low Income Superannuation Contribution, which would leave the 3.6 million lowest paid workers in the country worse off, to the tune of around $4 billion.

Mr Abbott is working hard to distance himself from the memory of WorkChoices, but his workplace policies are already hinting at a move in that direction. The policy provisions he has released undermine collective agreements and shift workers back towards individual contracts, key elements of WorkChoices. They weaken the safety net provided by the current Better Off Overall Test (BOOT).

The Opposition Leader has hinted that penalty rates may also be dismantled, saying, ''I am confident that if the government were to back, for argument's sake, applications to the Fair Work Commission for adjustments in this area it may well be successful.''

There are those policies aimed at undermining the social services on which many rely and which help balance the needs of the wealthy against the least well-off. Like Campbell Newman in Queensland, the aim isn't to simply cut the services; it is to sack the people who run them and let them collapse from neglect. Mr Abbott said in his budget reply speech that he would get rid of 12,000 federal public servants. He has "strongly endorsed" Mr Newman's actions in Queensland.

Then there are those policies aimed at simply redistributing national wealth upwards. Thus we have the abolition of the mining tax and the cancellation of the carbon tax. Whatever other reasons are given for these policies, their net effect is to make the rich richer and to leave less money for surpluses, services and infrastructure investment.


read articles above...

not freaked out...
