Friday 14th of March 2025

unfortunate success .....

‘Something that senior officials call the "war
paradigm" is the Bush administration's central organizing principle. They
do not use the phrase publicly, just among themselves, but they bend policy to
serve it. After Sept. 11, 2001, they instantly adopted the war paradigm without
any internal discussion. George W. Bush, who proclaimed, "I'm a war
president" and insisted that he made decisions "with war on my
mind," assumed the war paradigm as his natural state and right.’ 

War Is Swell

count the ways .....

‘Keep in mind these are just a
few instances compiled by one citizen sitting in Toledo with an old computer
connected to the internet – an indication that there just might be even more
going on. 

Keep in mind also, that the
following acts are criminal violations of the law not just because they are
really horrid inhumanities, but because Congress, the U.S. Constitution, and
international law (yes, there are international laws binding on the U.S.)
explicitly prohibit the very kinds of atrocities now rotting at the feet of
George W. Bush. Each section below begins with the relevant law or treaty
violated in Iraq or Afghanistan. Every one of them, and more, are
documented at the Veterans For Peace website.

War Crimes In Abundance