Sunday 26th of January 2025

...and talking about caps...

university caps

Students and universities have warned the Coalition against its proposal to abolish compulsory student fees, voicing concerns it could damage the international standing of Australian education and lead to critical services being scrapped.

The education minister, Christopher Pyne, announced he would get rid of compulsory student fees, scrap targets to increase the number of disadvantaged students in university and consider reintroducing caps on university places.

Belinda Robinson, the chief executive of the peak body for universities, Universities Australia, said the abolition of university student fees "didn't come as a huge surprise" but there were still concerns about the move.

"I think we will really need to work closely with the government to ensure the services that the fee pays for are continued in some way because these are things that not only enrich the campus experience of those who study at university but these are really critical services," she said.

Robinson said welfare services, financial advisory services and accommodation services were among the things the fees paid for.

"They are also important to us maintaining our international competitiveness as a destination of choice for international students. If these services are not provided you can imagine what international students and their families will think," she said.

"It will result in some quite considerable concern about the level of support that these students are going to receive when they come to Australia."

control freak mad monk...


Tony Abbott, who once described Kevin Rudd as a ''hyper-control freak'' for his autocratic media management, has gagged his own ministers from media interviews without prior approval from the Prime Minister's office.

The communications clampdown was issued hours after Education Minister Christopher Pyne revealed in an interview with Fairfax Media the government's agenda to take an axe to the university sector.

It comes less than a week after Immigration Minister Scott Morrison put the announcement of asylum seeker boat arrivals behind a curtain of censorship.Mr Abbott has declared his personal intention to be measured in his media appearances and ''take politics off the front page''.

In an email leaked to The Australian Financial Review, Mr Abbott's senior press secretary, James Boyce, informs ministerial staff that all requests for interviews, right down to ABC local outlets, must be vetted by Kate Walshe who has taken over leadership of communications in Mr Abbott's office.

"All media co-ordination and requests should go through Kate first. This covers all national media interviews on television, radio and print. This includes any ABC local radio or ABC television interviews, the Sunday program, Sky News, and metropolitan print media longer-format interviews, etc,'' he wrote.
"With any regular appearances on shows such as Sky AM Agenda, they should first have been coordinated through Kate at least the day before."
Mr Boyce said there was no change in process to how the Coalition operated in opposition.

The directive jogged memories inside Labor of Mr Abbott blasting Mr Rudd in 2007 after it was revealed that all media releases from government bodies must go through his department.
''It seems like an early exercise in hyper-control by the new Prime Minister's office,'' Mr Abbott said at the time. ''A lot of people said before the election that Kevin Rudd would turn out to be a bit of a control freak and this seems to be an interesting suggestion that those fears were quite well grounded.''

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Gus: one has to say here that after having hogged the front pages of the press for nearly two years, especially those of the merde-och outfit, Tony now WANTS POLITICS OFF THE FRONT PAGE... This is why the merde-och outfit now concentrates on inane celebrity trysts and fashion models that are underaged, from outer space and/or are anorexic... According to TONY, POLITICS will only go on the front of the Telegraph and other merde-och loo-papers when Tony announces a great new line of watertight sausages for all Aussie barbecues... Hopefully someone will squeeze Tony's budgies with tongs at the most appropriate sizzling moment...


elitism fighting against equality...


Students from poor backgrounds would be hardest hit by a government-imposed limit on university places, tertiary education experts have warned.

The Abbott government's rethink of unlimited funding for university places has triggered a political storm and exposed it to claims of broken election promises.

As Labor and the Greens attacked, some analysts welcomed Education Minister Christopher Pyne's review of the costly uncapped system as financially prudent.

But University of Melbourne pro-vice-chancellor Richard James said capping university places could have a ''significant effect on equity''. Australia previously had a ''socially polarised'' university system that favoured well-off students.

''I, along with many others, believe something needed to be done about that,'' he said.
The former Labor government removed enrolment caps and helped create an extra 190,000 places. While the decision improved access for disadvantaged students, it sparked concerns about quality being jeopardised.

Mr Pyne said on Tuesday he would review the ''demand-driven system'' - whereby universities are funded to teach as many students as they can handle - to see if increased enrolments had compromised the quality of education.

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tony making bubbles in a soap factory...


Tony Abbott has put a plan to axe the university student services and amenities fee on ice after a Nationals MP warned that regional members would object.


Education Minister Christopher Pyne flagged on Tuesday a move against what he called "a form of compulsory student unionism" but Mr Abbott declared on Thursday he was in no rush to axe the $273 per student fee after criticism from the university sector, student unions and a Coalition MP.

Asked whether he had any concerns about the impact on regional universities and student services, Mr Pyne said: "We don't support compulsory student unionism and we don't support the student amenities fee and at an appropriate time we'll move to abolish it."

Nationals MP Michael McCormack said he and colleagues were "surprised and shocked" at the proposal and worried about the impact on regional universities.Mr Pyne had not put a specific timeframe on axing the fee, apart from telling the Australian Financial Review on Tuesday: "It might be in the budget, but that's not until May."
Mr Pyne then sought to dampen expectations, telling ABC Radio on Wednesday the axing of the fee was not a priority. Mr Abbott said on Thursday the government had other, more important priorities.

University leaders have accused the Coalition government of reviving an outdated ideological debate over student unionism and argued services would be diminished if the government scrapped the student services fee.

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Pyne's rant were not off the cuff... Beware!!!!!... It was the Libs (CONservatives) testing the waters with some theatre about Abbott telling him not to speak out of "school"... Rubbish, the whole thing is STAGE MANAGED!!!...  Noticing some rhubarb coming from all quarters of the community, Tony placed the future policy ON ICE for the moment until there is a wind change and nobody's looking, if you know what I mean...  Beware!!!!


in the naughty corner ....

Whilst it’s great to see the annoying little twit, Christopher Pyne, serving education reform in the ‘naughty corner’, it seems like Prime Minister, Tony Abbott’s idea of governing for all Australians requires trying to make everyone happy. 

Of course, the downside on that approach is that he’ll quickly wind-up displeasing everyone.