Monday 20th of January 2025

The British are coming!

Ferchrissakes, the British version started under the name of the "Future Warships Project".  I've summed up how I see the situation in a wee letter published in the Adelaide Advertiser on Friday:

Letter in Adelaide Advertiser 31/10/14

Best subs option

IF the future frigates are to be built in Adelaide, and the ship chosen is the Type 26 Combat Ship, a new era in naval co-operation could begin.

The UK Navy are building 13 of these ships, with BAE doing much of the design work and Raytheon developing the navigation and bridge systems.

BAE purchases the ASC it would make more sense for it to be building the same project here as in other parts of the world.

The true sweetener is that if (like the UK) we intend to keep the Type 26 in service till 2060, future decades might well see other such warships than just the Australian Navy’s chugging up the Port River for refurbishment.