Sunday 9th of March 2025

in chile, they took over by force. in australia we vote them in...


Premier Barry O'Farrell's enforcer in the NSW upper house has spoken in praise of the Chilean dictator, Augusto Pinochet, whose military dictatorship tortured and killed tens of thousands.

Wednesday marked forty years since the elected government of the socialist party's Salvador Allende in Chile was overthrown by a military coup that installed Augusto Pinochet, who led the country for 16 years.

Peter Phelps, MLC, the Liberal whip in the NSW Legislative Council, marked the occasion with a speech in praise of the dictator who died before he could stand trial for 300 charges of human rights violations.


"Tonight I make the case for Augusto Pinochet," Mr Phelps's speech began. "There are many who believe that General Pinochet was a reluctant hero, a morally courageous man," he said, while praising the dictator for putting Chile on a capitalist path.

"Yes, Pinochet killed people. If anyone knows of any other way to overthrow a government than by military force, then let me hear about it."Sometimes it is necessary to do bad things to prevent terrible things from happening."
Academic accounts of Pinochet's regime have found between 2000 to 3000 of his opponents were killed during his reign. A further 30,000 are said to have been tortured by methods including electrocution and being thrown from planes.

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he should be sacked... but he won't be...


Peter Phelps represents what the right wing of Australia is: a dangerous bully with extreme views. Tony Abbott is no different, though possibly more so.

Picture at top: mischief by Gus Leonisky

the murdoch of italy...


About one month ago, after dozens of trials, Italy's four-time head of government was finally, decisively found guilty by Italy's highest court. The verdict called for four years of jail for tax fraud. And even if Berlusconi only has to serve one year of house arrest or do community service, Italian law calls for him to give up his seat in the senate and with it, his immunity. But Berlusconi and his party are fighting against this with all means at their disposal -- they want special rules. Once again, Italy's legal system is getting a bad name.

'Whose Fault Is It If the Boat Sinks?'

On Aug. 1, when the head judge of Italy's highest court delivered his verdict against Berlusconi, there was a saying carved above him in wood: All are equal before the law. Recent events suggest this only partly applies to Berlusconi.

Since the "Severino law" passed in 2012, anyone who has been sentenced to more than two years of jail must lose his or her position in political office. This means that, although Berlusconi's jail term still needs to be negotiated, he is barred from office. The Italian reality, however, is as follows: Berlusconi and his party want to use all methods at their disposal, including threats, to prevent "Il Cavaliere" from being removed. On Tuesday, his party's group leader said, in parliament, "If Berlusconi loses his office, the government will fall."

The decision about Berlusconi's future will be made by a parliamentary committee of 23 lawmakers: Prime Minister Enrico Letta's Democratic Party wants to apply the law, Berlusconi's People of Freedom party does not (even though it supported passing it). The problem: Both are together in a grand coalition, and, because of the Berlusconi affair, that coalition has been close to collapsing for weeks. Letta has spoken of "permanent political chaos" that needs to be stopped.

The political tug of war has already dominated Italy's summer silly season. Berlusconi has stated almost every day that he is innocent and will not give up. Airplane banners calling for "freedom for Silvio" have flown above Italian beaches. If Berlusconi has to step down, his most loyal followers see it as an end to democracy.

Their concern is always Berlusconi's "political agility" -- a worry that apparently stands above all others. Il Cavaliere has threatened his coalition partners by saying, "If two friends sit in a boat and the one throws the other overboard, whose fault is it if the boat sinks?"

Constant Brinkmanship

Italian media are in a constant state of alarm. Every week there are new headlines claiming the government is about to collapse, for real this time. What gets lost is the fact that the threat of collapse is likely a hollow one. If the former prime minister's party were actually to leave the government, Il Cavaliere would no longer be able to keep calling the shots. It's totally unclear how a new election would turn out.

The Berlusconi camp's strategy for now is to cause delays. This weekend, his lawyers even petitioned the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and then claimed that, until the Strasbourg court had reached a decision, the proceedings in the Senate would have to wait.

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Is this a case when we need the Mafia to do some knee-capping?... Just joking... More likely Mr Berlu runs a Mafia franchise himself... Just joking again... Anyone seen dancing girls in this office?... Just joking...


the liberal crap...


More crap from Gerard Henderson

Conspiracy theorists have always been with us. It's just that, due to the 24-hour news cycle, they appear more prominent than ever.

Last week's Q&A demonstrates the point. The official transcript contains a heading titled "Fairfax Electoral Fraud". There is no question mark in the title and the word "alleged" is not used.
The claim was made by a guest on the program, Clive Palmer, who contested Fairfax for the Palmer United Party (PUP). He asserted that the Australian Electoral Commission is "rorting the system" and went on to allege, without evidence, that "all" AEC "divisional returning officers are ex-military officers in the Australian armed forces".

Asked by presenter Tony Jones what was the problem with this, Palmer replied: "The military … shouldn't be involved in democracy; we have seen what has happened in Egypt, for example".

It's the familiar tactic of the conspiracy theorist. Palmer started off with an unproven allegation about the number of former Defence Force personnel who are AEC divisional officers. Then he made an illogical jump by comparing Australia with Egypt.

ABC news and current affairs just loves mavericks, especially those on the right-of-centre of Australian politics. On the September 9 edition of Q&A, Jones asked former Liberal Party operative Michael Kroger what Palmer, if elected, "will do with parliamentary privilege". Kroger reminded Jones that he had "launched" Palmer's career. ''That's a bit harsh," Jones responded.

Not really. It is doubtful if the founder of a new political party has ever received media access of the kind the ABC extended to Palmer.

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Quite impressive diatribe about names, Gerard...
But one has to realise that the first outfit with a FAKE NAME to be blamed in this fair country, Australia, is the Liberal Party... This was a name concocted by Menzies to describe a garbage collection of right wing dudes and organisations. It was designed to fool punters at the voting box...
Anyone who voted for the "Liberals" with an ideal of progressiveness ended up with an ultra right wing conservative outfit...
The name Liberal suggest an open mind... but the Australian "Liberals" are far from that... The only open mind they have is the arse way they go about raping the environment and enslaving the workers — plus being total shit to proper science, because most of them, while amassing the loot are religious bigots ...

That is of course a summation of the Liberals (CONservatives) and their friends (the Nationals) who are not even able to stop the Liberals (CONservatives) to stuff-up the livelihood of their constituents, the growers, since the "Liberal business" way of buying and selling is to screw the farmers till they go broke and then buy cheaper from overseas to INCREASE PROFIT MARGINS...

The hardware making business was killed thus by cheap nasty import from Taiwan in the 1970s... Then Mainland China came along... 

All along the "Liberals" (CONservatives) have used their moniker as a trick to fool people... That other political parties do so is part of the game of being aware or not... Menzies did a con job on the good people of this nation — and Tony Abbott is continuing the tradition of crap.