Thursday 13th of March 2025



a costly idiotic abbott direct action...

Another detailed study has concluded that the Coalition's climate policy will cost vastly more than has been budgeted or else will dramatically fail to meet Australia's emissions reduction targets.

Modelling by Reputex climate analytics, commissioned by the environment group WWF-Australia, found that the money set aside by the Coalition to buy abatement was likely to fall short by $5.9bn a year between 2015 and 2020, or between $20bn and $35bn in total.

The Coalition insists it will provide no more than the money it has allocated to its emissions reduction fund – $2.5bn over the next four years – and, according to figures in the original 2009 policy document, almost $5bn by 2020.

According to Reputex, if it sticks with this funding allocation Australia's emissions will rise by 16% by 2020 compared with 2000 levels, missing by a long way Australia's international commitment to reduce emissions by 5% over that timeframe.

Both Labor and the Coalition have committed to the 5% reduction as Australia's minimum effort and have promised to reduce Australia's emissions by up to 25% if other countries also take strong action.

But Reputex found that a 25% cut could not be delivered by Direct Action under any realistic pricing scenario.

The fact that a direct action scheme cannot be "scaled up" was pointed out by former Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull when he explained in 2011 that continuing to use a big government taxpayer-funded scheme to reduce emissions in the long term would "become a very expensive charge on the budget in the years ahead".

microchip his liberal (conservative) small brains


A Liberal Party candidate proposed a radical new policing system in which criminal suspects would be injected with satellite-trackable microchips shot from a ''high powered sniper rifle''.
Ray King, who is contesting the western Sydney electorate of McMahon, was behind the idea, which he claimed would improve productivity of the NSW Police Force.
Mr King, a former police commander in Liverpool, landed in hot water on Friday over critical comments he made about burqas at an election campaign function where guests included the disgraced former detective Roger Rogerson and current assistant police commissioner Frank Minnelli.

In 2011, Mr King outlined his ideas in a 12-page essay, Microchipping of human subjects as a productivity enhancement and as a strategic management direction of NSW Police.

The paper was submitted to a police leadership conference shortly before he was promoted from Cabramatta to Liverpool.

Read more:

Gus: how ludicrous!... How stupid some members of the Liberal (CONservative) party are... Where do they find these blokes?... They must have been hiding in the bushes waiting for their opportunity to make you life a misery with their idiocy... 

In Germany, the press is not dominated by a shitty press baron... The press is far truer to reality and is not trying to be controversial with stories that have no credibility. 

Unfortunately in Australia, the press has been working its butt off to undermine the good work of a good government... The media has basically spread porkies designed to capture the mind of the gullible and force feed the crap from the conservatives... Under the leadership of this rubbish of a man, Uncle Rupe, the press has constantly denigrated the country's performance — while the country performed well in a difficult international situation. Most of this over-influential stand of the press has been designed to give the rein of this fair country back into the hands of ruthless robbers, mad people and tax avoiders and religious bigots. Tony Abbott encompass all four categories:

He robs the government of entitlements when performing "charitable" acts.

I believe Tony is mad most of the times, though he tries to appear sane. Actually the smart man in the street called the libs (conservatives) COMPLETELY INSANE..

I suspect Tony, or some of his mates, tried to avoid some tax when he formed the "Australian for Honest Politics" "trust", a trust mostly designed to shaft another right wing political party and this is why they never released the names of who was part of this very "borderline" political trust. As well, Tony does not want to pay "the Carbon Tax" which so far is the only realistic positive action taken by Australia to combat global warming.Tony has a completely insane replacement for this efficient tax, with no other conviction than "global warming is crap"...

And of course, we all know that Tony Abbott sits to the right of George Pell and is most likely sponsored by Opus Dei. The launch of the libs (conservatives) education policy in a highly bigoted religious private school shows how far he hates public education.



Under the guidance of the Merde-och press, the mass media of Australia has told fibs after porkies after lies about the Labor party performance and has promoted Tony Abbott to the level of a god-like god... Tony is the devil in the non-details of his 5-pillar policies which are a straight borrowing from religious concepts: the five pillars of Christianity and the five pillars of Islam...


This level of press manipulation could not happen in France, not in Germany, not even in Russia. The press in Russia is far more equitable and cultured than the press in this county of merde-och fed chooks, Australia...




There is confusion aboard...

Most young people are disgusted by both leaders, Rudd and Abbott... and they don't know what to do... First let's point out that the media has done an excellent job at poopooing Labor and glorifying the Libs (CONservatives)... But despite these disgraceful biased efforts, the media has only achieve one thing: BOTH leaders are as smelly as two old boots full of bull shit in a paddock of thistle...


Thus Gus' advice to young people is this: Abbott and Rudd are both devious. But I will add that Abbott is an iddiott full of prejudices to sell to gullible people and is a much bigger liar than Rudd.

Furthermore, Abbott is a closet misogynist. Young males, do you want to be seen as someone who can't stand women being smarter than you?... YES! You hate these sheilas... so you go with Abbott... All other nerdy types who know value when an NBN is concerned you go with Rudd... Women? You would be nuts to go with Abbott unless you are rich and settled in a top job, though every geezer (men and women) in pin-stripes is trying to knock you off your perch...

So I see about fifty per cent of dumb men going with Abbott BY FEAR OF WOMEN...  and about 90 per cent of smart women going for Rudd BY FEAR OF WOMEN AND MEN...

All others voters are simple dumbed struck by MURDOCH's vile propaganda...