Sunday 9th of March 2025

feminism is often misunderstood... you know what I mean.

mickey 1958...

Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting fell into the "I'm not a feminist" trap and had to apologise to extricate herself.

A win for feminism or a win for anti-feminism? Maybe more like a win for tweet-shaming.

Cuoco-Sweeting, star of The Big Bang Theory, stepped into a wasps' nest when she made a mild comment about whether she considers herself a feminist in an interview with Redbook.

"Is it bad if I say no? It's not really something I think about," she mused. "Things are different now, and I know a lot of the work that paved the way for women happened before I was around. ... I was never that feminist girl demanding equality, but maybe that's because I've never really faced inequality."

She also said she loves cooking for her husband, Ryan Sweeting, five nights a week.

"It makes me feel like a housewife," she said. "I love that. I know it sounds old-fashioned, but I like the idea of women taking care of their men. I'm so in control of my work that I like coming home and serving him. My mum was like that, so I think it kind of rubbed off."

But being young (she's 29) and liking to cook for your spouse is not in conflict with being a feminist; feminism, as has often been pointed out, is about getting to choose, which is what Kaley is doing.

Still, some people on Twitter thought her comments were "disappointing."

This was quickly followed by tweets from those with no love for feminists leaping to her defense.

By New Year's Day, Cuoco-Sweeting was trying to explain, via her Instagram page. Her comments were taken "out of context," she said, and then she apologised.

"I'm completely blessed and grateful that strong women have paved the way for my success along with many others. I apologise if anyone was offended. Anyone that truly knows me, knows my heart and knows what I meant."


not resolved fifty years later...

feminism — not a new issue...


last will...


These two pictures taken from Sydney Morning Herald of the very early 1960s... The subject of equality was already fierce, yet as we know not much has changed. While Tony Miss O-Genie seems to be trying something, one should be able to see that his nanny formula is very elitist. It is designed to favour a few RICH career women and leave most others in the dumps doing the ironing, while the cost of childcare is going through the roof... Note the Benier illustration/cartoon where the woman gets the gun out of her handbag... 

men's view in the 1960s...





What is extraordinary is that Design & Art Australia online HAS NOT A SINGLE WORK of Benier to show! Sacrilegious! Benier like Petty is one of the long serving cartoonists in this country...

(We know of no works by Frank Bennier. You can help by linking one here.)

no justice in mexican crime passional...

ATIZAPAN DE ZARAGOZA, Mexico — José Diego Suárez Padilla has converted his home into a shrine to his daughter, Rosa Diana. Windows fashioned after her blue eyes stare out on the street. A painting of the girl in a white party dress covers a living room wall, overlooking an altar with offerings of chicken and chewing gum. The food has lain there so long that the red chili sauce has congealed.

Suárez Padilla explains to a visitor that he normally puts out fresh food but lately hasn’t had time. That’s because he’s busy all day consulting with lawyers and politicians to seek justice for her death.

Four years ago on New Year’s Eve, a jealous ex-boyfriend stabbed to death the 22-year-old secretarial student and bashed her face into a purple pulp. Suárez Padilla spent 10 months hunting down the youth when he went on the lam — authorities would not make the effort. Even though the young man confessed, he has not been sentenced. Suárez Padilla wants to see him behind bars, alongside the police who denied a restraining order two months before the murder when the youth burst into the house, stole her cell phone and threatened to kill her.

“They said it wasn’t a crime. What are public servants for if they don’t serve justice? They could have prevented her death,” says the anguished father, showing a file of documents a foot high that he has assembled to press his case.

His anguish resonates across Mexico, which local United Nations officials say ranks among the world’s 20 worst countries for violence against women. Newspapers routinely report “crimes of passion” or unidentified female body parts floating in sewage canals. Misogyny and corruption prevent most cases from seeing justice.

even Q&A... for ABC's sake!....


A storm has blown up online over the number of male panellists on the ABC's Q&A program on family violence, to be held on Monday.

A furore has built on Twitter over why Q&A has chosen more men than women to discuss an issue that has claimed more women than men as victims.

Why on earth do #qanda only have 2 women to talk about domestic violence? — Melina D (@melwil) February 19, 2015

"It's one issue where there actually are loads more female experts than men," Jess Hill said on Twitter. 

3 men & 2 women on next week's #qanda on domestic violence? On this topic, you'd think the gender balance might tip the other way. — Jess Hill (@jessradio) February 18, 2015

Respondents to her tweet nominated "more worthy" panellists, all women, such as the NSW Minister for Family and Community Services Gabrielle Upton, the chief executive for Domestic Violence Victoria Fiona McCormack, the chief executive of Safe Steps family violence response centre Annette Gillespie, as well as Julie Oberin, who is the chief executive of Annie North Women's Refuge and Domestic Violence Service in regional Victoria. 

Daily Life columnist Clementine Ford said on Twitter "that imbalance itself is part of the structural landscape of violence where men's voices are valued and listened to more". 

I wonder if @QandA realises that the continued marginalisation of women in public representation is a structural part of gendered violence. — Clementine Ford (@clementine_ford) February 19, 2015 I would have loved to see @Msloulou77 - a lawyer specialising in VAW and an Indigenous woman - discuss these issues with NSD and RB. #qanda — Clementine Ford (@clementine_ford) February 19, 2015

Q&A took to Twitter to respond to the criticism.

. @jessradio One of the positive aspects of movement against DV has been the increasing number of men stepping forward to speak out. — ABC Q&A (@QandA) February 18, 2015

The Twitterati let their feelings be known.

. @QandA I'm a big fan of the program, but I don't think there's a need to be so defensive of a valid criticism on this particular panel. — Jonathan Brown (@JB_AU) February 18, 2015 Seriously @QandA? You have 2 women & 3 men on a panel on family violence? The men include a sports broadcaster & a counsellor??? #qanda — Pasanna M (@pasanna_m) February 19, 2015 More men than women on #QandA Family Violence panel. Seriously @QandA? More than 1 woman a week is dying right now. — Louise Pascale (@loupascale) February 18, 2015

The three men on the panel are Victorian Police Chief Commissioner Tim Cartwright, ABC radio sports broadcaster and campaigner against domestic violence Charlie King, and the managing director of Men & Family Counselling and Consultancy on the Gold Coast Simon Santosha.

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Gus hates Q&A... Why? Mostly because it's a forum where lies have equal opportunity to the "truth"... It's a forum where "emotions" are exploited beyond reality, and, rarely, is scientific data or "common sense" (whatever that is) used thoroughly as a basis for discussion... The parameters of points of views are rarely backed up by facts, figures and deep philosophical thoughts.... They all swim in stubborn partisanship and unbackable feedstock to the chooks.

eastern suburb domestic violence...


The ocean views and high incomes of the eastern suburbs hide a shocking domestic violence epidemic with eight women falling victim every day.

Experts say they are highly alarmed by the results from a trial of a groundbreaking new multi-agency response to women at serious, imminent risk of domestic violence.

The figures, obtained by The Sun-Herald, reveal that 1205 eastern suburbs women were referred by police to the Safer Pathways pilot site at Waverley Local Court between September and February.

Of the eight women referred every day for being at serious risk of violence, two are at immediate risk of being killed. 

It's shocking to see such high numbers in such a small area," said Helen Brereton, executive officer of the Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service, which runs the Safer Pathways trial sites.

"It's also shocking to see that most of them have children and we know the devastating impact domestic violence has on them."

Women are referred to the Safer Pathways co-ordination point if they have come into contact with police across the Eastern Suburbs, Eastern Beaches, Rose Bay and Botany local area commands.


Note since the article above, Q&A had "an all women panel" (including the host) leading to a tiff between Germaine Greer and Julie Bishop, which is not worth mentioning...


sexism in the city...

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young has won a defamation case against men's magazine Zoo Weekly for photoshopping her head onto a lingerie model's body.

The image appeared in a July 2012 article titled Zoo's Asylum Seeker Bikini Plan.

In the article, the magazine offered to house a boatload of asylum seekers in its office if Senator Hanson-Young agreed to a bikini shoot.

Senator Hanson-Young said she hopes her legal victory will set an example for other young women to take a stand against sexism.

"I'm very, very relieved this has been resolved but what I'm more thankful of is I have been able to show young women across this country that sexism does not have a place in our society," she said.

"It shouldn't have a place when we deal with women in the public eye or, indeed, female politicians.

"It does exist and it needs to be stamped out and stood up to when it occurs.

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sir tim exposes his dick-mind in south korea...

Holes don't dig themselves. This universal law of engineering must be preoccupying the otherwise brilliant mind of Sir Tim Hunt, the distinguished British scientist, as he considers the address he gave to a conference of science journalists in South Korea this week.

His particular excavation started when he stood up, confessed to the room that he was a chauvinist pig and thanked the women present for making lunch. The 72-year-old biochemist then continued with his burrowing: "Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab. You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry." By now neck-deep and warming to a strangely silent crowd, he voiced the cracking idea of single-sex labs.

And then the soil started raining down on his head – largely thanks to Connie St Louis, the director of the science journalism program at City University London, who complained on Twitter of a lunch "utterly ruined by sexist speaker Tim Hunt. Really does this Nobel Laureate still think we are in Victorian times?" The ensuing storm is a reminder that scientists really do need to get out more.



see also:

at the dump...

In regard to the story above:


Hunt was also supported by Dame Athene Donald, professor of experimental physics at Cambridge, who described Hunt’s sacking from the ERC as hugely sad.

“During the time I worked with him he was always immensely supportive of the ERC’s work around gender equality. His off-the-cuff remarks in Korea are clearly inappropriate and indefensible, but … he has worked tirelessly in support of young scientists of both genders.”

Hunt is under no illusions about the consequences. “I am finished,” he says. “I had hoped to do a lot more to help promote science in this country and in Europe, but I cannot see how that can happen. I have become toxic. I have been hung to dry by academic institutes who have not even bothered to ask me for my side of affairs.”

Nor has Collins fared well. “My relations with University College have been badly tarnished,” she adds. “They have let Tim and I down badly. They cared only for their reputation and not about wellbeing of their staff.”

For Hunt’s part, there is only one aspect of this grim affair that offers him any solace. “I think I may have more time for the garden now – especially the quince trees.”

So... what took the quince tree man to try and act like a sexist stand-up comedian — in a sexist comedy night at the Dump, the comedy hot spot in downtown Femrubisher — at a science seminar without rubbishing men as well? Obviously he did not mean what he said... or did he? Does it matter? Should he have been sacked by the university or given a Honorary Doctorate in Bad Joke-Telling? Were the bad jokes fed to him by a ghost speech writer?

the trolls egg their own faces...

Online trolls have accused actress Emma Watson of "exploiting" the death of her Harry Potter co-star Alan Rickman, after she shared a quote from the actor in which he voiced his support for feminism.

"There is nothing wrong with a man being a feminist, I think it is to our mutual advantage," says Rickman's quote, posted to Twitter by Watson following the actor's death overnight, aged 69.

But the internet's trolls - probably with minds blown following decades of modelling their own slimy personalities on Rickman's diabolical Die Hard villain Hans Gruber - didn't want to hear it.

"Don't make us hate him," one cried at Watson's use of Rickman's own words in her tribute. "Also, nice using your dead friend [for] your own agenda."

Sadly for these nuts, Rickman's own words do (shock!) actually represent his own feelings.

The actor had regularly spoken in support of women's rights, including Watson's own #HeForShe campaign, which called on men to contribute to the feminist cause.

"I always think 'feminist' just means common sense," he told Entertainment Weekly in June last year, adding, "Do I live in a world and certainly in a business that is incredibly unfair to women? Yes, I do."


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Alan Rickman played baddies in a lot of movies, but this does not mean he was a a baddie in real life. Vale Alan.

tim, the rabid dog at the daily/sunday telegraph


The Daily Telegraph columnist Tim Blair has mocked domestic violence leave and suggested ABC staff are seeking to secure it as part of their workplace agreement because the corporation is a “bloodhouse” and employees beat each other up at night.

Related: The reason News Corp has it in for Waleed Aly? Not sure, sorry

Blair’s post on the News Corp website, under the headline Tax-funded spousal assault community, has been widely condemned on Twitter for being insensitive about the issue of domestic violence.

“Evidently the ABC employs so many victims of domestic violence that they require their own special leave allowance category – which is interesting, given how many ABC employees are married to or shacked up with other ABC employees,” Blair wrote on his blog on Sunday.

“What kind of carnage-strewn bloodhouse are they operating over there?

“Is that why ABC staff work so few hours – because they’re always recovering from the previous night’s beatings? Why are staffers not pressing charges instead of seeking leave?” by Amanda Meade



Amanda, you should know that Tim has been employed by the ultra right-wing Daily/Sunday Telegraph to destroy anything left of it. While Devine and Akerman have their job assigned to mostly destroy ideas, Tim is employed to destroy places. Like the ABC. Or this site. Since Margo Kingston started the Webdiary (now defunct) and this site (yourdemocracy still going strong), Tim ran a pissy but popular blog and has been like a little vicious top dog at her heels, collecting all the wild rabid ultra-right-wing mongrels and skin heads on the planet to attack her and us in a pack of nasty bloggers. The attacks stopped sometimes ago, around 2010...

Now that Tim is a big cheese at the DT he is also attacking anything that houses global warming understanding. He thinks he is funny as he savaged the couch like you would not believe. It would not be so funny, if we did not that Tim Blair BELIEVES THE CRAP he writes... He does... The silly mongrel used to work for a rag called The Truth — nothing was further from it than that.

seriously designed to make you look serious...

Journalists at News Corp Australia have called on management to reject the views of Daily Telegraph columnist Tim Blair who mocked and downplayed the issue of domestic violence on his blog.

Staff at the Daily Telegraph and the Australian and all the Rupert Murdoch-owned papers recently endorsed family violence leave as part of their log of claims for a workplace agreement. The papers, in particular the Herald Sun, have campaigned strongly for victims of family violence.

“The national News Corp house committee was disappointed to read Daily Telegraph opinion writer Tim Blair’s piece on family violence, published in the early hours of Monday morning,” a letter to News Corp’s head of employee relations Andrew Bioccaa said.

If you know how disinformation works you could be tempted to believe that the whole thing WAS A SETUP. It was. Here you go. Your journalistic team is being distrusted by people more and more. You need to give them cred.  So you use your dedicated opinionated idiot to write a stupid article and then, you say that your "serious" journalists disagree with "him". We are serious here at the Daily Telegraph... If they wanted us to believe it was not a SETUP,  they should sack Tim Blair. Fair's fair....

hidden figures...

From Julia Gillard


Based on what we know about the power of educating girls and women, Rumana and Magda are shortening the odds that they can pull themselves and their families out of desperate poverty and live relatively healthy lives. Their personal gains, together with those of growing numbers of other educated women, reverberate across communities, countries, regions and continents and can truly change the world. 

Also, as more girls get basic schooling, larger numbers will move up the educational ladder, some to pursue science, technology, engineering and mathematics. That’s important because workplaces around the world, especially in many developing and emerging market countries, are becoming more automated, favouring workers with technical skills. Their success in the workplace will, in turn, strengthen their countries’ economies and create more and better opportunities for businesses. 

But, even though the disparity between the number of girls and boys in primary and secondary school has narrowed significantly in many countries, girls’ enrolment and performance in science and math programs still fall far behind boys’.

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At this level, I was reminding myself and an email correspondent that some of "traders" on the derivative markets are Russian female mathematicians versed in the art of gambling. These women are prefered because they have a great intuitive sense as well as a rigourous application of maths, all better than most men. Meanwhile:

On the eve of March 8, International Women's Day, the Russian Ministry of Defense held an All-Russian Beauty Contest.

The beauty extravaganza called "Makeup for Camouflage" featured women serving in the Russian military. 50 beauties made it to the final round.

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Next, will we find that Rimmel is sponsoring females in the British army?...

Meanwhile in the US nude army:

The photographs, taken without the knowledge of the young women, were shared on a secret Facebook group to which nearly 30,000 soldiers had access. The US Department of Defense has opened an investigation into the navies involved.

Hundreds or even thousands of photos of recruits and nude female veterans belonging to the US Marine Corps were shared on a secret Facebook group called "Marines United". More than twenty young women photographed without their knowledge have been identified by their rank and full name.

This Facebook group, followed by more than 30,000 people, includes US and British navies - active and retired - as well as Navy soldiers. On the Facebook page, the link to the collection of images provided a delicate introduction: "And here's for you, bunch of thirsty bastards ... it's just the tip of the iceberg, there's more to come . "


a few enlisted pricks on international woman's say...

The Pentagon has pledged a full investigation into a nude photo scandal hitting the American armed forces.

Defence Secretary James Mattis said "all appropriate action" was being taken in all branches of the armed forces. 

The scandal began when nude photos of female Marines were published online by male colleagues.

But fewer than 10 female Marines have come forward to make a formal complaint, a top Marine official said.

General Robert Neller said he hoped more women would come forward to help the investigation. 

The scandal initially broke when current and former members of the US Marines were discovered sharing naked photos of female servicewomen on Facebook, in a group called "Marines United".

It reportedly had over 30,000 members before being shut down. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service has begun an investigation into the practice in the Marines.

Since then, it has emerged that other anonymous online message boards have been soliciting and publishing hundreds of nude photos of female personnel from other armed forces.

Speaking at a Pentagon news conference on Friday, General Neller said he did not know how many Marines were involved in the posting, or how many have been targeted.

read more:

only submissive women allowed...

Supergirl Madeleina Kay told to leave Brussels press conference

A British blogger who won a contest to take part in an EU event about journalism and European funding was told to leave a press conference, despite having press accreditation.

Madeleina Kay, who dresses as supergirl, told Daily Politics presenter Jo Coburn that "Britain needs a super hero to save it from Brexit"

And she explained her attire made the organisers think she might "pull a prank like the guy at the Tory conference.

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