Wednesday 12th of March 2025

at your newsagent now .....

More cover lines...

Renditions — beautiful one day, perfect the next

Torture, the Yankee way

Geneva-conventions? Yuck!

Hero profiles:
This week Genghis Khan and Hitler

George W Bush is GOD

How to blame your enemy for your "accidental" bombing of a school

Dismantling and rebuilding a Sherman tank in 2 minutes and 38 seconds.

Rock n Roll classics to launch rockets by...

Morality attack while Killing? just doing your job


Good readers/contributors of this site, please feel free to add more relevant editorial subjects.

No more hope for humanity?

This morning picture on the front of The Australian — amongst many biased articles towards supporting more extreme-right positions — a picture of young girls in Israel writing messages such as "with love from Israel" on bombs destined to hit Hezbollah targets but most-likely to kill Lebanese kids — is obscene to the extreme. Leave war to grown up whose IQ is measured in single digit, but do not involve kids. even if the other side may be doing it...

Amongst other ultra far-right wing rubbish peddled by the Murdoch press was disguised as:

Howard's nuke challenge to Bush
JOHN Howard has given his strongest sign he wants a domestic uranium enrichment industry, and he agrees that the Bush administration's new global nuclear policy influenced his decision to conduct an inquiry into Australia's policy.

Editorial: PM powers ahead with bold plan
Paul Kelly: Joining nuclear club will be a test of trust
Beattie coal plan risks carbon trade [please note: the PM is in favour of coal and this is okay, but if Beattie is too, it's a risk... Gus' comment]
Windfarm to power up, but bills will rise
JERUSALEM: One week after the humiliation it suffered in a Hezbollah cross-border raid in which eight soldiers were killed and two captured, Israel senses one of its major military and political victories is within reach.
Video: Iraq – attack on market
Video: Hezbollah rockets hit Haifa
Video: Precautions at Haifa zoo
Video: Attack on chemical plant
Video: Evacuees gather in Beirut
Video: Evacuees arrive in Cuprus [sic]
Video: Day 6 of attacks

Rebecca Weisser: Holding Israel to a higher standard than the rest
Australian sea evacuations set to begin today
Iranian missile explodes from truck
Ceasefire hope grows despite unrelenting bombardment
Hillary stands up for Israel
War creates hidden enclave of suffering
Straight-talking Dubya says diplomatic mouthful, unaware mikes are on

Debate far from over
The UN panel from which governments get their information on climate change is deeply flawed

Thank you Mr Murdoch for helping it to be a more screwed-up obscene world. No more hope for the human-ape on this planet... That last one from Alan Wood is deeply and sneakily flawed...

A blank cheque for another week?

United States to Israel: you have one more week to blast Hizbullah

Bush 'gave green light' for limited attack, say Israeli and UK sources

Ewen MacAskill, Simon Tisdall and Patrick Wintour
Wednesday July 19, 2006
The Guardian

The US is giving Israel a window of a week to inflict maximum damage on Hizbullah before weighing in behind international calls for a ceasefire in Lebanon, according to British, European and Israeli sources.
The Bush administration, backed by Britain, has blocked efforts for an immediate halt to the fighting initiated at the UN security council, the G8 summit in St Petersburg and the European foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels.

"It's clear the Americans have given the Israelis the green light. They [the Israeli attacks] will be allowed to go on longer, perhaps for another week," a senior European official said yesterday. Diplomatic sources said there was a clear time limit, partly dictated by fears that a prolonged conflict could spin out of control.

US strategy in allowing Israel this freedom for a limited period has several objectives, one of which is delivering a slap to Iran and Syria, who Washington claims are directing Hizbullah and Hamas militants from behind the scenes.


Disgusting and obscene calculations... A blank cheque to destroy Lebanon for another week? And apologise about collateral damage?... Are all the families of the dead going to say thank you Mr Bush and Mr Ehud Olmert... ?

More revenge on the way... in twenty years, ten, fifty... Gus.

interesting reading

A few more weeks of hell?

Israel may send troops into Lebanon

Wednesday 19 July 2006, 2:35 Makka Time, 23:35 GMT

Israel says it is prepared to fight Hezbollah for several more weeks and possibly send ground forces into Lebanon, raising doubts about the chances of growing international efforts to broker an immediate cease-fire.

Two of Israel's top military commanders said on Tuesday that the war could be lasting a few more weeks and that Israel could be deploying ground forces into Lebanon.

"I think that we should assume that it will take a few more weeks." Major General Udi Adam, the head of the army's northern command, told Army Radio.


Some readers commented last year that some people on this site (me and a few others) spent too much time on the war in Iraq and not enough on progressing Democracy... Sure

I agree but one of the key argument to still talk about war and such is that no matter where one turns, war and its subsidiaries — including the flaunting of the constitution by the US president, leading the more powerful "democracy" in the world — are more and more ruling the roost, whichever way we try to create a peaceful democracy... When the Syrian army was asked not too politely to leave Lebanon after the assassination of the Lebanese former Prime Minister (could have been orchestrated by the CIA to blame the Syrians, who knows), one would have had rocks in their heads not to know that the next step was an "invasion" (bombing, destruction, call it what you like) of Lebanon by Israel... for whatever small provocation (which can be said to be retaliation for some dirty business in Gaza) there was...

At home, our primal grocer blurts inanities about "nuclear" power, farts around too long with the rescue of Aussies trapped over-there, has destroyed medicare by making it bare-bone, slashed workers rights and entitlements and, instead of helping those who have difficulty to survive, cuts their dole while the services dishing it out are trained in fending irate desperate "customers"...

Since Johnnee has taken the rudder of this country, some people have made it rich, others have not... Nothing new from the past here, except the growing disparity of have-huge and have-nots plus the desperate, including the disabled with the destruction of social services. Refugees having taken a battering in their homelands land in Howard-hell of exclusion zones and razor wire...

Johnnee's blanket deliberate acceptance of US lies have turned ordinary Australians, you and me, into murderers of the Iraqi people by the truck load. If you don't like the word murderers, try man-slaughterers. Not a pretty word is it?...

Since George Bush has come to power, by vote rigging —twice over mind you, the world has fast descended along the path of major chaos. Good for some business but morally corrupt despite the rhetoric of "we shall prevail" crap...

Yes I know, some of us will say... this has nothing to do with me... blah blah... Sure, but see the next sorry instalment coming the world's way unless the morons on all sides are stopped... first by a cease-fire and then by ne-go-tia-tions... now. Capiche?

and if you don't believe me...

From The Washington Post

Bush Blocked Probe Into NSA Wiretapping
Security Clearances for Justice Department Investigators Were Denied, Gonzales Says
By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, July 19, 2006; Page A04

President Bush effectively blocked a Justice Department investigation of the National Security Agency's warrantless surveillance program, refusing to give security clearances to attorneys who were attempting to conduct the probe, Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales said yesterday.

Bush's decision represents an unusually direct and unprecedented White House intervention into an investigation by the Office of Professional Responsibility, the internal affairs office at Justice, administration officials and legal experts said. It forced OPR to abandon its investigation of the role Justice officials played in authorizing and monitoring the controversial NSA eavesdropping effort, according to officials and government documents.

read more at TWP

Also in this issue:

An Election Theft "How To"

Collateral Damage - Are they REALLY Human?

Democracy, is it really all it is cracked up to be?

Medical Care, is it really necessary?

Silencing Human Rights, tricks and tips for emerging Dictatorships


You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation. ~~ Marian Wright Edelman