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looking after one's own on planet weirdo in company of e-technologies and the occult...Swedenborg ... went into a little inn in Bishopsgate Street, and was eating his dinner very fast when he thought he saw in the corner of the room a vision of Jesus Christ, who said to him, "Eat slower". This was the beginning of all his visions and mysterious communications. Caroline Fox, 1847Religious fervour is a funny weird state of the mind. Today one Daniel J Levitin explains how our addiction to technology makes us less and less efficient... Are we in a rut at most times, trying to do too many things? Let's face it, there are too many ways we can muck up our life on the highway to death, technology included — and all the religious instruction manuals are simplistic, confusing, competing for our customs and to a great extend are selling the same thing: a garden plot on the other side of reality... Sciences tell us there could be a garden plot with greener pastures on the other side but there is buckley's chance of getting there in one piece. Multi-verses don't meet. Now we are being distracted further by distracting technos. Unless we become cleverer. And then, can we become addicted to our own clever bullshit? Should I write long-hand stuff that no-one can read? So far by pressing a few buttons on a keyboard, I can be read by 125,528 bods. Amazing... I would dispute Levitin's thesis for my own bat, except many people do not know how-not-to be addicted to the e-tools... Their thumb and finger co-ordination is hot-wired to pressing buttons exclusively. They cannot hold a chisel, a stick nor a screwdriver anymore. They have difficulties in throwing a ball to Fluffy. But they can press buttons at high speed to call for a plumber. There is a gulf of difference between knowing how to operate the technology and becoming addicted to it. Some young people play games all day long and they're now incapable of getting off their arse. I stopped playing chess when it was obvious that one had to memorise a million moves in order to win. What's clever about that? No uncertainty, except in our memory lapses? Can we really believe that we can invent a "new move" that no-one though of before? No chance. Rats. There is a bit more uncertainty in pressing buttons to kill the enemy in a violent video game that increases with speed the more baddies we blast in 3Ds. But we're getting fatter for it... In the past, people could have been addicted to religious fervour. Some people still are in some religious strictures. The bells tolled to mark prayer time. Religious fervour is learnt like pressing buttons, mind you — with the fear of god, god's vengeance and the bounty of god's love. All these repeated from mantras and long texts that don't really make sense — but we absorb the glorious syntax rather than the irrelevant meaning of someone fighting the philistines in a temple or having 20 wives. Still current for many people, except for the bigamy, religiousness fills "the gap" — the void in our uncertainty. And this religiosity takes many format: Quakers, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims of various prophets, voodoo, druids, etcetera. We have faith. We believe. If we kill an infidel or stand on one leg while shaking a rabbit's paw in our left hand, ye gods will look after us — or kick us in the gonads should He decides we have been naughty. Here comes an earthquake in Italy. The various beliefs help us connect with other people who believe in the same rigmarole. It can give us a warm glow of peace in our heart and prevent us from murdering someone we hate. We're not suppose to hate... Suddenly some other believing idiots on the other side decide you do not believe in the right god. Yours is crap. They are armed, hateful and we need to defend ourselves. It's nonsensical and counter-productive. We delegate the fighting to our troops and police, while we pray for peace with an Idiotic ecumenical genuineness — while we forget the good old colonial days brought up the situation of now. Swedenborg was a scientists who turned to religion late in life. He started to see things. Many things. He could talk to angels and to the devil. It looks like this newly acquired skill came from indigestion, as suggested by Caroline Fox. He could have eaten some mouldy bread... Mould can do that. The mould toxins can take you on a longer weirder trip than cocaine — if you don't die from poisoning first. The effect of mould poisoning can last for years... Salem... One of the major problem with technology and access of functionality via games or virtual electronic association is that we can be massively distracted from anything else, including from our "work" (whatever that is, these days) by furiously "connecting" with people via digits for no other reason than "being connected". We run out of time to do ANYTHING else. We have digital friends, people we've never met but we know their tastes and love settings (movies, music, holidays). We've seen the pictures of their kids... Faith can be secondary to budding romance as proselytising is not encouraged on such platforms. Porn is not either... though the hormones can be tweaked to full bore on "secret sites"... And the technology can be very deceiving, like faith. Crap is the name of unverified information. Some of the people, who want to "befriend" you, are shonks while in the right-hand column there are oodles of lovely females (or males) ready to do whoopee for a fee or a swing. Just click the right age bracket for your taste. In the past, you'd be taken screaming to the church or have to wait for the LOCAL priest or the pastor to door-knock to tell you about Armageddon and your days in Hell for the rest of eternity, apart from village visiting Mormons. These days, you can access millions of faith-based sites that tell you their beliefs are better than the other ones because they've seen the bright light of the lord, when they discovered a comma was wrongly placed in the other versions of the same sacred texts which for all we know so far are unverified information reconstituted margarinous tales from various bits and unreliable sources, with unbelievable embellishment, but full of the wrath of god. Thus, with our tablets (vastly improved on Moses originals), our phones, our computers, our watches, we can be connected INSTANTLY to people for longer than we can live — even should we reach 150 and are still able to blow the candles. We end up WASTING a lot of time on nonsense, trivia and chit-chat-glut. It's only when we cannot stop more than five minutes being on this techno merry-go-round that we should recognise and declare that we are addicted. But is not life designed to be a bit like a beautiful waste of time? Electronic technology is good. It has simplified the process of making some complex things but has made a lot of people redundant. Printers, bank tellers, artists, priests... It demands more out of us though. We have to be skilled in "visualisation", in pressing buttons and in inanity momentum. Meanwhile, some flocks still want to believe — but aren't we trying to delude ourselves on the value and shape of the singularity of faith?: Says a Mr Pickwick, in one of the comments to an article by Rod Dreher in The American Conservative...: So yes, with some notable exceptions, the American church betrayed youth in the past several decades. It all began in the late Sixties, when many church youth groups began trying to be “cool” and “relevant.” I remember walking out of my high school youth group meeting in 1972 when the leader wanted us to analyze the theology in Janis Joplin’s “Oh Lord, Won’t You Give Me a Mercedes Benz?” I was insulted, felt like I was being treated like an idiot. I was so relieved when I got to college and discovered Bonhoeffer, Wendell Berry and others, along with peers willing to discuss them.
Bonhoeffer, ah the good "old" Bonhoeffer, we've already mentioned him somewhere on this site... Anti-Nazi, devout Christian to the letter of discipline by carrying a heavy cross or a costly bag of cement on our back (super-lightweight if we think of Christ at the same time) and possibly flagellate alla Jesuit style: "cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline. Communion without confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ." "costly grace confronts us as a gracious call to follow Jesus, it comes as a word of forgiveness to the broken spirit and the contrite heart. It is costly because it compels a man to submit to the yoke of Christ and follow him; it is grace because Jesus says: "My yoke is easy and my burden is light." Bonhoeffer was hung by the nazis. In The American Conservative, Dreher starts with: This Wichita conference I’ve been at over the weekend was on the theme of wonder in Christianity. I had several important conversations about Millennials and the Christian faith, and the strong consensus — I’m talking about among college professors who teach them — is that even in Christian colleges, undergraduates come almost entirely ignorant of the Christian faith.
Gus: Well, one does not have to be ignorant, but one does not have to subscribe to faith and one should be able to to argue about the concept of faith, which to some people is as much "occult" driven than the occult. And one can be ignorant of faith. It's not a public offence though it could be a sin in the faith driven belief. Dreher concludes by quoting Vasquez who argues against the "occult" in South America: The solution to the problem of botanicas ( is not to be found in the secularization of the minds and desires of these immigrants. Rather, it lies in a stronger dose of good old-fashioned Catholicism — a remedy that would benefit the entire Church. Dreher adds: "A politicized deism with props. What a terrific phrase, one that describes much of American Christianity."
There we are. They seem to believe that we need to increase the dosage of faith in Christ to achieve... a greater dosage of faith in Christ... Brainwashing comes to mind. Another way to make you part with your money at some stage. But the occult (and religion) relies on things we don't see and things that are presented to us by tricks of the hand and of the mind.
Excellent. I have no idea why "secularization" is a bad thing. Is it because by not believing in a superior arbiter of our behaviour we're going to be "bad"?... I don't think so. Secularization does not mean "occult"...
Well overall, secularity is not such a bad idea. It looks like the other fellow mentioned by Mr Pickwick, Wendell Berry, is a secularist, a conservationist and a poet...
Comes Rod Dreher again: Author Rod Dreher writes that Berry's "unshakable devotion to the land, to localism, and to the dignity of traditional life makes him both a great American and, to the disgrace of our age, a prophet without honor in his native land."[32] Similarly, Bill Kauffman argues that "Among the tragedies of contemporary politics is that Wendell Berry, as a man of place, has no place in a national political discussion that is framed by Gannett and Clear Channel."[32] Historian Richard White calls Berry "the environmental writer who has most thoughtfully tried to come to terms with labor" and "one of the few environmental writers who takes work seriously.
So equipped with Bornehofen and Berry, one should be able to have faith, manage the planet into its original Eden look and kill off our dependency (addiction for many) on capitalism. That ain't going to happen. The rich own most religions, including shopping.
A lot of religious fervour rely on capitalistic investments. This is why the Quakers are making the switch from the big banks to the smaller ones. But the idea of "capitalisation" of cash is still on the religious thinking treadmill. Is there a lesson here that Christ was "recorded" as the first capitalist on earth when he talked about investing cash for better returns rather than bury the gold coins? My memory is fuzzy on this one... More than 200 Australian Quakers, gathered for their Yearly Meeting in Melbourne from 3 to 10 January 2015, expressed support for Global Divestment Day on 14 February, and encouraged individual members and meetings to move funds from investments that damage the Earth. The national body of Quakers in Australia intends to move its corporate funds away from the ‘big four’ banks ( ------------------------------ Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.” Read more: Dream on, cobber... There is a drought, a flood and a bush fire coming your way due to global warming. You must have been naughty... But I'll drink to your health anyway... Take care.... Believe if you will... Meanwhile, the richest one per cent are inheriting more than half of this planet's wealth while destroying the planet. Some of the others geezers believe in the occult and others stay poor to inherit a pie in the sky. Some other idiots wield guns. Weird. And we carry on pressing buttons, furiously, while talking to electronic shadows... We believe in electronic illusions more and more. We need to. Weirdoes, we are... Gus Leonisky Your local ecological atheist on planet Weirdo.
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back in time and now...
Africa, still reeling from Colonialism...
Kenyan police have fired tear gas into a crowd of Nairobi schoolchildren as the youngsters and adults protested against what they call an illegal confiscation of a playground.
A police spokesman said authorities were investigating the incident and planned to initiate disciplinary proceedings against the officers involved.
"Apparently a level of force which is not commensurate to the persons involved was used," Masoud Mwinyi said. He added that four adults had also been arrested.
There were around 40 armed police accompanied by dogs, according to reports. The majority of the children were aged between eight and 13.
At least 24 of up to 80 people taken hostage by Boko Haram militants in Cameroon at the weekend are reported to be free.
Some escaped from their captors while Cameroon said others were freed "as defence forces pursued the attackers who were heading back to Nigeria".
Many of those kidnapped in the cross-border raid were said to be children.
It was one of the biggest abductions by Boko Haram outside Nigeria and raised fears that it is expanding its attacks.
The militant Islamist group has seized control of towns and villages in north-east Nigeria and has begun threatening neighbouring countries.
Chad, which also borders Nigeria, has recently sent soldiers to help Cameroon tackle the militants.
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breeding, unlike bugs...
Clarity has never been a strong point at the Vatican. This is, after all, an institution that has chosen for centuries to communicate with its followers via erudite documents written in Latin, which must be first translated and then interpreted for us, the faithful in the pew.
But even by its own standards, this week’s papal pronouncements have been bewildering. We thought that, whatever else wasn’t clear, one thing we did know was that the church doesn’t approve of contraception. But during his in-flight press conference en route home from his Philippines trip, we hear Pope Francis telling us that we don’t after all have to breed “like rabbits”.
What he is saying, it transpires, is that Catholics should use one of several “natural”, church-approved methods of contraception. But this it seems to me only serves to focus attention on something illogical at the heart of the church’s traditional teaching on birth control, which is: if the point is that God should have space to “intervene” and make a pregnancy happen, surely He/She can intervene just as effectively via a torn condom or a missed pill as via a mistaken calendar calculation.
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Gus: The universe is far too complicated to have been created and designed by god. There are too many flaws and contradictions in the assemblage. Only accidental randomness can combine the bits into something that is stable enough to give us a relative moment of apparent calm. There is no heaven nor hell, just a small planet where the evolutionary particle constructs led to the weirdness of something we call life. From there we have to know that what we do or not only influences this little pebble's fortunes. We can see the universe, the universe does not know we exist.
Breeding like rabbits was a concept of survival in the days when weaklings used to die early. War, diseases and the priesthood "celibacy" used to limit the result of further procreation. It took 20,000 years of known history to boost the human population to one billion. It took barely one hundred years to increase this to seven billion. we know that within another 75 years we could double this. It's a gamble.
Bugs would balance out with availability of supply of "food" (molecular structure disguised as protein, fat and carbohydrates that are necessary to sustain life). Humans have invented a nifty system which to a great extend bypasses the "natural" balance: Capitalism. Capitalism is the trade of money in which there is a necessity of limitless growth to sustain its existence. It's like cancer. It's based on the concept we have to give back more than what we have "borrowed". It is insidious in the fact that it borrows on the future more and more — and at large is relatively ignorant of the long term NEXT. It relies on fudging the reality of supplies. There is a point at which the figures of "imbalance" in the consumption do not work. Our simplistic system is flawed, like many parts of the universe. Eventually something blows up, fizzles, collapses or becomes stagnant.
Breeding is part of the equation of capitalism.... The illusion of religious dictum has always been to rule over reproduction rights — including abortion, to give capitalism (or modern feudalism) its "fodder". We shall see.
religious idiots defining their own patch of idolatry...
Here is how Russell Moore, the Southern Baptist pastor who heads the church’s Washington office, responded to the murder of the 21 Coptic Christians by ISIS:
These are my brothers, faithful to Christ even unto death. King Jesus puts heads back on, and puts…
— Russell Moore (@drmoore) February 15, 2015
A number of Southern Baptists had similar responses. The Southern Baptist bloggers at Pulpit & Pen will have you know that this is a betrayal:
Do Southern Baptist leaders and other evangelicals really not know what a Christian is or how you become one? Is it being born into an ethnic group that denies the dual-nature of Christ in his full deity and humanity? Is it embracing a meritorious, works-based salvation nearly identical to that of the Roman Catholic church? Is it in aggressively denying salvation by a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ? We ask because that’s what Coptic ‘Christians’ believe. This really isn’t new, and we have to wonder why our leaders don’t know what Coptics believe and if they do, what on Earth makes them think they should be categorized as Christians.
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I know why aliens don't come near this planet...
Imagine looking to planet Earth from outer space... You're an alien wanting to grab a bit of interstellar real estate. As soon as you spot the earthian planet, you stop. This place is infected with madness. Something is not quite right. The major inhabitants are loonies and this loonitude could be due to a dangerous virus. As an alien would you land and take the risk of infection?
Really, the earth of the humans is a weird dangerous deranged place and one can wonder how it managed to survive this deadly affliction...
Is your next step going to be to destroy their probes into the rest of universe and let them cook in their own juice?
see from top...
Meanwhile at loony central:
A Biblical doomsayer has predicted that Earth is entering seven years of “tribulation” which will see a third of the planet destroyed in an “Elysian war.” NASA isn’t so sure though.
Author David Meade has predicted that the ‘End of Days’ will begin later this month as the Earth moves into a seven-year period called the “great tribulation.”
Meade says that as part of the great tribulation there will be a heavenly war on Earth which will see the Antichrist rise out of the new world order.
The author shot to worldwide prominence last month when he was associated with a theory that stated the world was going to end on 23 September.
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I can't wait for this final apocalypse, as long as I stay alive and all the idiots go to paradise.
thank you, rod dreher...
The catastrophic floods in the Midwest now are exactly what scientists have predicted would happen with greater frequency as the planet warms. It’s not that there have never been floods before. It’s that there will be more of them, and they will be worse, in the present and future.
As you longtime readers know, I am a conservative who believes that anthropogenic climate change is real. I hope I’m wrong, but from what I can tell, the scientific case is overwhelming.
I also believe, however, along with the environmentalist Paul Kingsnorth of the Dark Mountain Project, that humankind is not going to take the necessary measures to arrest the coming apocalypse. The best we can do is to try to adapt, while hoping that somehow science pulls a technological solution out of the hat. That’s not a lot to hope with, but I think it’s the only realistic alternative.
If you think that this is merely a matter of mustering political will, consider the Yellow Vests protests in France, which are a serious threat to the political order. They started out as a protest by rural motorists against President Macron’s proposed gasoline tax to incentivize less consumption. The burden of that tax would have fallen harder on rural people, who use more gasoline to go about their daily lives. After protest, Macron withdrew the tax.
The point is this: to do what is necessary to stop global warming would require staggering changes to the lives of countless people around the world — not just in the West, but everywhere. It’s just not going to happen.
I have come to think about global warming as being analogous to slavery in the US. The South knew that its entire economic and political order depended on slavery. It was impossible for them to think about ending slavery, because to have done what it took to end slavery would have meant the end of an entire way of life.
Eventually that wasn’t enough. A cataclysmic war ended slavery.
The limits of this analogy should be obvious, but the gist of it is this: Our way of life, especially the global economy, depends on something that cannot be sustained indefinitely. Nature herself is going to be the overwhelming force that destroys this unsustainable way of life. Whatever cannot go on forever, won’t.
UPDATE: I’ve been away from the keys most of the day, so I have a lot of comments to approve. Here’s what I’m not going to do: approve comments that are nothing more than reflexive remarks saying “global warming is a hoax” or “we would have this all sorted if not for the Republicans.” I would actually like to hear what people on both sides have to say about this post of mine, but I’m going to have to keep the white noise level down.
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and many other articles on this site including:
interpretations of natural climate change and anthropogenic global warming...the comic planet...
by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
I have a theory: that Humankind is some kind of inter-galactic joke, a comedy reality show watched by quadrillions of cosmic tele-viewers in need of a laugh
The question is, it is not very funny. Let us take a brief look at Planet Earth ahead of the 2019 silly season, if it has not already started. We have a European country about to choose a serial liar, a bigot and allegedly, also a thief, as its Prime Minister, we have the President of the United States behaving like a nine-year-old threatening to "obliterate" an entire country and we now have something called "plasticrusts", an indication that the sea is so polluted and plastic-saturated that crusts composed of coagulated micro-plastic particles are clinging to rocks around the sea-shores like barnacles and limpets.
We have a growing number of species on the endangered list, and in Botswana recently thousands of vultures on this list were purposefully poisoned, probably by poachers who had murdered an elephant or a rhinoceros (also endangered) and poisoned the birds so that they would not give the poachers' position away by circling overhead. We have millions of people in the Far East who believe that eating rhino horn will make the penis grow as big, so they fuel the trade. We have people burning down forests in Indonesia with the orang-utangs still in the trees, so they crash down to the ground, burned to death.
We have the city of Yulin in China once again proceeding to boil dogs alive, fry them alive and skin them alive while the customers look on, giggling and licking their lips and yes it is taking place in 2019, again, despite the protests. Right now. Because they believe that eating dog meat in high temperatures keeps the body cool. We have the same PR China going back on its word to clean up the atmosphere and reopening coal-burning power plants.
We have millions in the United States of America who cannot place a country on a map, millions who think the Ayatollah Khamenei wears a turban to cover his horns and millions who believe Trump should nuke the country and "send it back to the stone age" when there is serious controversy over who placed the mines in the Strait of Hormuz.
We have a USA which has breached its Paris Climate Change Agreement despite clear results from the scientific community which point towards a catastrophic chain of events within the readers' lifetimes (and mine), massive storms of an unimaginable magnitude ravishing our cities one after the other, the sea levels rising, flooding coastal areas and halving the territory of many countries. We already have the phenomenon of climate migration as people are today being forced to flee their homes because of rising sea levels, and yes it is happening as I write. Soon our grandchildren will ask us if we lived in the time when there were polar bears.
Gender violence is as bad as it has ever been, women still do not enjoy gender equality, workers' rights are being swept back one hundred years as a result of the C-word, "crisis", and timetables have been torn up into shreds, salaries frozen and the notion installed that having any form of work is nowadays some kind of favor.
Education has become a business, so those who have, have and those who have not, Devil take the hindmost; dental care has become a business so people are dying, in 2019, from infections caused by rotting teeth. Countries which call themselves civilised have growing numbers of elderly freezing to death because they cannot pay their energy bills. Water, the basic element of life, is sold and not distributed for free. The Internet, the vehicle for free communication, for education, for development, is sold and not distributed for free.
Bad farming practices have seen antibiotics and hormones slip into the human food chain and the result is today, predictably, the appearance of deadly multi-resistant bacteria with no cure, and strange new diseases appearing at holiday resorts. We see reservoirs of viruses in forests being freed because of deforestation; the average human consumes up to one credit card size of plastic per week because of maritime pollution.
The media, as a rule, serves as a means of control through the manipulation of fear "if you wanna control a guy, all you have to do is make him afraid" and so sheer lies are peddled as the truth and the uneducated populus swallows them hook, line and sinker, unable to discern the facts for themselves by using common sense. Moral of the story: the media makes up stories to cover for the criminal activity of the BARFFS, the $inister $ix $isters, namely the Banking, Arms, energy Resources, Finance, Food and drugS lobbies which dictate policy, dictate the foreign policy of NATO member states, invent wars to sell weapons systems to murder people.
We were given this wonderful home, a perfect bioshpere, to live in together, to develop as a family, celebrating difference, learning together, sharing together, cohabiting with our brothers and sisters, the animals and plants. And what have we done? Poisoned the entire planet from the bottom of the seas to space, continue to exterminate up to 100,000 species per year before they are even discovered, and one by one chalk up another wonderful animal's name on the extinction list.
Meanwhile sexually explicit images of children - even babies - are sold over the Internet, elderly people are beaten, abused and robbed, women and children are trafficked as sex slaves, thousands of children are living in filthy, deplorable conditions on the frontiers of more developed nations, trying to flee bad governance and violence. Wars are rife. Raped women in some countries are liable to be stoned to death because they "asked for it", in others, brides can be set fire to if their dowry is not enough, or female students can be gang-raped and murdered for daring to read a book.
And no it is not only "shithole" countries as some say. The entire planet is one giant festering latrine inhabited by the demonic species called Humankind, the author of the horrors I have mentioned above, and many more.
It is getting to the point where you want to wake up in the morning and say "I have had enough" and put an end to this nightmare. The only argument against this and in favor of trying to carry on is the fact that if enough of us share knowledge and work for development, for peace, for equality among genders, for an end to marginalization and discrimination of any kind, working towards mending and healing and brining people together, rather than threatening to destroy whole countries and murder tens of millions of people in an example of shit-headed arrogance, maybe, just maybe, we can collectively bring this planet round.
Now run off on your Summer holidays and forget about every word I wrote. Can you hear the cacophony up in space as the entire Universe points its spindly fingers at us and laughs its collective celestial head off?
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