Thursday 2nd of January 2025

sir echos and associated bad calls... and this abbott government will go worse and NEVER get better...


smelly socks

Our national impoverishment, at the hands of poor-quality leaders, knows no bounds.

A police media conference and flourishes from politicians accompanied the arrest, charging and court appearances of two men on terrorism-related allegations. On Wednesday Mohammad Kiad and Omar al-Kutobi were formally charged with acts done in preparation for, or planning, terrorist acts.

This offence is to be found in the Commonwealth Criminal Code and applies even if the preparation or planning is not done in relation to a specific terrorism act. The maximum penalty either way is life imprisonment.

Details are scant. The police claim that “a number of items were seized” in raids on premises at Fairfield in Sydney’s west, including a video, a flag, a machete and a hunting knife. The police have not said so publicly, but the Daily Telegraph declares this was a “plot to behead on our streets”.

Never mind the prejudice. Normally once someone has been charged with a criminal offence, publication of overheated and prejudicial comments is off limits. Not so for a poll-starved prime minister who is keen to politicise this branch of the criminal law:

This was an imminent attack in Australia inspired by the Isil or Da’esh death cult.

He added: “This is a serious problem and I fear ... it will get worse before it gets better.”

What bits of this turn out to be true or false will ultimately be up to a NSW supreme court jury, not Tony Abbott, the attorney general, the minister for immigration, or any of the other Little Sir Echos.

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prejudicing justice...

A criminal lawyer who has represented a string of clients charged with terrorism offences says comments the Prime Minister made in Parliament this week could poison a jury against two men accused of planning an attack.

On Thursday Tony Abbott read from a transcript of a video, which was seized when two men were arrested in Sydney earlier this week and charged with plotting an imminent terrorist attack.

A spokesman for Mr Abbott said "the Prime Minister quoted the translation with the prior consent of the Commissioner of the AFP, Andrew Colvin".

Criminal lawyer Adam Houda echoed concerns raised by prominent barrister Robert Richter QC about the possibility that Mr Abbott's comments could prejudice a future trial.

"He wants to milk this situation politically for all it's worth," Mr Houda said

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facing revolt ... but be careful about not being charlette...


Mr Abbott pledged before the 2013 election to repeal section 18C of the act after conservative commentator Andrew Bolt was found to have breached the act for his articles about "fair-skinned" Aboriginal people. But the Prime Minister abandoned his pledge last year after a fierce backlash from religious leaders and many Liberal MPs.

This week, Parliament's bipartisan human rights committee found changes to the act would not contravene Australia's international obligations.

Family First senator Bob Day has now proposed removing the words "insult" and "offend" from the act, meaning it would no longer be possible to prosecute someone for insulting or offending someone based on their race.

Liberal senators Cory Bernardi and Dean Smith have previously pledged their support and have co-sponsored Senator Day's bill. It is also being co-sponsored by Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm.

Supporters for change renewed their push in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack in defiance of Mr Abbott's decision.

Liberal senator Linda Reynolds has called for a review of the government's approach to section 18C because current laws have overreached.

Senator Reynolds said the Paris attack and the Lindt cafe siege in Sydney had confirmed the threat the West faces from extremists trying to undermine democratic values, including free speech. 

"I do not believe in Australia we are Charlie," Senator Reynolds said, a reference to the #JeSuisCharlie campaign that went viral in support of free speech.


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So far the law does not need to be changed... So what is the beef?... 

the most incompetent leader in the industrialised world...

It has been a trying 24 hours for Mr Abbott. On Thursday he was forced to apologise for misusing the word 'holocaust' in Parliament, a leading barrister accused him of prejudicing the trial of two terrorism suspects and he was labelled the most incompetent leader of any industrialised democracy by a US think tank.

arrogance, hypocrisy, despicable idiocy — tony's trademarks...

The Abbott government sought the resignation of the president of the Australian Human Rights Commission Gillian Triggs two weeks before it launched an extraordinary attack on the commission over its report on children in immigration detention.

The request was conveyed orally by an official on behalf of Attorney-General senator George Brandis. It was rejected outright by Professor Triggs, who saw it as an attack on the independence and integrity of the commission and herself.

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Abbott should sack himself if he had any guts left in his budgies... But he won't... He is too close from being an arseholic psycho as defined by Sigmund Freud and, like the likes of them, he sticks on and on and on at being a bully and a sneaky bastard until the media runs out of excuses to validate his lunacy... Then he tries to turn the smooth deprecating signal like the "being on the B team" comment he made... It means nothing to anyone except to his own ego which he values before anything else... 

abbott's police state pepper-sprays the blind...


A blind university student has told of her terror at being pepper sprayed at a demonstration outside a lecture given by Education Minister Christopher Pyne in Sydney's CBD on Friday.

In what caps off a dreadful fortnight for the Abbott government, a seemingly routine speech by Mr Pyne at Sydney's Masonic Centre in Goulburn Street turned into a violent outing as students were sprayed in the face and forcibly removed.


fraser attacks tony...

Former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser has launched a scathing attack on Tony Abbott and his Government over its treatment of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) and, in particular, its president Gillian Triggs.

The Commission's Forgotten Children report, which called for a royal commission into the detention of children under both Labor and Coalition governments, has been labelled a "transparent stitch-up" by Mr Abbott.

The report found that detention had caused significant mental and physical illness to children and was in breach of Australia's international obligations.