Saturday 25th of January 2025

the da murdochi code

rupert's broad brush
The company much prefers the Coalition's less costly but also less ambitious national broadband strategy. News Corp newspapers have reported the numerous failings and cost-over-runs of the NBN in hundreds of stories.

Although the Coalition's alternative is less costly, it offers an inferior capacity for downloading content at a time when consumer demand is shifting dramatically towards content-on-demand and content via computers.

This shift is reflected in the enormous run-up in the shares of the market leader in content-on-demand, Netflix. Shares in Netflix closed at $US246 (A$276) in New York on Friday, a prodigious run-up from its $52 price a year ago. Netflix now has a market valuation of $US14.5billion compared with $3 billion a year ago.
Foxtel has responded to this threat by launching its own content-on-demand product, FoxtelGo, and is launching an online-only version, FoxtelPlay.
Foxtel's co-parent, News Corp, is engaging in a more structural response.

It wants to kill the NBN threat at its ultimate source - Kevin Rudd.

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if they were run over by a bus...



But imagine that, for one second, that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard somehow stood close enough to be taken out by the same wayward bus. Presumably, quite a few of those who have announced their departure from politics would suddenly change their mind – in a Colin Barnett-like way – in the period of national mourning. A crisis national would result. One can imagine Stephen Smith, Bob Carr, Greg Combet, Bill Shorten and Simon Crean all putting their hands up to lead the Labor Party and become prime minister. Some of these names might shock many Australians. I don’t think, however, any of them would be laughed off.

Tanya Pilbersek is a wiser choice than any of them. She would probably be dismissed for being too left even? That’s even if we pretend misogyny is not an issue in her case. Meanwhile figures such as Wayne Swan, Penny Wong, Anthony Albanese, John Faulkner and Andrew Leigh will probably never be considered to lead the Australian Labor Party. Despite this, all add considerable skills to the parliamentary team.

Now let’s apply the same test to the other side. If you remove Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull from the equation, Joe Hockey is the obvious choice. If the same bus struck him as well? Who else is there? Scott Morrison?  Maybe. Julie Bishop? Christopher Pyne? Tony Smith? Seriously? Who else is there?

The only name that doesn’t strike me as utterly ridiculous is Greg Hunt. This situation isn’t because their ranks are thinned by having seats taken up by the National Party. If Warren Truss was a Liberal he still wouldn’t be a contender. Barnaby Joyce might appear to be effective in opposition but he certainly isn’t in government.

Joe Hockey?... the guy who can't add up — with a chink in his armour, a lying bottom lip and an all forgiving god in his pants?... Gotta be kidding... Greg Hunt?... A midget with little understanding of the big picture... Tony Abbott? Yuck... Malcolm? Foamy...

But all this is irrelevant, considering Uncle Rupe has decided to bring his big guns back from the US to fight a harder battle against Labor... While the battle of Waterloo is being lost by a mincing Abbott-Wellington, Murdoch is trying to play Blücher...

As well on Insiders (ABC) this morning we also learned that second-hand car dealers were doing it tough (despite all the incentives from the Government) proving the economy is soft... Yes, we need more gas-guzzlers to prop up the economy... Meanwhile on Meet the Press, Joe Hockey, the man who can't add up, tells us that "every single Labor figure is wrong"... taking us for idiots as the coalition total is at least $70 billion short of a plank. Joe should visit Europe where the elasticity of deficits and alleged fraud "alla Obeid" gets into many billions instead of a few measly millions... One could also see Minchin strutting his crazy stuff on the Bolt Report, with a nodding Andrew showing his approval of discreet stupidity and boots-and-all craziness...

All is well until the next dust up. The merde-och clock that started the count down of the Princess dunking in the moat is nowhere to be seen ticking yet... though every scribe is betting on September 7 despite Rudd not being in a hurry to have an election...


At least Julian Assange is the only decent dude to make any sense (on Meet The Press — 4 august 2013) on the way the world is ticking while being interviewed by one of Uncle Rupe's reporters... On one question Assange answered : "this is crap and you know it"... the reporter knew that...

But did that clock include western time?... I guess not.


The countdown is about to restart...

"Labor hasn't changed at all over the last six years - it's still the same Kevin Rudd and same old Labor." (The coalition)

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Gus: and it's still the same ugly idiotic Abbott and his midgets in the other smelly side of politics...

too much holy spirits?...

As the elections commentaries are on the 27/7 blasting roundabouts, one item resurfaces. Watch if you can be bothered: 

Claims Abbott was drunk during GFC voteYahoo!7 June 25, 6:19 pm

While Julia Gillard had her knitting needles out, her ministers had the knives out for Tony Abbott, accusing him of being drunk during a vote four years ago. Mark Riley reports.

watson to the battlefront...

BRITISH LABOUR MP and anti-Murdoch campaigner Tom Watson is preparing to fly to Australia to talk about the conduct of Rupert Murdoch’s, the British newspaper The Guardian is reporting in its Australian on-line publication.

Watson was a member of the British parliamentary investigation last year that caused Rupert Murdoch to issue his infamous fake apology:

“This is the most humble day of my life.”

An apology was utterly negated when a secret recording of Murdoch’s private remarks in a staff conference was revealed to the world.

The same newspaper that first brought the Murdoch-directed phone hacking scandal to the attention of its British readers is now alleging that Murdoch has “learned nothing” from the police investigations revealing the enormity of his transgressions in Britain.