Wednesday 15th of January 2025

phoney tony and snowflake harper were great buddies...

doing a snow job

Interesting times in Canadian politics for sure, developments are coming fast n furious, special interest groups, the religious right and most particularly the federal Conservative party base are being thrown under the bus in a last ditch effort to retain power..

It shows a Stephen Harper in desperation mode, it also shows a Canadian populous that Stephen Harper has no real values, no real beliefs and no moral conscience, Stephen Harper is prepared to throw everyone who has ever supported him and his party under the bus to retain a grip on power, he`s not willing to stick to his guns, not willing to gamble on a federal election, not willing to take his conservative base and conservative beliefs into an election if it means defeat..

Harper, a shallow man, god, guns, tough on crime, income splitting for wealthy families, free-enterprising, don`t get in the way of the wealthy and crackdown on low life scoundrels, no progressive drug law reforms, mega-prisons being built to house the offenders of a Conservative ideal world...

Everything Stephen Harper championed has been put on its ear as of late, last ditch effort to retain his grip on power, on control, no federal conservative policy is off limits if it means attracting voters..

Sad really, I am no fan of the prime minister but one can`t simply paint over spots and turn them to stripes, beliefs, credo and convictions must be maintained no matter the political fallout, a man, a prime minister, a preacher, father or felon, as people we present a persona, we live and die by our personal beliefs, my respect vanishes when one flips and flops, when one throws their friends under the bus for the sake of power, of control, what does Stephen Harper stand for anymore..?

A vicious man he is, leader of a nasty federal conservative party, expert on attacking opponents, right out of the Republican party play book, divide, conquer, pit man against man, isolate people, promote hatred of those opposed and oppress the vote, how expertly they labeled Stephan Dion, a demure man who couldn`t speak English or connect with the public, a federal Liberal leader who was never going to be prime minister even without the relentless attack ads, Michael Ignatief, target number 2, an elitist federal Liberal who claimed the moral high ground, a man who came across as aloof, haughty, well-heeled, Scholared and pretentious, not a working man, or warm, not a leader you would like to sit down and have a beer with, Stephen Harper`s attack was easy with Michael, the result was expected..


How funny... So much in common between Australia's rabid right wing (ultra CONservatives) and Canada's rabid right wing (ultra CONservatives)... except for the weather.

the mutual admiration society of two "cousins".

It is hard to think of two world leaders more ideologically and politically aligned than Tony Abbott and Stephen Harper.

The parallels are easily drawn.

Both lead conservative governments, have campaigned against carbon taxes, have slashed government spending and have learned a lot from former prime minister John Howard.

But Mr Abbott believes the Australia-Canada bilateral relationship is underdeveloped and has made no secret of his plans to leverage his "special friendship".

a minor slip of the forked tongue...

Canadia trends on Twitter after Tony Abbott gaffe

Tony Abbott's 'Canadia' slip

It's his first official visit to Canada, and the Prime Minister has mispronounced the country's name.

It's been a tough week on the world stage for the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott.

After being accused of falling asleep at D-Day commemorations in France, then being too busy to meet with world economic leaders in the US, Mr Abbott was the talk of Twitter yet again on Monday for a minor slip of the tongue during an official visit to Canada. Or is that Canadia?

In a press conference in the capital Ottawa, the Australian PM (or is that Austrian?) slightly stumbled, then immediately corrected himself, when pronouncing the name of the country he was visiting.

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chocolat mousse

Tony Abbott is getting more embarrassing than catching the clap from a private school toilet seat. The chocolate mousse reference of course here refers to Tony's largess in picking some industry for his grant priviledged scheme... Tony is giving Cadbury a few millions dollars and the scandal has not stopped at this, with the government food website advice being taken down...


an embarrassing ignoramus keeps his head in the sand...

Tony Abbott, the prime minister, has cancelled his US meetings with the head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, and the president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim. Could it be he’s reluctant to have two more meetings with senior figures in the finance world who know climate change is a major economic issue?

The prime minister’s refusal to put climate change on the G20 agenda is yet another sign that he doesn't understand the forces that will shape the next 30 years of global economic dialogue.

Lagarde and Kim have both declared climate change to be amongst the most serious threats to modern prosperity. As Lagarde said, "we are subsidising the very behaviour that is destroying our planet, and on an enormous scale".

Kim has gone even further, calling for nations and individuals to divest from fossil fuels. He recently said, "we can divest and tax that which we don’t want, the carbon that threatens development gains over the last 20 years … It’s simple self-interest. Every company, investor, and bank that screens new and existing investments for climate risk is simply being pragmatic.”

Abbott’s fear of even discussing the impact of climate change on the Australian economy shows his ignorance of the issue. Massive changes are occurring in investment markets in Australia and around the world, missed by a prime minister with his head in the sand.


Actually, there is still some doubts that he might or might not meet with the two bankers... but there is less doubt about our Liar-in-Chief eagerness to meet with media-pope Murdoch in Noo York...

at the mutual admiration society of denialists...

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his Canadian counterpart Stephen Harper have condemned carbon taxes during their first bilateral talks in Ottawa.

Both conservative leaders have campaigned against carbon pricing, and in the face of US president Barack Obama's push to get power producers to cut emissions, the prime ministers said the taxes are "job-killing" measures that would hurt their economies.

Under cloudless skies in the Canadian capital, Mr Abbott was given the warmest possible welcome as he arrived to meet Mr Harper at Parliament Hill.

A marching band played as a guard of honour assembled and fired a 19-gun salute.

Inside the pair sat down for what the bilingual Canadians call a tête-à-tête or head-to-head meeting.

Mr Abbott did not even try to hide his admiration for the more senior conservative statesman.

"I'm happy to call you an exemplar of centre-right leadership," Mr Abbott said.


Centre-right leadership? Oh boy, I nearly spewed in my corn flakes if I had corn flakes for breakkie, which I did not have... Is this the new whitewashing vernacular used by extreme right-wing lying prime ministers so they and their mates can pass as moderate? idiot.

hypocrites, idiots and dunces — abbott and harper.


Climate change policies are a test of the Prime Minister's free market credentials - a test that he has failed dismally in the past 48 hours, writes Greg Barns.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has been burnishing his small government, free market credentials since he took office last year and some supporters have praised him for it. So one should expect some searing criticism from this support base as it digests the news today that Mr Abbott, along with Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, wants to thwart the Obama administration's push for global market-based reforms designed to curtail the rate of climate change.

Mr Abbott, according to media reports this morning, is working with Mr Harper to undermine President Obama's agenda of global action on climate change via market-based mechanisms such as carbon pricing and emissions trading schemes. Mr Abbott prefers direct action - edicts from government - to deal with climate change. That is why he supports President Obama's recent announcement that would see America's power plants cut their greenhouse gas emissions by 30 per cent of their 2005 level over the course of the next decade (though he ignores the fact that Obama is encouraging US states to introduce their own market-based mechanisms in order to reach this target).

Strange stuff indeed. Because controlling climate change through taxing the source of emissions or by placing a price on greenhouse gas emissions is very market friendly. That is why a poll of economists commissioned by Fairfax Media last October showed that there was almost uniform consensus that emissions trading and a carbon tax "will yield the greatest environmental bang-for-buck at the lowest economic cost," according to a report in the Sydney Morning Herald.

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the most ignorant government I've ever seen...


recent study by Globe showed that 66 countries, accounting for 88% of global emissions, have passed climate laws.

While most countries were already taking action to tackle rising temperatures - another reason why a deal might be achieved at the crunch climate talks in Paris next year - Lord Deben singled out two countries, Australia and Canada, for criticism.

Australia in particular, where the government has repealed climate change and environmental laws, was behaving "appallingly".

"I think the Australian government must be one of the most ignorant governments I've ever seen in the sense, right across the board, on immigration or about anything else, they're totally unwilling to listen to science or logic," he said.

This week US President Barack Obama announced measures to cut emissions from power stations, while China has also unveiled plans for a cap on its emissions, raising hope for progress on international talks, the latest round of which is taking place in Bonn.

Executive secretary of the UN's climate body, Christiana Figueres, said: "It is no exaggeration that the clean revolution we need is being carried forward by legislation.


snowflake breaks away from turdy...


Canada – one of the few countries previously in line with Australia’s opposition to the international Green Climate Fund – now appears to have changed its mind, with Tony Abbott’s close friend prime minister Stephen Harper saying he is preparing to make a contribution.

Abbott has defied global pressure to commit to the fund, designed to help poor countries adapt to climate change, because Australia is already spending $2.5bn on its domestic Direct Action fund and providing $10bn in capital to a so-called “green bank” – which he is trying to abolish.

World leaders forced Australia to include stronger language about the Green Climate Fund in the G20 communique – and during the summit Barack Obama pledged the US would contribute $3bn to it and the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, offered $1.5bn. But soon after the conference was over Abbott indicated it would make no immediate difference to Australia’s position.

On Sunday Harper said Canada was preparing to make a contribution to the UN fund, the Globe and Mail and other Canadian media outlets reported. He did not nominate an amount.

Last November, Abbott and Harper “made history” by jointly dissenting from support for the Green Climate Fund in a communique from the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting.

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See toon at top....


warming canada...

Canada is warming up at almost twice the rate as the rest of the world, according a new report commissioned by the Canadian Environment and Climate Change Department, painting a grim picture for the country’s environmental future.

The report, titled "Canada's Changing Climate Report (CCCR)," is the culmination of the work of 43 government scientists and academics. It states that since 1948, when records first became available, Canada's annual average temperature over land has increased by 1.7 degrees Celsius. In northern Canada alone, the annual average temperature has increased by 2.3 degrees Celsius since 1948. By comparison, global temperatures have increased 0.8 degrees Celsius since 1948


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the melting iceberg is not the one joe is talking about...

Inconvenient Truths or Convenient Lies?


Exclusive to WorldNetDaily: Joe Schimmel offers earlier quotes in line with Climategate dishonesty

The sordid revelations discovered in recently leaked e-mails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit further confirm what many of us have long suspected regarding the global warming hoax: that elitists are cherry-picking data, rigging peer reviews, ignoring pertinent facts and using “tricks.” All of this in an effort toward perpetuating a myth of manmade global warming to sell the world on a Chicken Little “The Sky is Falling” scenario.

Whether it is a CRU scientist acknowledging, “We can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t,” or Phil Jones, head of Hadley CRU, advocating they “hide the decline” of global temperatures, the CRU weather balloon, filled with so much hot air, is out of the bag! This revelation of CRU’s dark underbelly, however, is only the tip of the iceberg in what will very likely go down as the greatest scientific fraud of the 21st century.

This is complete rubbish of course. When this was posted (no date) but possibly 10 years ago, on the Goodfight website, there was a discrepency in prediction of global warming and the happening of it. Scientists were aware of this and were discussing it, but their email deliberations were "stolen" by a hacker. Straight away, the denialists had a field day…
Remember “Climategate” — a controversy that began in November 2009 with the hacking of a server at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia (UEA) by an external agent. 

Climate change denialists, with columnist James Delingpole popularised the term "Climategate" to describe the controversy which was about the non-matching expectations of computer modelling and the seemingly plateauing of global warming then… Climate-change "skeptics” unequivocally said the emails showed that global warming was a scientific conspiracy and that scientists manipulated climate data and attempted to suppress critics. Crap. The CRU simply said that the emails had been taken out of context and merely reflected an honest exchange of ideas on why there was a discrepancy. It has been known of course that global warming ISN’T LINEAR, and the latest observations far exceed the computer models predictions.

But lying — or misrepresenting the truth — is the expertise of Joe Schimmel, who has been propping up Christians with god’s word for more than 25 years as head of Good Fight Ministries and Senior Pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Simi Valley, California. His "powerful" exposé, “They Sold Their Souls for Rock & Roll,” has gone live around the world. I’ve never heard of it till today and I wish I didn’t, but one has to fight the GoodFight illusions/delusions with real scientific truths. Global warming is real and anthropogenic.

It seems that Schimmel’s expertise — eschatology (end times), the occult, false teachings, and cults (not like his cult, obviously) — has made him one of the most sought after bullshitters on these topics. His article at top was a deep dive into a vat of slop without knowing an ounce of what he was "expertly" blurting about. 

Presently, Canada is warming at twice the rate of the globe, says a new report. A Greenpeace Canada analyst hopes this study will serve as a wake-up call for the Trudeau government, but says "You can't wake up a man who's only pretending to be asleep" on climate change…

The same shit is happening in Australia. The people are zombied about it — kept alive by the Murdoch media ignorance and the Scummo government bullshit, for whom burning fossil fuel is the right of all good Christian bogans on earth. And the other media, from the SMH to The Guardian, despite seemingly publishing about global warming, have cold feet about bringing Scummo down, because he "could be" a nice bloke. Come on! Destroy him! Otherwise you appear like the hypocrites that you are...
Meanwhile, this (possibly Christian because of the guilt factor) cartoon shows a complete misrepresentation of sciences:ice age2

This cartoon would be funny is it was not so far off the mark. Scientists know the trigger for the last ice age big melt which had to do primarily with the Milankovitch cycles (as per previous ice ages endings) rather than anything else. Had this ice age not ended we might still be living in trees (not really, but we'd be freezing our nuts still). The present global warming has nothing to do with the end of an ice age, but to piggy-backing extra heat by pumping anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere, onto the naturally warm climate of the Milankovitch cycles. Isn't this simple enough to understand? Idiots...

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