Saturday 11th of January 2025

killing the music... and hope... with a crazy budget...


The Aboriginal founder of the Deadly Awards, the annual celebration of indigenous achievement, was shattered last month when he learnt that he would lose federal funding worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Gavin Jones, 47, was found dead on his farm at Goulburn on Saturday. While his family did not want to discuss the nature of his death, they and his friends were aware of his devastation at the loss of funding affecting his ventures, which had spawned radio and television productions, the national Deadly Vibe magazine, the annual Deadly Awards, sport, dance and hip-hop events, and much more.

“Yes, it was a huge blow to him,” said his long-time friend Shelley Reys, who shared offices in Darlinghurst with Mr Jones when they were establishing their indigenous consulting businesses in the 1990s.

“He was very disappointed by the lack of support, not just to the business but to what the business provided to young people.”

On Monday night, Vibe Australia, which runs the Deadly Awards, revealed this year's event had been cancelled because of the funding cuts. The awards had been due to take place on September 30.

Vibe Australia said it had been informed in June that funds for the Vibe Project would be redirected to federal government programs that deliver "frontline" services from July 1. 

There was no confirmation of a suggestion by some of Mr Jones' friends that he had been forced to lay off staff as a result of federal cuts worth as much as $400,000.

However, Vibe Australia confirmed the federal funding cuts brought to an end the entire Vibe Project, which Mr Jones spent two decades building - including the Deadlys, Deadly Vibe and InVibe magazines, Deadly Sounds radio, Move It Mob Style TV and

But in a statement on its website it said "our commitment to Vibe and our belief in the work we do on behalf of the community remains firm". Fairfax Media understands Vibe Australia is not sure how it will secure its future.

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and the music stopped...


We would also like to thank the Australian Government, and the many officers and political people along the journey, for having the insight and vision to support Vibe for so many years.

Since the early 1990s, we hope we have contributed greatly to empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people all ages, particularly the young, to be their best with regard to education, employment, health and wellbeing, by providing clear and coherent information and showcasing positive role models, advancing the individual, the family, and the community.

Thank you, and in unity,

Vibe Australia
14 July 2014


The Aboriginal founder of the Deadly Awards, the annual celebration of indigenous achievement, was shattered last month when he learnt that he would lose federal funding worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

abbott goes for racist assimilation...


THE ABBOTT GOVERNMENT has appointed an Indigenous Adviser and, together, they have announced that they are creating efficiencies by cutting $600 million from the Indigenous Affairs portfolio to ‘eliminate waste.’

I recently commented on cuts to legal funding for Indigenous Australians, but one of the most recent cuts to be uncovered is the funding for Deadly Vibe, an initiative started by recently deceased Indigenous trailblazer Gavin Jones. Deadly Vibe was created to empower Indigenous people, it was a platform to celebrate the culture, the achievements of Indigenous people and overcome stereotypes.

Gavin understood Indigenous people; he recognised that there was a disparity between mainstream media and what the Indigenous community needed. He recognised that Indigenous people needed an outlet to feel pride as opposed to isolation and he set out to provide that outlet.

The Indigenous community is in mourning for Gavin, so it is a double blow for Indigenous Australians to not only lose Gavin but to effectively lose his legacy.

Gavin was one of the first to stand up and create a forum for recognition for the wonderful achievements of Indigenous Australians and aptly entitled it, the  ‘Deadly Awards’. The word ‘deadly’ for Indigenous people is synonymous with greatness, strength, courage and respect. To call someone ‘deadly’ is high praise.



The Prime Minister for Indigenous Affairs has activated policies that widen the gap, disempower Indigenous Australians and illustrate contempt for communities seeking to retain any sense of their cultural practices. This Government, and its adviser Mundine, not only let down the Indigenous people but are blatant in their policies of assimilation.

On the surface, the employment and training programs are a great way in which Indigenous people can become more highly skilled and employable. However, employment training and recruitment are important and valid programs — but they should not be the only programs.

When considered on a deeper level – in the context of cuts to health, education, legal services, cultural linguistics and worst of all, cuts to the national representative body that would provide a compelling voice to First Australians – it becomes clear that the employment programs are an attempt to assimilate the Indigenous people into the Liberal agenda of individual wealth accumulation and tax paying. For us to forget our culture and fade into the wider community. It is the outrageous, racist policy championed by Liberal Party elder Peter Coleman recently on ABC Q&A.

read more:,6698



abbott has a heart like a missing concrete bicycle saddle...


Tony Abbott exhibits callous disregard and gross disrespect to a young partially blind soccer player's plea. Barry Everingham reports.

WE REALLY HAVE TO hand it to Tony Abbott — the Prime Minister who just doesn’t get it.

The man who holds the nation’s highest political office is our most unpopular leader ever — and it is no wonder why. Simply recounting the story of 12-year-old Claire Falls and her letter to Abbott is enough to explain why he is so despised.

Claire is a vision impaired soccer player and is passionate about her sport. Consequently, she is upset  the Abbott Government taken away the entire government contribution to the Australia's Paralympic Football Team — a measly $175,000.

I say taken away, but stolen might be a better description.

Because Abbott was able to find $1,000,000 for the Australian Ballet to enable them to buy a Melbourne mansion a residence for their ballet students. (Of course, the co-chair of Australian Ballet is Sarah Murdoch, wife of Lachlan Murdoch and daughter-in-law of Rupert Murdoch, and the Pararoos don't have a Murdoch on their board.)

read more:,6704


now that he's gone...


Tony Abbott's final visit to remote indigenous communities left taxpayers with an eye-watering $80,000 food and catering bill.

The former prime minister took an extensive entourage of ministers, backbenchers, journalists and support staff to Cape York and the Torres Strait for a week-long visit in August.

But new government tender documents reveal the trip didn't come cheap. The Department of Defence paid Cairns food wholesaler Bidvest $77,042 to supply "fresh foodstuffs" for the trip.

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Now that Tony Abbott has gone and that his duplicitous hypocritical grandstanding about his Aboriginal heart-bleed has stopped, it is time for Turnbull to re-budget for the Deadlys Awards. Time to reward excellence in Aboriginal music and performance. See at top... The idea would be to do two Awards for the price of one... 2014 and 2015... Then the continuum would not have been broken by "His" (Tony's) Callousness...


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