Monday 20th of January 2025

only a psychopath would overtly rob the commonwealth in this manner...

psycho tony


Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has seized on leaks from the government party room saying they show the Prime Minister is unfit to govern the country.

Tony Abbott stunned MPs when he told them he scheduled a visit to a cancer research centre in Melbourne on Tuesday so he could justify billing taxpayers for a Liberal Party fundraiser in the same city the night before.

Mr Shorten told reporters on Wednesday the Prime Minister should "never need an excuse to visit a public hospital in Australia".

But he said the division within the government was the real story and not the Prime Minister's travel schedule.

"What is most telling about these reports is that there are Liberal Party members leaking against the Prime Minister. A party and a leader that cannot govern itself cannot govern Australia," he said.

Mr Shorten became Opposition Leader after the party lost office in 2013, largely as a result of Labor infighting and leaking over the leadership.

The issue of Mr Abbott's schedule arose when government senator Ian Macdonald took Mr Abbott to task for showing up an hour late to the party room meeting on Tuesday.

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rorts are acceptable under liberal rules...

Tony Abbott has come under pressure over his use of travel entitlements after reports he told a party room meeting that he visited a cancer centre to justify a trip to Melbourne to attend a private function the night before.

The prime minister’s office declined the opportunity to deny the damaging allegation reported by Fairfax Media, but said his travel complied with the rules and he made “no apologies” for visiting the Peter MacCallum centre.

The opposition leader, Bill Shorten, seized on the report as evidence Liberal MPs were leaking against their leader, and said the prime minister should not require an excuse to visit health facilities.

Abbott was late to the joint meeting of the Coalition parties before the resumption of parliament in Canberra on Tuesday, having held a media conference at the Peter MacCallum centre in Melbourne early in the morning stressing the government’s commitment to research.

One of Abbott’s internal critics, the backbench Liberal senator Ian Macdonald, raised the issue of Abbott’s lateness at the party meeting.

Fairfax Media said it had spoken to several government sources who were stunned to hear Abbott explain that he had scheduled the official function on Tuesday morning to justify being in Melbourne for a fundraiser on Monday night under entitlements.

The prime minister’s office did not deny the central allegation on Wednesday.

A spokesman said the Coalition party room was “a private meeting” but “all travel is within the rules”.

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Yes, the rorts are within the liberal (CONservative) party rules as decreed by Tony's regime... but they are an additional blight on Tony's unclean shit (sorry... sheet) of having rorted the commonwealth before by making us pay for his "private" charity pedalling expenses... Has the bloke no decency left in him?... I know he never had any before... Okay, I know, I should never have asked the question...

secrecy of "private" fund raiser...


Several MPs told Fairfax Media that the Prime Minister described the private function as a "fund-raiser" to the party room.

The issue came to a head when LNP senator Ian Macdonald, who has been a frequent critic of his own side since he was demoted from the frontbench after the election, told Mr Abbott his priority should have been the regular party room meeting, which is held every Tuesday morning when Parliament is sitting.

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Now, obviously the Turd in Chief is very coy about the "private fund-raising function".... So what was it?... Was it a piss up with mates at the IPA? Was it with the ghasly international family bizo head religious bigots as well? Who knows... This budget and behaviour not were not what Tony and his monkeys were elected for... They are the pits of cloacas...


a rort by no other name...

The fundraiser Prime Minister Tony Abbott attended that sparked a furore over his use of entitlements was held for cabinet mInister Kevin Andrews, Fairfax Media has learned. 

Mr Abbott skipped a traditional dinner with government senators to attend the fundraiser, held in Melbourne on Monday night. His trip became front page news when he admitted to his partyroom that he booked a visit to a cancer centre early the next morning, so the interstate trip could be justified under entitlements.

Mr Abbott stunned his colleagues with the comment because although it is a common for MPs to combine official and party duties on trips, it is rare for a politician to admit to the practice for the purposes of entitlements.  

Mr Andrews refused to comment when asked for details about Monday night's fundraiser including how much it raised.  One source said it was being noted that the Prime Minister was fundraising for a federal MP two years out from the next federal election and the Victorian state election less than one hundred days away. But Fairfax Media understands Mr Abbott held a similar fundraiser for the state campaign the week prior. 


Mr Abbott was quizzed about his priorities when he arrived an hour late to the regular meeting of Coalition MPs. Government senator Ian Macdonald publicly berated the leader saying the joint partyroom was the only time backbenchers had an opportunity to discuss issues with the executive. 

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