Tuesday 21st of January 2025

on the road to perdition .....

on the road to perdition .....

from Crikey …..

The lie that puts you at risk as Abbott wraps himself in the flag

There aren't enough flags in the country to cover the dangerous stupidity of Tony Abbott's decision to send Australian soldiers back to Iraq. And like our last trip to Iraq, it's based on a lie.

As Crikey predicted last year, Australia's decision to participate in the US-led campaign against Islamic State (also called ISIS or Daesh), via aircraft and special forces troops, increased the threat of domestic terrorism to Australians, with tragic results. That's despite the bipartisan efforts to paint terrorism as somehow nebulously inspired by our "freedoms" and despite government efforts to gag police from discussing the link between our role in Iraq and the rise in homegrown jihadist terrorism.

Deepening our role in Iraq will only perpetuate and increase the threat to Australians, in addition to placing our troops in harm's way, no matter how much we are assured they will be "behind the wire". Moreover, it's exactly what the Islamic State wants, a point well made by Tom Switzer yesterday: the very purpose of the endless series of IS outrages, and their very theatricality and adept use of media, is intended to encourage western politicians to abandon a rational assessment of what is in their national interests and plunge back into Iraq, thereby supporting the IS "crusader" narrative and outraging extremists in Western countries.

Training Iraqi forces is a fool's errand. As we showed yesterday, any number of countries spent tens of billions training the Iraqi Army after the US so cavalierly disbanded Saddam Hussein's military force in 2003. As the rapid successes of IS irregulars demonstrated, all that effort and money was a complete waste. But what Iraqi security forces are good at is torturing, murdering and raping Sunni prisoners. It was the US-trained "elite" security forces controlled directly by former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki that ran their own prisons in which mostly Sunni prisoners were brutalised, according to multiple human rights reports.

Any military success by the Iraqi Army against IS will inevitably lead to atrocities against Sunni civilians, perpetuating the sectarian conflict that the West helped unleash in 2003. Such attacks will go beyond deplorable but understandable revenge attacks within local communities and encompass officially sanctioned mass killings of the kind that have already been reported about Iraqi forces. Even if IS is militarily defeated (though the planned effort to retake Mosul has been pushed back until later in the year), the sectarian war will go on, and new groups will emerge to carry it on.

Yesterday, Tony Abbott responded to a question about why the decade of Western-funded training of the Iraqis had failed by adopting the standard Republican attack on Barack Obama, saying "it was only very late in the previous involvement with Iraq that a serious effort was made to train the Iraqi armed forces and my understanding is that the Americans then pulled out with the job, at best, half done."

This is an easily disproven lie - and quite apart from the timeline of allied training efforts, we can quote none other than John Howard. Australia, along with Britain, the US, Iran, South Korea, Jordan, Israel and Romania - among others - helped train the Iraqis after 2003. "Training and mentoring Iraqi forces has been a key element of Australian support for Iraq ever since 2003," Howard said in March 2007. "The Australian Army has been involved in the basic training of more than 12,500 Iraqi soldiers." A month later, his defence minister Brendan

Nelson echoed him exactly, adding "despite the dangers, real progress is being made in southern Iraq".

Whom to believe - John Howard, or Tony Abbott?

Then again, we're used to being lied to about why we're sending troops to Iraq. At least Howard had the justification that it was early in the war on terror, and the Americans were putting enormous pressure on their allies to legitimise the Bush-Cheney venture in Iraq by participating. Tony Abbott has no such excuses: instead, terrorism is one of the few cards left to play for a leader facing a determined effort to oust him by his own party.

Nor is this a standard political lie of the kind that is hard currency in Canberra. This is a lie that will make Australians less safe, just as the original lies about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction made Australians, and the British, and Americans, and Spaniards, and all citizens of countries who joined the attack on Iraq, less safe. Australian lives have already been lost because of our reckless involvement in the latest Iraq venture. Sending more troops increases the chances of more lives lost to domestic terrorism.

But then that, of course, would be used to justify even deeper re-engagement in the debacle we created in the Middle East. That's the dominant characteristic of the war on terror - it is self-reinforcing, and permanent.


committed to folly for glorious defeat...

Tony Abbott has committed Australia to boots on the ground in Iraq, which means Australia becomes a player in a foreign religious war, with all that implies, writes Sydney bureau chief Ross Jones.

For the average non-Muslim Australian – me for example – Sunnis were something you left behind at the beach and Shiite a word Tony Abbott used before ‘happens’.

The average non-Muslim Australian is about to become better educated in these matters.

In true Coalition tradition, this Government is off to war. Training the Iraqi army to fight ISIS. apparently, presented as a noble cause against the "death cult". Eight flags’ (all made in China) worth of emergency. Followed, presumably, by just a little mission creep.

The chaps with the knives, AK47s and concealed identities are certainly nasty pieces of work. They stone women to death and throw gays from the city walls. If locals don’t go along with enthusiasm, even if confected, then look out. It’s hard not to think an awful lot of people in the region wouldn’t rather see the back of them.

So it’s easy to present as a noble cause. There are other noble causes — Boko Haram for example, or Al Shabaab, which rape and pillage their way through undefended villages piling bodies in their wake. But we choose ISIS. Not as much oil in Africa.

Let’s hope our willing Defence Minister Kevin Andrews has read the go-to war philosopher Sun Tzu. Sun thought it a good idea for warmongers to know their enemies before they commit to folly.

read more: https://independentaustralia.net/article-display/abbotts-folly-boots-on-the-ground-in-iraq,7447



There is a peculiar form of insanity in which a veneer of rationality distracts attention from the madness lurking just beneath the surface. When Alice dove down her rabbit hole to enter a place where smirking cats offered directions, ill-mannered caterpillars dispensed advice, and Mock Turtles constituted the principal ingredient in Mock Turtle soup, she experienced something of the sort.

Yet, as the old adage goes, truth can be even stranger than fiction. For a real-life illustration of this phenomenon, one need look no further than Washington and its approach to national security policy. Viewed up close, it all seems to hang together. Peer out of the rabbit hole and the sheer lunacy quickly becomes apparent.

Consider this recent headline: “U.S. to Ship 2,000 Anti-Tank Missiles To Iraq To Help Fight ISIS.” The accompanying article describes a Pentagon initiative to reinforce Iraq’s battered army with a rush order of AT-4s. A souped-up version of the old bazooka, the AT-4 is designed to punch holes through armored vehicles.

Taken on its own terms, the decision makes considerable sense. Iraqi forces need something to counter a fearsome new tactic of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS): suicide bombers mounted in heavily armored wheeled vehicles. Improved antitank capabilities certainly could help Iraqi troops take out such bombers before they reach their intended targets. The logic is airtight. The sooner these weapons get into the hands of Iraqi personnel, the better for them—and so the better for us.

As it turns out, however, the vehicle of choice for ISIS suicide bombers these days is the up-armored Humvee. In June 2014, when the Iraqi Army abandoned the country’s second largest city, Mosul, ISIS acquired 2,300 made-in-the-U.S.A. Humvees. Since then, it’s captured even more of them.

As U.S. forces were themselves withdrawing from Iraq in 2011, they bequeathed a huge fleet of Humvees to the “new” Iraqi army it had built to the tune of $25 billion. Again, the logic of doing so was impeccable: Iraqi troops needed equipment; shipping used Humvees back to the U.S. was going to cost more than they were worth. Better to give them to those who could put them to good use. Who could quarrel with that?



But in reality, the US is not so displeased... The Iraq government mostly Shia, aligned with Iran and Syria is being rattled... The noise made about the whole ISIS bizo is just white noise... ISIS is discreetly supported by the US good friends the Saudis... who are also fighting in Yemen on the side of Al Qaeda with US support... We are watching  a major deceit in which the American public is stirred up to support sumpthin' as long as they hate sumpthin' else to keep busy... As well this whole thingster makes the commerce of weapon more profitable with destructive obsolescence... People die but who cares, as long as it's not a westerner being decapitated, but a whole family being wiped off the planet with a drone...

Insanity is to believe that this insanity would stop.