Monday 10th of March 2025

The campaign to sink labor...



Kevin Rudd made no secret of his fury at the strong anti-Labor editorial stance taken by News Corp papers during the 2013 election campaign, but a new book by one of his closest advisers reveals how hard he first tried to find favour with News after he returned to the prime ministership.

A diary written through the turbulent time by strategist Bruce Hawker, published as The Rudd Rebellion: The Campaign to Save Labor, argues that News Corp’s campaign against Kevin Rudd and Labor played a significant role in Labor’s loss because the newspapers did Tony Abbott’s “dirty work” for him, allowing the Coalition leader to stay positive and persistently blowing the Labor campaign off course.

“News Corp is easily the most powerful political force in Australia – bigger than the major parties or the combined weight of the unions … I saw how, on a daily basis, the storm of negative stories that emanated from News Corp papers blew our campaign off course,” he writes.

But Hawker also reveals that in the first days after Rudd returned to the leadership, he and his advisers were expecting, and working hard for, a more positive relationship with the organisation that controls 60% of Australia’s print media circulation.

A major concern for Rudd and his advisers one week after he resumed the leadership, for example, was one News Corp paper’s angry reaction because the Rudd team had “dropped” an exclusive story to another News Corp paper.


Bugger this...!!!!

If Rudd though he could swing the Murdoch machine around in his favour, then he is far more stupid than I thought — as well as having had a nasty hissy fit towards Julia... What a ludicrous silly idea: try to get Murdoch to support Labor! Who was the "strategist" behind this? Any dog and his drover would know that would NEVER happen in this political climate... NEVER. NEVER NEVER...

The plan at the merde-och stable was always to unsettle Labor no matter what. This process for the boffins at the merde-och stable was quite simple: unsettle Julia by propping up Abbott was never going to be enough... So they had to use Rudd's deviousness to undermine her, by cajoling him and then, once Julia is gone, kill Rudd of the planet... It worked like a charm and many of the Labor silly boffins fell for the trap.... I saw it coming like a fully laden mining truck. I have mentioned this a few times on this site, way before Rudd "took over again"... A BIG TRUCK... The plan for Murdoch was clear as a bell.


It was a sad day when Judas Billy (Shorten) changed his allegiance.
Now prepare yourself.
Should Judas Bill Shorten announce that Labor goes with Tony the Rat to kill off the Carbon Pricing, it will be time for all of you, the real Labor faithful to abandon ship and move to the socialists — or the Greens at a pinch. But it would be important for the foliage people to change leader — not because Milne is a female but she is quite ineffective overall. She windmills a bit like Don Quijote. It's about time to have a bit of gravitas rather than whine in that party...

The whole Rudd episode was a sad case in the Labor Party... When he decided to undermine Julia rather that support the party to "victory", he played in the hand of Tony Abbott who could not believe his luck, as the completely unelectable underdog... But this was part of Murdoch plans all along... Keep Rudd dancing... Both men of course, Rudd and Abbott, are not so secretly B A Santamaria followers, Santamaria having been a mad religious nut who wanted to enforce a strict religiousness into Australian politics — especially Labor's, which by the way is still strongly entrenched in the Catholic religion at its higher echelons. Mix this silly religious concept with capitalism and you end up with Tony Abbott. Tony's manic raves are then followed by the inevitable contritions followed by more stupid raves, degradation and nastiness — and punishment, not of him but of others, especially you. Typical catholic jumbo junk imbued with deliberate misinterpretations and full-blown nasty revenge in the name of the Dollar-Yaveh...

Meanwhile Clive Palmer is like a koel, the cuckoo of Australian politics. He feathers his progeny in other people's nest... Easy: the Greens' patch, the Liberals, the extreme right, all are targeted with an image of a nice fat bloke talking of "honesty" and opportunity for all, while ignoring the many important problems and pissing on honesty when making secret deals with other nuts who got elected by default and are only interested in carburettors. What do you expect, Clive has a nice rallying cooee with tons of cash... Pity it's deception-plus with a crescendo melody — that will destroy the fairness of this country. My view.




brutal assault...

What he said throws a new light on the desperation with which Murdoch brutally assaulted the Australian Labor Party in the lead-up to this year’s September 7 election. Murdoch is clearly using his power in Australia to resurrect the prestige he has lost in England.

The astounding headlines that marked the whole election campaign – 'KICK THIS MOB OUT', 'KEVIN’S DEADLY SINS', 'SEND IN THE CLOWNS', ;DOES THIS GUY EVER SHUT UP' –  inevitably handed a shallow victory to Tony Abbott and his motley team of money and power grabbers.

Australians are already regretting the result of the election that put Abbott and Co. into Murdoch’s pocket. The U.S. based Fox News-Tea Party  magnate will call the shots as long as the Abbott era is allowed to last.

With his newspapers covering every Australian state and prepared to lie on every current issue,  Murdoch is in a position to demonise any opposition and any individual. He has even been able to influence the ABC national TV and radio services as well as the shock jock commercial broadcasters. 

The November issue of the national The Monthly magazine is one of the few outlets that describes Murdoch’s blitzkrieg in an article headlined 'Why Rupert Murdoch cannot be stopped'


read more:,5850

murdoch — the voodoo doctor....

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch has used Tony Abbott's elevation as Prime Minister to highlight Australia's emergence from a nation once riddled with "stuffy, narrow-minded elitism".

Speaking at the annual Lowy Lecture, Mr Murdoch pointed to the Prime Minister's open Catholicism to highlight how "class pretensions" in Australia once discriminated against Catholics.

"Thankfully, Australia has emerged from its inauspicious colonial beginnings to become a proud nation, a nation that overcame those primeval prejudices," Mr Murdoch told an exclusive audience in Sydney's town hall.

"We have a perfect example: Many of you will remember a day when a Catholic was rare in a Liberal cabinet.


Uncle Rupe is an idiot who misunderstood purpose with meaning all his life.... Who cares about the old battles between the tykes and the wasps...? Except old fools ?... NOW THE DIVISIONS ARE BETWEEN THE RICH, THE POOR AND THE NAIVE MIDDLE CLASS that believes anything wrapped in glittering foil... And there are opportunists in all section of the religious spectrum... who will do crazy stuff for a buck or to acquire power...

fighting the murdoch clichés...

If one was not so desperately sarcastic like me, one would be prepared to give Mr Murdoch a bit of slack... But the rope he is using to ensnare us with is full of clichés by the tonnes. 

Imagine the headline: "in this time of constant change, blah blah blah..."

I am pedantic when it suits me... I can argue that the words constant and change are a bad mix: the word constant means that things either stay the same if things don't move or that the speed of change is fixed. This is never the case in politics, economics and nature. There is a certain amount of randomness and of variations into "change"... For example, most economist could argue that the boom and bust economic model(s) is the best for "growth"... There are times of planting and times of harvest... Change is not constant: one day it rains, one day the sun shines...


"The future is Australia's for the taking"...

Bugger... Another cliché full of obvious shit... What does taking the future means? Sure we all want "a better future" though some of us already have one foot in the grave and are in the grip of decrepitness plus.

Thus it's a country's future, that of our kids and our kid's kids... with dreams of better picnics, though there will be rainy days and days with sunshine "in the time of constant change"... in which the natural environment will be concreted as much as possible for tidiness and profit.


The sin of cliché here is not as bad as Uncle Rupe's progressive outlook: burn and sell more coal while creating a larger consumer base, whichever way, but especially with immigration — newcomers provided they are committed to abide "by our way of life"...


Now is our way of life in "constant change" or is it a fixed idea? What is our way of life? Is it enshrined in the freedom to tell lies about reality and to shaft scientific rigour with truck-full of opinionated shit? Or is it about the competition about which rich fellow is going to rob the most poor to build a huge fortune — by either gambling on the stock market or by building casinos where punters leave shirtless after having had a "good time"... Or is it by being wise, and creative? Or a bit of the lot which augurs bad for the "constant" in "constant change"... Or do we need some madness in the input?


Is "our way of life" enshrined in the Murdoch extolled symbiosis of rigourous Christianity and rabid capitalism with carbon burning for dessert? What new (entertaining) product can we invent to flog on the toiling masses, so we can lift the bottom line of our bloomers up?

Sure we can improve stuff and limit the stuff ups... But is Mr Murdoch's "dream" in tune with reality of the myriad activities out there or is it a monochromic mono-cultural waspish viewpoint? Do we need to build more rabbit warrens for transient slaves and prop up the bottom line of developers in need of a place to plonk their cranes and pile driving equipment?


In this "time of constant change", this debate could be historical and academic by 2050... Is looking at 2050 a bit too far for Mr Murdoch's "constant change" — though he would be speaking of "taking the future" for the entire 21st century, I'd hope?... What is so important about 2050 (only 37 years from now)?


As we know, or should know, we are burning fossil fuels and this activity, which fuels 99 per cent of our economy, is about to bite us in the bum... Can Mr Murdoch and his multitude of court-jesters (from pollie-pedalling Abbott to rabid journos) accept this strong scientific observation? Nupe...

I'm afraid (errr, a constant annoying cliché) that they cannot see because they do not want to know. So all of Mr Murdoch's bright grand future is built on a massive denial — in favour of religious mumbo jumbo and value added economic illusions, bathed in dedicated servitude of consumers to the masters. The media is there to make sure people are consumers — of shit mostly. The more the slaves pedal the treadmill, the less they get paid and the more they have to pedal to earn the equivalent... This is Master murdoch's "constant change". 


But by 2038 in Sydney and 2047 for the entire planet, things might not be so rosy... Climate change will bite us in the bum. According to Gus this bum-biting will happen in 2032... I could be wrong. But I strongly think we need to be smarter than economists.

Gus Leonisky.


Meanwhile at the other front of understanding life:



Meanwhile, the demands of the current model of the economy are leading to resource wars oil wars, water wars, food wars. There are three levels of violence involved in non-sustainable development. The first is the violence against the earth, which is expressed as the ecological crisis. The second is the violence against people, which is expressed as poverty, destitution and displacement. The third is the violence of war and conflict, as the powerful reach for the resources that lie in other communities and countries for their limitless appetites.

Increase of moneyflow through GDP has become disassociated from real value, but those who accumulate financial resources can then stake claim on the real resources of people – their land and water, their forests and seeds. This thirst leads to them predating on the last drop of water and last inch of land on the planet. This is not an end to poverty. It is an end to human rights and justice.

Nobel-prize winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen have admitted that GDP does not capture the human condition and urged the creation of different tools to gauge the wellbeing of nations. This is why countries like Bhutan have adopted the gross national happiness in place of gross domestic product to calculate progress. We need to create measures beyond GDP, and economies beyond the global supermarket, to rejuvenate real wealth. We need to remember that the real currency of life is life itself.


waiting for his plate of milk...

Having been the largest single contributor to the election of Tony Abbott's Coalition government, Rupert Murdoch is looking for his reward, according to word around the industry. The Sun King - as he has been crowned - is said to have been talking to the freshly minted Canberra legislators about the possibility of acquiring the Ten Network.

The jungle drums say his agenda also includes discussion on the abolition of anti-siphoning laws restricting the ability of pay-television operator Foxtel to exclusively broadcast first-run premier sports events.

The lobbying is said to extend to the Foreign Investment Review Board (or at least its ultimate master, Treasurer Joe Hockey) and media regulator the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

The acquisition of Ten has long been speculated to be on Murdoch's wish list, but under the previous government the notion of doing News Corp any favours was fanciful. It would make perfect sense for Murdoch to revisit this lobbying under the Abbott regime.

Indeed, he was seated alongside Hockey and Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the Lowy Institute gala dinner in Sydney last Thursday. Both the ministers, together with A-list business representatives, attended the function to hear Murdoch's lecture on his vision for Australia.

The trouble is that neither of these items would be easy for even the current government to resolve.

Read more:

an infinite fuckability...

I have no idea who the hell the fact-checker at the ABC is... But to say "Rupert Murdoch's vision for Australian diversity checks out" is quite narrow and fanciful... The fact-checked is only a small portion of the crap Uncle Rupe dished out at that dinner for CON fake-artists with big wallets.

One of the major problem people like Rupe and the fact-checker forget are the limits on the environment. In an ideal world of infinite fuckability, we could increase the numbers of people on earth without looking at the damage. But this planet HAS LIMITS — which are translating in extinction, pollution and global warming. Anyone who has not realised this are idiots, Uncle Rupe included...