Friday 7th of March 2025

operation sovereign borders .....

offshore processing .....

Perhaps Minister for Immigration Scott Morrison is doing us all a favour through the application of blunt force trauma to those seeking the protection of the “lucky country”?

With 60% of Australians endorsing our country’s treatment of asylum seekers & our major political parties falling-over themselves to adopt policies to appease them, surely Scott is simply serving as a mirror for us to see what our nation has become?

And given our ready embrace of such heartless & selfish beliefs, is it any surprise that our politicians think that we are ready to eat our own young, old, poor & weak?

Poor fellow my country indeed.


titanium plates fitted into his face...

An asylum seeker who lost an eye in the riots at the Manus Island detention centre is suing the Federal Government and security firm G4S for failing in its duty of care during the incident.

The man, who is in his mid-30s, was referred to as RN and also suffered other severe facial injuries during the violence on February 16 and 17.

The riot resulted in the death of 23-year-old Iranian man Reza Barati, with dozens of others injured.

Law firm Maurice and Blackburn said the man is seeking damages for pain and suffering.


He is also seeking compensation for ongoing medical costs associated with his injuries, including the care of his prosthetic eye.

Lawyer Jane McDermott said they lodged the case in Victoria's Supreme Court today.

"We claim that the Commonwealth of Australia failed their duty of care to keep our client safe," Ms McDermott said.

She said the man was struck in the face with a rock while seeking refuge from the violence at the detention centre.

"He was hiding under his bed in his room to escape all the activities and violence going on that night," she said.

"He was then medivac-ed to Brisbane where surgeons sought to try and retain his right eye, but unfortunately they were unable to."

She said he also had titanium plates fitted into his face and is still being assessed for acquired brain injury.

morrison mum on violating international law...

Australia would “flagrantly” violate the refugee convention if 153 Tamil asylum seekers on board a boat headed to Australia were sent to Sri Lanka without being allowed to lodge a claim for protection, the Refugee Council of Australia has warned.

The Christmas Island shire president, Gordon Thomson, told Guardian Australia on Tuesday there were unconfirmed reports on the island that those on board the boat had been handed over to the Sri Lankan navy.

Thomson said it was clear that those on board had not yet been brought ashore and there was no sign of the boat.

The Sri Lankan high commissioner in Canberra, Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe, told Guardian Australia on Tuesday evening he had not been informed by the Australian government of the boat's existence and he was in no position to comment without knowing the facts, but was unaware of any reports of the Sri Lankan navy being engaged.

He said the Sri Lankan government continued to support Australia's border policy "because we don't want people dying at sea and we want to stop people-smuggling".

Australia and Sri Lanka enjoy close diplomatic relations, which allow for the the involuntarily return of any asylum seeker from Sri Lanka with a failed claim.

The office of the immigration minister, Scott Morrison, declined to comment on whether a handover had occurred.

read more:

our own sergeant schultz.. the thin version...


I know nofin':

The commander of Operation Sovereign Borders was unable to answer a series of basic questions about asylum-seeker vessel operations in a Senate inquiry.

It comes as a high court hearing looms to determine the fate of 153 asylum seekers believed to be still at sea.

Lieutenant General Angus Campbell was unable to tell a hearing on Friday whether customs vessels had adequate provisions for children or what their capacity, communications capabilities and supplies were.

There are 153 asylum seekers are thought to be on board an Australian customs vessel. The government gave an undertaking in the high court on Wednesday not to hand the asylum seekers to Sri Lankan authorities without 72 hours’ notice.

The Senate inquiry relates to the unrest on Manus Island in February, but Campbell gave a broad opening statement in which he discussed Operation Sovereign Borders more broadly and made significant references to asylum-seeker boat arrivals and “on-water” operations. The Greens senator Penny Wright, chairing the inquiry, allowed questions on the asylum-seeker operations under way and said they were relevant to the committee.

Asked where the 153 asylum seekers were, Campbell said: “In regard to that issue and the venture that you speak of, that is a matter under consideration by the high court so it would be inappropriate for me to comment further.”

Guardian Australia understands that on Friday lawyers acting for 50 asylum seekers on board the vessel had negotiated access to their clients but had not been informed of their whereabouts by government.