Wednesday 8th of January 2025

BB takes us for a ride...


BB takes us for a ride...

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull has made light of the Speaker Bronwyn Bishop's travel claim controversy and the Coalition's Q&A ban at an awards dinner in Sydney on Thursday night.

According to a stream of tweets on Twitter, Mr Turnbull joked about the cost of travelling through the city, while a picture of an opal card with a balance of $5,227 was projected onto a big screen behind him.

External Link: Tweet from Malcolm Turnbull's speech at Awards night

That was the amount Mrs Bishop spent on a taxpayer funded helicopter trip from Melbourne to Geelong in November last year. She has agreed to repay the money.


she should resign...


The Speaker, Bronwyn Bishop, has signalled she has no intention of resigning after an expenses scandal raised questions about her future presiding over the Australian parliament.

Labor wrote to the Australian federal police on Friday to ask them to look into Bishop’s decision to take a taxpayer-funded helicopter trip from Melbourne to Geelong.

The opposition leader, Bill Shorten, intensified the political pressure by calling on on the prime minister, Tony Abbott, to say whether he continued to have confidence in the Speaker, describing it as “a test of his leadership”.

The opposition wants Bishop to release the form she signed to claim $5,227.27 for chartered flights from Melbourne to Geelong and back on 5 November 2014.

A spokesman for Bishop declined on Friday to clarify the details of the form the Speaker filled in, but defended her conduct.

“The Speaker’s not going to make any more comment until the police have considered the referral and she stands by her previous statement,” the spokesman said.

Asked if Bishop intended to resign, he told Guardian Australia: “Certainly not.”

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The woman is a disgrace to the job or parliament speaker... mind you more than half of the members of parliamentarians on the right side are also disgraceful to the human species... and other species on earth.

No wonder she did not get the plumb job in Europe... Meanwhile as far as we know Turdy Abbutt should also resign for holding two nationalities while being a parliamentarian contrary to the law. 


she got the chopper, she should get the chop...


Abbott explained that he had flown to Melbourne for a fundraiser the previous night and scheduled a hospital visit the next morning to ensure the trip was covered by his travel entitlements.

The message was clear: don't charge the taxpayer for travel to private party functions unless your itinerary also includes parliamentary business.

It would appear Bishop failed to heed this warning when she chartered a very expensive helicopter from Melbourne to Geelong in November, at a cost to taxpayers of more than $5000, solely to attend a fundraiser.

She also has questions to answer over the $90,000 cost to taxpayers of a two-week trip to Europe the month before the chopper episode.

If the spending can be justified under existing rules, she is guilty of extravagance that should not be tolerated. If it cannot be justified, her position is untenable.

Clearly, the furore over abuse of travel entitlements that followed the change of government in 2013 failed to register on the presiding officer of the House of Representatives.

Having repaid the money, with a penalty on top, Ms Bishop is still to explain how she thought the trip was consistent with her duties as speaker, an office that requires detachment from partisan politics.

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The way to rort the system is to visit a hospital for five minutes... before rorting the system...


bronwyn bishop is badly biased...


I HAVE YET to hear anyone who supports the spending by Bronwyn Bishop of $5,000 in taxpayers’ money for a helicopter ride from Melbourne to Geelong for a Liberal Party fundraiser.

It is surprising, however that, as a member of parliament, she attracts so much attention for this relatively small misuse of public money, but little mention is made of large scale indulgences of companies that provide private travel, yachts, holidays and entertainment for senior executives at the expense of the taxpayer.

But the real issue at the moment is the damage Bronwyn Bishop has been doing to our parliament and the lack of trust we all have in our members of parliament. She is a biased and partisan class warrior and quite unsuited to uphold and advance the dignity of parliament. As of 25 June this year, she had ejected 400 MPs of whom 393 were from the Labor Party. That bias is intolerable.

Tony Abbott speaks often of our constitutional roots in the UK parliamentary system. There are some practices in the House of Commons that we could consider. The first is that candidates for speaker must be nominated by at least twelve members of whom at least three be of a different party to the candidate. This ensures a degree of bipartisan support. Second, the speaker resigns from his or her party and does not attend party meetings. Thirdly, the speaker’s seat is not contested at the next election by a member of the opposition party.

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Here on YD we don't baulk at pointing out that BRONWYN BISHOP IS BADLY BIASED. And Turdy Abbott is a POM who disregard the laws of Australia by holding two nationalities in parliament (unless he can prove when he entered parliament he reneged on his POM nationality)


true lies...

Bronwyn Bishop’s office claims she has to keep secret her meetings in Albury on the weekend she claimed travel expenses to attend Sophie Mirabella’s wedding.

Bishop has been under increasing pressure to produce documentation to prove she was travelling on committee chair business on the weekend she claimed $755.06 in travel expenses while also attending former Liberal MP Mirabella’s wedding in Wangaratta in June 2006.

Bishop was chair of the standing committee of family and human services at the time and had to attend hearings of the balancing work and family inquiry.


Yes... and I possibly fly a kite daily but I don't charge the government for it... Secret meetings are not government business. Government business requires transparency and accountability and public RECORDS. Do I smell a porkie? A big one?

kids to fly on the kite in tow...


Federal politicians using travel perks to bring their children to Canberra will lose access to business class fares from July, while former MPs will have fewer free flights to the capital after they leave Parliament.

The Commonwealth Remuneration Tribunal announced on Monday it had formalised a range of recommendations from the Turnbull government's independent review of the travel rules for politicians, triggered by revelations that Bronwyn Bishop had spent $5000 on a helicopter flight from Melbourne to Geelong.


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See toon at top...