Monday 27th of January 2025

gamey gaming...

gamey gaming

A NEW WAVE of casino liberalisation is sweeping Australia. The Queensland state government has announced that it is seeking expressions of interest for a casino development in Brisbane, and that it is considering offering two further licenses.

This move was foreshadowed in May last year, when it was announced that government’s “master plan” for Brisbane might include another casino, after years of lobbying for casino expansion by Echo Entertainment and James Packer.

But with recent research suggesting that poker machines in casinos are more dangerous than those in clubs or hotels, there is good reason to worry that the expansion of existing casinos and the development of new ones will only increase the harm gambling does to the Australian community.

The idea of a second casino on the Gold Coast has also been advocated by the area’s mayor for some time, with the Queensland state government giving qualified approval. A recent proposal for a new casino in Cairns has been granted a streamlined approvals process.

This news out of Brisbane comes days after SkyCity and the South Australian state government finalised a deal to increase the size of the Adelaide casino, with 505 more pokies, 95 additional table games and 300 new automated gaming table terminals.

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hell in queensland...


The Newman Government's proposed bikie laws shred the rule of law. It's dangerous stuff but the question that must concern us all is, why stop at bikie gangs? writes Greg Barns.

The Liberal National Party government of Queensland Premier Campbell Newman yesterday introduced new laws as part of its 'war' on bikie gangs that might make even Russian president and renowned authoritarian Vladimir Putin blush.

And because the Newman government dominates the state's Legislative Assembly, and there is no upper house to scrutinise proposed laws, the dark image of Queensland as a repressive state, engendered by the excesses of the government of Joh Bjelke Petersen 40 years ago, is well and truly alive again.

Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie yesterday introduced into the Parliament the Orwellian named Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment Bill which the government says is "designed to severely punish members of criminal organisations that commit serious offences".  

Essentially it means that if you are associated with a bikie gang and commit a crime "for the purpose of participating in the affairs of" that organisation you will be declared a 'vicious lawless associate' and you get a further 15 years mandatory imprisonment on top of the sentence imposed on you; and if you hold an official position in the organisation you get another 10 years imprisonment on top of the 15 years.


The Nazis in Queensland are ugly, religious and out of their minds...


queensland — smelly one day, bonkers the next...

Your eccentric aunt, Laura Norder, has recently started a new relationship with Jarrod, a member of the Finks Motorcycle Club. You have met Jarrod and a couple of his mates, also members of the Finks Motorcycle Club, on one occasion before.

You head out to the park with all the other members of the family.

As you are enjoying your steak and beverage Fred’s friends arrive on their motorcycles and join in the fun. You have a chat with them about the football game last weekend.

Under the new so called “Anti-Bikie” laws you and possibly other members of your family have committed an offence for which you could all be gaoled for a minimum of six months. On top of that, you could be potentially liable to being hauled before the CMC to answer questions about Jarrod and his two mates.

This is what happens when governments pass laws that make people liable not for what they have done but for who they associate with — innocent people get hurt.

These laws make no mention whatsoever of Bikies. They apply to any association.

You are a member of the local bowls or golf club. You get involved in a scuffle trying to throw a misbehaving member out of the club. You are convicted of wounding, which simply requires that the true skin of the other person is broken. Under these laws, you get an extra 15 years added to your gaol sentence.