Monday 20th of January 2025

an idiot playing a game far worse than russian roulette with your life...

co-payment trigger

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has accused the Opposition of sabotaging sensible reform after the Government abandoned its planned GP co-payment.

The $7 co-payment was one of the Coalition's key budget measures, but the Government has walked away from its proposal, knowing it did not have enough support in the Senate.

It is one of several measures swept up in what Mr Abbott is describing as a "barnacle-clearing" exercise to remove policies slowing the Government's momentum through its second year in office.

The ABC understands the Coalition is going back to the drawing board though it still supports putting a price signal on visits to the doctor.

Mr Abbott would not be drawn on why the Government walked away from the policy, but did accuse the Opposition of sabotaging sensible economic reform.

"This is a Labor Party which has entirely given up... they've got no plans, no policies, they're just a chorus of complaint," he said.


Tony ! Tony ! TONY! who was the idiot who complained and said no to everything when in opposition: TONY !... And basically your plan STINKS. YOUR BUDGET IS WORSE THAN A RUBBISH TIP. You got lucky that Labor stopped your insane co-payment for visit to the GP... By the way, you can pull the double dissolution trigger anytime if you wish...


but he might still pull the trigger nonetheless...

The Abbott government may bypass the Senate to introduce the $7 Medicare co-payment after conceding the key budget policy would not pass the parliament. Follow it live...

I believe his media mates are worried about his insanity...

Conservative commentators appear to be growing increasingly frustrated with the Abbott government, as it struggles to present a coherent message leading into the final parliamentary sitting week for the year.

The Prime Minister said this week he wanted to clear a few policy "barnacles", but by the end of the week it remained unclear which barnacles he was speaking of.

It was a difficult week for the government, which faced criticism over mixed messages about the future of its GP co-payment, its broken promise not to cut the ABC or SBS and comments from the Defence Minister mocking the government shipbuilder.


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