Monday 20th of January 2025

the australian electronic graffiti artists could not beat the traditional master against the wall...

australian graffiti

pissing on all of us...

The Prime Minister has dismissed as "electronic graffiti" a medium that his own government and corporate Australia spend millions of dollars a year monitoring and engaging in.

Responding to the negative comments on social media sites about his decision to award the Queen's husband, Prince Philip, an Australian knighthood, Tony Abbott equated tweets and updates to Texta scrawls on a bathroom wall. 

"I'll leave social media to its own devices. Social media is kind of like electronic graffiti and I think that in the media, you make a big mistake to pay too much attention to social media," Mr Abbott said on Australia Day. "You wouldn't report what's sprayed up on the walls of buildings."...


Yep... Tony is not pissing against the wall... he is pissing on all of us. 

this low-life rat is completely incontinent...

After his latest absurd decision to knight Prince Philip, the political destruction of Tony Abbott in the coming months is almost a certainty, writes Michael Galvin.

Within hours of Abbott making theQueen's husband a knight, someonline media polls were showing 90% of people thought the whole idea was so ridiculous it must be some kind of pathetic joke.

Which it is, of course. But no joke Abbott plays is without an element of malice and this one is no different. It is a calculated insult, with more than one loser. In this case, it appals me that attention has been be taken away from those far more deserving Australians who gained Order of Australia awards — people like Rosemary Crowley from South Australia, for instance.

Most politicians – indeed, most people – would be alarmed and challenged by such a reaction to their behaviour. But not Abbott. He delights in being in an iconoclastic and beleaguered minority. He is as incapable of caring about the ridicule of the majority as an ISIS terrorist is of caring about what others think of the morality of beheading innocent hostages. Indeed, such ridicule validates and affirms his sense of self-identity. Like Evelyn Waugh, even if Waugh could not conceive of this weird bunyip caricature of himself, Abbott delights in being out of step with the mores of his times.

Nevertheless, he can still count. And he is rat-cunning enough to know his support is slipping where it counts — inside the party room.

read more:,7301

rumblings in the ranks... but no revolution...


In regard to the little Turd, Tony, let me say this... He does not care a hoot about what we (you, me, anyone and lampposts) think... Second, the awarding of a "knighthood" to Prince Philip was done as a dare to prick his colleagues...

"Sack me or not, for being a flamboyant idiot... You would not dare, because you'd be acting as bad as the Rudd/Labor faction... I can do ANY CRAP I want... And you cannot do anything about it... You're a bunch of sissies... But I won't resign as I should for being a dual citizenship holder in parliament... Who of you is going to challenge me, eh, Malcolm?... You all are fucking in my hand..."


Liberal backbenchers are considering calling a meeting to discuss the "direction of the team", with speculation rife about Prime Minister Tony Abbott's leadership following his decision to make Prince Philip a knight.

One MP, who did not want to be named, said there were "serious and real" discussions about getting the backbench together over coming weeks. The MP likened the move to cricket, saying if the captain made as many bad picks as Mr Abbott had, "you could expect the players to want to call a meeting to discuss the direction of the team".

The MP said the decision to knight Prince Philip, in an apparent violation of Mr Abbott's own pledge that knights and dames would be for pre-eminent Australians, was a "total disaster".

"He's doing whatever the hell he wants in a self-indulgent fashion and everyone is deeply embarrassed," the MP said.

"Liberals are turning on Tony Abbott. There's a changing climate, things are very serious, they're progressing and progressing very fast."

The MP said Foreign Minister Julie Bishop was a likely option to replace Mr Abbott but other candidates are possible in the current climate. Mr Abbott is not facing the imminent threat of a challenge.

Another government MP, who also did not want to be named, said Mr Abbott needed to start better listening to the community and his backbench. The MP warned "he's going down unless he changes his leadership style".  A third MP confirmed there are "rumblings in the camp".



learning little by no trial and lots of errors...


Prime Minister Tony Abbott has promised his colleagues that he is listening and learning the lessons of his widely mocked decision to honour Prince Philip with an Australian knighthood on Australia Day.

After two days of relentless backlash from the public, the media and his own backbench, Mr Abbott fronted the media in Melbourne on Wednesday  to accept responsibility for the decision and "take it on the chin".

The Prime Minister acknowledged his honour for Prince Philip was a "contentious decision" but said the Duke Of Edinburgh awards scheme made him worthy of being named a knight.


"The decision is made, it was made for good reasons and I stand by it, but obviously there are some lessons in these things and the lesson that I learn is that there does need to be wider consultation about these sorts of awards in the future," he said.

"I'm determined to learn from all of this and run the best possible government in 2015."



Duplicitous sociopathic idiots who promise to learn from their mistake, never learn, except find new ways to be idiotic... They will piss on you in a different way next time... What the idiot will think of next... Be ready. Turf him out. He stinks.

when satire dies from a tony spasm...


Because of Tony Abbott's knighthood brain spasm, not only has satire died but so also has Labor activism against him. Labor supporters henceforth will keep quiet and avoid encouraging the party to replace him. So I'm saying nothing. Please don't publish this letter.

Paul Hardage Dulwich Hill



Yes Paul, I know... It's what I tried to portray in the toon at top... and failed. I have mentioned many times here that Tony Abbott is his own caricaturist... He is the caricature... Can't go beyond that.

a self-pat on the back...

Following these comments, a Government source wanted it known that the Prime Minister had a large hand in the success of Ms Bishop in Foreign Affairs and Scott Morrison in Immigration, as these matters were decided in the National Security Committee of Cabinet, which Mr Abbott chairs.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said Australians had had a gutful of Mr Abbott and his Government.

"Frankly, the captain of the Titanic would look good standing next to Tony Abbott," he said.

But Mr Abbott again conceded his misstep on Australia Day had dismayed many, including his own team.

"I'm sure if I went into the pub to talk about it they'd say it was a stuff up," Mr Abbott said.

read more:


Yes, it was a stuff-up. Number 249 at last count. Go away Tony. A captain you are not... A silly goose, for sure.

yes he was destructive, the most of them...

A statement by the ABC’s political editor in a TV news report that Tony Abbott was “the most destructive politician of his generation” breached the ABC code for impartiality, the broadcasting watchdog has ruled.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority found that Andrew Probyn’s piece to camera on a 7pm news bulletin last October was “problematic” and “incongruent” with the rest of his news report.

“Although the statement was very brief, its impact was heightened by the fact that it was delivered by the ABC’s political editor in the report’s only piece to camera,” the Acma investigation found. “It was not in keeping with the ABC’s requirement to present news with due impartiality. Accordingly, the ABC breached Standard 4.1 of the Code.”


Read more:


One should be proud to breach Standard 4.1 of the Code on this one occasion... BUT it's NOT A BREACH! IT'S A TRUTH! When is the TRUTH a breach of the code????


Read from top. And read all Abbott turdy actions in politics on this site, including LYING like a shifty lemon salesman.

Update: I have consulted my collection of cartoons from all the best cartoonists of the land of the fair dinkum and the 99.999 per cent result (Bill leak's views were often ambiguous on this subject) is that Tony Abbott was not only "the most destructive politician of his generation” he was the most destructive politician in Australia ever. 

he's not that kind of person, but...

Tony Abbott says he’s not demanding an apology from the ABC because he’s “not that kind of person” but “ordinary decency” should prompt the national broadcaster to say sorry after a negative ruling by a media regulator.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has ruled that a news report by the ABC’s political editor, Andrew Probyn, breached the broadcaster’s code for impartiality because he said Abbott was “the most destructive politician of his generation”.


Read more:


Tony should get a kick up his arse for the destruction of many industries in this country, and for simply lying. He actually should apologise BIG TIME to the ABC for having lied through his teeth about the ABC funding... 


get rid of him...

Tony Abbott’s political future could be under threat from a group of activists who have been organising environmentally conscious voters to join Liberal party branches on Sydney’s north shore – a move that could unseat the former prime minister.

Billing themselves as “the counterweight” to the pro-coal power Monash Forum, the North Shore Environmental Stewards have held at least two recruitment functions at which attendees were urged to tap into their networks of environmentally conscious people to join the Liberal party branches in Abbott’s seat of Warringah and on the lower north shore.

The NSES has a Facebook page that says the group “supports clean energy and a healthy environment, and believes in traditional Liberal party values of environmental stewardship”.


Read more:


Read from top.... Good luck to you but your chances are thin on the ground....

hitting a new low...

Former prime minister Tony Abbott says politics has hit a new low, after obscene posters were put up across his electorate of Warringah in Sydney.

Key points: 
  • Mr Abbott holds the seat on a 11.1 per cent margin
  • He does not blame any other candidates for the posters
  • His main challenger, Zali Steggall, tweeted that she had been under a "non-stop smear campaign from Mr Abbott and his supporters"


Several caricatured heads daubed with expletives, and others emblazoned with the word "Pell" were found in Manly, Mosman and Seaforth.

NSW Police released footage on Thursday afternoon of two men they believe could "assist with inquiries" into the posters erected in Manly overnight.

Police said they "became aware of posters" pasted onto walls in four separate locations in Manly depicting a Federal MP with "offensive language written across the top". 

Mr Abbott said he did not believe any of his political opponents were to blame for the posters, which have also been plastered on walls outside his electorate.


Read more:


One seriously deficient mind, like that of Gus leonisky, could suspect that Abbott in his devious self could have masterminded the stuff to "show how bad" his opponents are... Read from top.