Howard says IR protests threaten
resources trade ….
Prime Minister John Howard says
today's national day of protest and the Opposition's policy to abolish
workplace agreements (AWAs) jeopardises resources trade with China.
Mr Howard and the Premier of China
today attended a ceremony in southern China, marking the start of multi-billion-dollar
Australian liquid natural gas exports.
Wen Jiabao said it was a new
chapter in bilateral relations and expressed support for further resource
Mr Howard said the deal shows Australia
is a reliable, stable supplier of energy to China's booming economy.
Afterwards Mr Howard criticised
today's national union protest and Labor's policy to abolish AWAs.
another rock solid porkie...
Yes Mr Howard the AWAs you so proudly tooted would not make Australian workers loose their pay are actually devaluing workers packet by up to 30 per cent in some areas. So beat it...
The World Today - Thursday, 7 July , 2005 12:18:00 (ABC)
Reporter: Kim Landers
HAMISH ROBERTSON: While the Prime Minister is refusing to guarantee that no workers will be worse off under his industrial relations shake-up, saying it's not possible, back in 1996 he didn't have any such reluctance.
Nine years ago, just before he was elected Prime Minister, John Howard gave "an explicit guarantee" that workers wouldn't be worse off under a Coalition Government. Now Mr Howard won't give that same pledge. But the Government will begin running newspaper advertisements this weekend to explain the changes.
From Canberra, Kim Landers reports.
KIM LANDERS: John Howard has blitzed the airwaves this morning, trying to slow the union movement's momentum in its campaign to thwart the Federal Government's industrial relations reforms.
But still he baulks at giving a guarantee that no worker will be worse off as a result.
JOHN HOWARD: Nobody, whether you're John Howard or Kim Beazley or Bob Hawke or Paul Keating or Bob Menzies or Ben Chifley, can give a guarantee that no single individual is going to be worse off in the future. I mean, I don't know what circumstances beyond the Government's control, what factors coming from other influences are going to affect people.
KIM LANDERS: Nine years ago, when he was Opposition leader, John Howard did make such a pledge. He delivered it to the Young Liberal Convention in Canberra, just a couple of months before winning the 1996 election.
JOHN HOWARD: Under no circumstances will a Howard Government create a wages system that will cause the take home pay of Australians to be cut. Under a Howard Government you cannot be worse off, but you can be better off. I give this rock solid guarantee our policy will not cause a cut in the take home pay of Australian workers.
Another solid porkie from the Primal Primster....
workchoices in amerika .....