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turdishitos divineroussos....turdishitos Labor has condemned Prime Minister Tony Abbott's claim that Australia was heading for a "Greek-style economic future" as inflammatory, irresponsible and capable of harming economic confidence. The Prime Minister should be far more responsible than this constant scaremongering which is having a clear impact on confidence in the community Mr Abbott made the remark during a radio interview in which he pledged he would not fix the federal budget this year at the expense of households but predicted a "broad budget balance" within five years.
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never finished...
In Greece they never finish buildings because of taxation...
the budget for gogomobile enthusiasts
This year's federal budget will be "dull" and "much less exhilarating" compared to last year's, according to Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
Cabinet's razor gang — the Expenditure Review Committee — is set to meet tonight with just eight weeks until the Coalition's second budget is laid out.
However, Mr Abbott has indicated the razor will not cut deeply.
"This budget certainly will be much less exciting than last year's budget because the task this year is at least 50 per cent reduced from this task last year," he said.
"So inevitably it will be a much less exhilarating budget for those who are Budget devotees and structural reform enthusiasts."
a few hidden sparkling doozies in there
There is growing concern in the upper ranks of the federal bureaucracy that the budget process is adrift, with just two months to go before it is delivered.
The ABC has spoken to senior officials across several portfolios who say they are confused by what the Abbott Government wants to achieve with its second financial blueprint, as it struggles to settle key elements from its first.
Time is fast running out for ministers to set a clear direction.
"It's five minutes to midnight," one said.
The confusion in the bureaucratic ranks is a product of the mixed messages being sent by both the Prime Minister and Treasurer: that hard choices have to be made to repair the nation's finances; and that much of the work is already done.
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I would say to senators and other members of parliament , PLEASE READ THE SMALL PRINT CAREFULLY in this incoming boring budget... There will be a few hidden sparkling doozies in there...
lipstick on a pig... and lamington budgeteer
The Abbott government is now in serious lipstick-on-a-pig mode. The big changes from last year’s budget have hit the fence. The savings once declared essential have gone with them. The task now seems to be to dress up this failure of the first term agenda as something close to success.
Budget savings worth more than $15bn over the next four years have either been defeated, or are stalled, in the Senate. As recently as last month, the treasurer, Joe Hockey, was saying that unless those measures passed, the budget would “never get back to surplus”.
Given the impact of the continued deterioration of commodity prices on the budget, that seems like a fair assumption unless the government finds alternative savings of similar size. (Remember last December’s mid-year economic forecast was still showing a deficit of $11.5bn in 2017-18).
But Hockey’s statement was made when at least some members of the government thought the intergenerational report might help them make a convincing case for their savings. Despite the taxpayer-funded advertising campaign to help make a case for change, that hope now seems to be shelved.
Problem. How does the government explain why this policy retreat does not amount to a debt and deficit disaster? How to climb out from under the “bad news” – from the government’s perspective – of recent events, including the defeat of the savings from the higher education changes and the shelving of Medicare changes. How to explain the reversals of position, at some cost to the budget, on car industry assistance and defence pay.
The prime minister, Tony Abbott, has turned to the intergenerational report for inspiration. It shows that currently legislated policy might bring the budget back to something close to balanced by 2020, before plunging back into deep deficits which reach 6% of GDP by 2055.
Meanwhile all the real goods we were going to get under Labor and already "paid a deposit for" have sort of vanished into smoke under this incompetent, infantile, lying, bullying Abbott government. Abbott and his Lamington budgeteers could not run a stall at a school fete...
turdishitos, suddenly exposed in the mass media...
This "being in government" business is proving to be all too hard for Prime Minister Tony Abbott and his ministers.
Too hard to frame a fair budget. Too hard to make tough decisions to place government finances on a sustainable path. Too hard to negotiate with a "feral" Senate. Too hard to be civil and constructive on policy options. Too hard to explain to voters the need for reform. Too hard to find a consistent message.
And way too hard to provide the sort of "stable, no surprises" government Mr Abbott promised just 18 months ago.
The Herald said then that voters would get to judge Mr Abbott on trust and stability "in three years or, should he prove unable to manage a democratic parliament, much sooner".
Many Australians are judging Mr Abbott's management harshly already.
Indeed, being in government has turned out to be so hard that some ministers and others in his inner circle even considered plans to commit hara kiri through a double dissolution election.
What a shambles.
Finance Minister Mathias Cormann said on Thursday: "The important thing is to keep heading in the right direction."
What direction?
The government must think people are mind-readers or, worse, plain gullible.
What was until a few weeks ago a budget emergency is now "manageable", it seems, and even on the verge of returning to "broad balance" in five years. The real issue is that after five years the structural costs in the budget condemn the nation to bigger deficits for the foreseeable future.
What was until a few weeks ago "a debt and deficit disaster" is now OK, it seems. Mr Abbott says "a ratio of debt to GDP at about 50 or 60 per cent is a pretty good result looking around the world" and, best of all, Australia will not be as bad as Greece.
And where is Treasurer Joe Hockey in all this? Claiming that he is "always conscious of taking people's money off them", when in fact his first budget planned to do just that to those who could least afford it. What's more, the sort of reforms required now to fix the budget would not involve taking money from the well-off but rather ending the unjustified perks they enjoy in the tax system.
The government's shambolic messaging hardly engenders confidence in a budget to be presented in less than eight weeks. No wonder senior public servants and Treasury officials are struggling to work out what the government is trying to achieve.
According to Mr Abbott, the aim is a "dull and routine" budget.
What a cop-out. Having failed miserably last May through budget overreach, and only managing to reduce spending significantly by cutting foreign aid and slashing funding to the states for education and health, the government now pretends to be household friendly.
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Hurrah... This section of the MMMM (mediocre mass media de mierda) has realised what we knew all along... Turdishitos is a con artist... Not one of his policies and those of his dumb acolytes in crime have ever made sense, except to those few who can pile the dollars on the back of increasing misery for most others... Even Turdy sucks so much at that the rich find it hard to believe what's happening... WE KNEW THAT... Welcome to the club. We thought it was not an experiment worth the try... Tony Turdy at the helm of this fair country? A VERY BAD decision supported by the MMMM to the hilt... It was doomed to fail and BE EXPENSIVE in the process. It is.
No brains in the Turd, except to do stupid things and more stupid things... What else is new?