Saturday 18th of January 2025

eager to bite your fundamentals...

dogs of conservatism...

This morning on Fran Kelly, the ABC right-wing radio program, and in the the past few days, one has been able to hear our little liar-in-chief, Tony Abbott, doing his earnest to bite his tongue with restraint — as he has been delivering a baggage of policies that DO NOT add up, while hiding the REAL DOGS of conservatism...

It must be excruciating for him, but he plods through with the passion of a patient soggy lettuce, while his better instincts would be to punch you in the face... One can "hear" the measured pace in the slightly trembling voice holding the cockiness and the biffo back — like a rabbit that knows it has been running too wild with the fairies, thus he has to slow down and hinder the tortoise that could make a little headway...

But a rabbit is still a rabbit, and a Tonicchio is nonetheless a lying piece of sculpted four-be-two...

Still, Tonicchio can't repress himself to spray with aplomb that the Labor government we've had in the past six years has been the worst by far in this country's history. It's rubbish of course. The figures show exactly the contrary... The economic figures point in the other direction: Gillard did a good job — and even Rudd did a good job under VERY trying international circumstances, which Tonicchio never acknowledged properly.

But the little rat wants to take the credit for the annihilation of Labor — to revenge his mentor John Howard (remember the lying bastard who took this fair nation into an illegal war? Who invented the industrial relation nightmare which Tony wants to discreetly resurrect under his "five pillars" of the economy?... 

Remember the man who has made his mission to ditch the carbon tax with the obsession of a mad man? And now that the little turd is about to do exactly that — while global warming is getting fiercer — the editorial of the Washington Post is leading the charge to TRY A CARBON TAX in the US..."


Ditch ethanol mandates. Try a carbon tax.

By Editorial Board,

WASHINGTON IS seeing a great fight between two extremely powerful lobbies, Big Ethanol and Big Oil. Neither should win.

At issue is the Renewable Fuel Standard, a huge subsidy meant for companies making all kinds of ethanol but that mostly benefits the least-attractive type, derived from corn. The policy demands that increasing amounts of various sorts of ethanol be blended into the nation’s gasoline supply. Yet, oil companies point out, when Congress last looked at the standard in 2007, estimates of how much fuel Americans would be using by now were much too high. The result today is a legal requirement to blend the same, mandated amount of ethanol into a smaller-than-expected pool of fuel sold, a task for which the country doesn’t have the infrastructure. And that assumes the ethanol industry manages to produce enough of each type of ethanol in the first place, which it hasn’t. The result, oil companies argue, is a “blend wall” that inevitably translates into higher gasoline prices for consumers, since oil firms have to buy special credits to make up for missing the law’s blending targets.


The Carbon Pricing of the Labor party is far more effective in emission reduction than the "direct action" of Tonicchio. But despite the Hitlerian content of his policies, his speil has been careful expunged of Hitler's choleric passion...


tell uncle rupe to sod off...

As the entire main stream media is nearly under the spell of Mr Murdoch, with basically no other media voices but that of Uncle Rupe and his Liberal puppets, even on the ABC, the social media should become a counterpoint to this mass media information folly. And folly it is. A distorted folly of lies...

The social media should take as its mantra: sod off, Murdoch... And encourage people to vote for Rudd, no matter how they like the fellow... In order not to appear too "engaged", some commentators try to straddle the middle and pan both leaders and both parties with more stick for Rudd... There are small difference though, Rudd can be bombastic, devious and dictatorial, Tony Abbott is all of this, as well as being an accomplished liar. Rudd does not lie as much by far. Thus out of two rude (yes Abbott has been very rude to many people though he's trying to keep his cool) dicks leading two fiddlestick parties, the least offensive is Rudd... Tell Murdoch to sod off and vote ENTIRELY against his wishes.

and the dirty dish water as well...

Even now, Tom Watson routinely memorises the number plates of unfamiliar cars outside his house.
''To be targeted like I was - to be followed by covert surveillance specialists, to have someone try to destroy your character - is very threatening,'' says the British Labour MP who helped blow the whistle on News of the World's phone hacking scheme.
In 2011, it was revealed Mr Watson had been stalked by the paper's private investigators as payback for his dogged investigation of its affairs. News International's executive chairman James Murdoch apologised ''unreservedly''.

But Mr Watson was not placated. Dubbed Rupert Murdoch's ''tormentor-in-chief'' by the British press, he has since devoted himself to the public scrutiny of the 82-year-old's global media empire. He is in Australia to discuss News Corp's coverage of the federal election: an unabashed anti-Labor crusade, he believes, driven by Mr Murdoch and his New York Post editor-in-chief, Col Allan.
''It insults Australians when they produce content like that,'' Watson says, referring to the recent front pages depicting Labor politicians as clowns and Nazis and demands to ''KICK THIS MOB OUT''.
A fortnight ago, the ABC's Media Watch analysed one week's political coverage in Mr Murdoch's Daily Telegraph. Of the 80 election stories it printed, the program deemed half negative to Labor but none negative to the Coalition.
''Can the Telegraph editors seriously claim they're balanced?'' Mr Watson asks.

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a blast from the past...


Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has avoided questions about National Party frontbencher Barnaby Joyce's decision to preference One Nation.

Mr Joyce is the favourite to win the seat of New England in northern New South Wales, but his decision to put One Nation ahead of Labor and the Greens on his how-to-vote cards has infuriated some people in the electorate.

Asked about it this morning, Mr Joyce said it was time to forgive and forget the right-wing party's past.

Mr Joyce says the party's members are not bad people, although he does not agree with their policies.

"They've been tarred with a brush that I think should be removed now," he said.

"You've got to know how to forgive, forget and move on, and I'm hoping that's what we do. You've got to show a sign of it in how you act yourself."

Abbott says issue 'a blast from the past'

But Mr Abbott, who has in the past called groups such as One Nation "racist", avoided commenting on the preferencing decision.

"I think really that particular issue is a blast from the past," he said when asked if it was the right move.

"The essential thing is to ensure that fringe parties do not get an undue influence in our national life.


Gus : One has to remember that, around 2003, Tony Abbott was the instigator of a devious "trust" called Australians for Honest Politics that organised a court case against "One Nation" and Tony has since very skilfully avoided to reveal who were the financial backers of such "trust"... Trust Tony Abbott????... NEVER ! Even if one does not like "One nation" extreme right political views...

To see Barnaby Joyce pledge "vote preferences" to One Nation — this ultra-right wing party, show how low the Libs (conservatives) have fallen and how duplicitous they are since, by and large, the majority of liberal (conservative) politicians and voters hold the same racist and other nasty views as One Nation — Nastiness with just a tad of tax deductible charitable compassion to give the impression these views are palatable and to absolve the wealthy heavy-sinners from looking more than plain horrible.



class warfare: the rich are winning...


From Ross Gittins
But it's not the whole truth. The parties may not be terribly ideological and - with the notable exceptions of Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan - they may assiduously avoid the language of class conflict, but they do play favourites in the policies they espouse.

If you think the class war is over, you're not paying enough attention. The reason the well-off come down so hard on those who use class rhetoric is that they don't want anyone drawing attention to how the war's going.

All of them except Warren Buffett, the mega-rich American investor. ''There's class warfare, all right,'' he once said, ''but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.''

The reason the wiser heads in Labor don't want to talk about class conflict, either, is they know it gets them nowhere. It alienates people at the top without attracting many at the bottom.

This, of course, is why the well-off like me are winning. The workers are too busy watching telly to notice the ways they're being got at. It requires attention to boring things like superannuation when you could be up the club playing the pokies.

The significant thing about the looming change of government is not that the economy will be much better managed - it won't be; these days most of the key decisions are made by the econocrats - but that the Coalition will bring to its decisions about taxing and spending a different bias to Labor's.
How can I say that? By looking at Tony Abbott's promises. If you do pay attention it's as plain as a hundred dollar bill.

Let's start with that boring question of the concessional tax treatment of superannuation. It's by far the most expensive example of (upper) middle-class welfare.
Super has always been a scheme heavily favouring those on the highest rates of income tax, who also happen to be those most able to afford to save.
But towards the end of his time as treasurer, Peter Costello introduced ''reforms'' that made it far more favourable to the well-off by making super payouts tax free and opening the scheme wide to ''salary sacrifice'' by those able to afford it.
At the time, many economists said what they're saying now about Abbott's paid parental leave scheme, that it was so generous as to be fiscally unsustainable.
And so it has proved.

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failure is "the" abbott solution...


Kevin Rudd has accused Tony Abbott of "walking away" from Australia's international commitments on climate change after the Coalition leader said he would not increase funding for his Direct Action plan even if failed to deliver Australia's promised greenhouse gas reductions.

Several attempts to model Direct Action have said it would require many billions more to meet Australia's minimum target to reduce emissions by 5% by 2020 compared with 2000 levels – which has been accepted by all parties.

The opposition leader said he believed Direct Action, which proposes competitive tenders or "reverse auctions" to pay direct subsidies for emission reduction, would meet the goal, but that the Coalition did not intend to do its own modelling before its implementation.

But the prime minister claimed Abbott had "walked away completely from the international targets which [he] thought both sides of politics shared … basically he said ... if his so-called Direct Action plan doesn't work then so be it, then he would simply break his pledge".

Rudd said on ABC radio: "If every government took that position that he has taken then what is the net consequence … that all governments would walk away from hard action."

Gus: failure on global warming commitment is the Abbott solution, after he's given his mates lots of money to do not much... See toon at top...


distancing itself from its next future...


The Coalition government is distancing itself from controversial comments by Prime Minister Tony Abbott's top business adviser, who said that wages were too high and the government could not afford education and disability funding promises.

Education minister Christopher Pyne said he did not think the government shared the views expressed on Monday night by Mr Abbott's handpicked adviser, the former ABC chairman Maurice Newman.

Labor has seized on Mr Newman's comments as hints that the Abbott government is hiding an agenda of deep cuts and industrial relations reform.


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If you believe Christopher Pyne's diatribe, you've got rocks in your head... He's the one telling us as well that it's cheaper to fly LIBERAL (CONservative) MPs in chartered government planes than use commercial airlines... WRONG!!! (See ABC comparison) ... Pyne is either a liar or an uneducated prancing prick or he is cavalier with waste — as long as it's for the Libs... The industrial relations is a not so dormant beast awaiting to be nudged and BOOM... Your entitlements are gone down the sewer of Liberal (CONservative) politics... See toon at top.


Tony Abbott is an idiot...