Sunday 9th of March 2025

there are lies, statistics and the daily turdograph...


As usual, The Daily Turdograph exaggerates anything to promote Turdy's idiocy and his henchmen's (as well as that of their god and master Uncle Rupe). Today's (or was it yesterday's) poster tells us the cost of Labor's Carbon Policy, costed by a dumb monkey in a human suit, with a tie, punching numbers on an abacus. Thus you "can trust" the The Daily Terrorgraph. The monkey was educated at Taronga Zoo and passed Banana Accounting 101 with Honours. 

Meanwhile if you look into a real global warming crystal ball, you would be able to know that the Liberal (CONservative) cost of the future would go way beyond imaginings, especially with inflation and people trying to find a life-jacket.


yo-yo polls going south for turdy...


The latest Newspoll conducted by the Australian and published on Monday shows the ALP holds an election-winning lead over the Coalition, on 54% and 46% respectively, the Coalition’s worst figures since March. The previous poll, taken three weeks ago, had Labor ahead 53-47 in two-party-preferred terms.

The Coalition’s primary votes fell one point to 39%, while Labor’s remained unchanged, also at 39%.

Satisfaction with the performance of Tony Abbott was steady at 33%, with dissatisfaction rising one point to 61%.

The shadow attorney general, Mark Dreyfus, told ABC radio on Monday the Coalition’s standing in the polls was affected by Abbott’s initial support for Bishop, saying he “chose to defend the indefensible” for three weeks.

“[Abbott] couldn’t quite bring himself to accept that she had done the wrong thing,” he said.

The parliamentary secretary for foreign affairs, Steven Ciobo, downplayed the results.

“None of us [in government] get particularly excited by polls that go up and down,” he told Sky News on Monday.


what else but crap in a reputable newspaper...

Professor Lyn Littlefield, APS executive director, wrote in the letter:

The Australian Psychological Society was disturbed to see psychology being misused to mislead the public on such an important topic as climate change, and for this to be published in a reputable newspaper.

The advert claimed there was “no evidence CO2 has determined climate in the past or that it could do so in the future” and that “the next ice age remains the real global threat”.

Those conclusions run counter to all the major scientific institutions and academies around the world, including the UK’s Royal Society, the American Geophysical Union and the US National Academy of Sciences. Littlefield’s letter said:

The advert… misuses psychology-based arguments to add credibility to myths and misinformation about climate change. In doing so, the authors illustrate aptly the very error bias (confirmation bias) they are erroneously attributing to the climate science community.

There is a growing body of empirical research into the psychology of climate science denial and a number of these characteristics are on display in the Climate Study Group’s advertisement.

The advertisement provided no contact details about the group, but two members are former directors of the Institute of Public Affairs — a Melbourne-based “think tank” that has worked for decades to block action on greenhouse gas emissions while supporting non-expert fringe views on climate science.

In April, the seven-strong group sent a submission to the Government and the document was hosted on the IPA website.

None of the members of the group appear to have relevant qualifications in climate science or psychology but do have backgrounds in mining, agriculture and the finance industry.

The same group has previously gone by the name “Fair Farming Group”. In another government submission relating to the finance industry, two group members were described as being part of  “The Industry Group”. None of the groups appear to be incorporated in any way.

One group member is 76-year-old Dr Tom Quirk, who was an IPA director from 1998 until February 2014. Quirk trained as a nuclear physicist but an online profile suggests has worked in industry since at least the late 1980s. His first industry role appears to have been with mining company Rio Tinto. He is a director of vaccine company Sementis.

read more:,8053


Like the Daily Telegraph, "The Australian" is a Murdoch publication... All murdoch publications control too much of the media in Australia, in the US and in the UK. All murdoch publications and TV networks reject the science of global warming.

getting crappier than the possibility of worst crap...


The independent Climate Change Authority is engaged in a public war of words with the environment minister, Greg Hunt, over the government’s assertion that “Labor’s climate policy” would impose a “$600bn carbon bill”, saying the claim is “weird” and “misleading”.

The prime minister on Tuesday unveiled a new greenhouse gas reduction goal of reducing emissions by between 26% and 28% of 2005 levels by 2030.

One day before that announcement, the Daily Telegraph revisited modelling done in 2013 for the CCA of a 40 to 60% emissions reduction target, in a front-page story headlined “ALP’s $600bn carbon bill”. The paper argued the cost was attributable to Labor because the party has said it would base its long-term targets on up-to-date advice from the CCA. Labor has not yet announced its preferred 2030 target.

Abbott then used the same figure to claim Labor’s policy would “hit our economy with massive and unmanageable costs, massive increases in power prices, massive increase in the hit on families’ cost of living”.

But in a statement released late Friday, CCA chairman and former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser said: “Others have wrongly claimed that the authority’s own modelling shows that the 40 to 60 target would impose very high costs – in the order of $600bn – on the economy. This is not correct.”


The Daily Telegraph and our Turdy-in-Chief are cuddling up in the same gas-guzzler that rolled off the road into a ditch. Furiously, with the foot on the accelerator Turdy pumps more CO2 in the atmosphere, the wheels are sinking into the mud, and Uncle Rupe, who got out of the car monetarily to get the news on the situation, got his face full of crap. No traction, but a made-up news item to say the situation is great and under control. This of course is designed to hide the fact that this is a full-blown SNAFU by excellence. (SNAFU: situation normal, all fucked up, in military lingo). See picture at top...

And by the way, should you believe in fairies and Santa Claus, you would "trust" the figures of 26 to 28 per cent announced as a sweetener to the insurgently revolting masses. Turdy has no clue on how to implement these "results"... except pay his mates to pollute as much as they wish but then send the bill to the Taxpayers... Ain't a solution, only a promise that has not a skerrick of fixing anything.

turdy is proven wrong again...


The Abbott government has released its own economic modelling of long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets, confirming that the prime minister’s assertions about the costs of more ambitious targets have been incorrect and overstated.

Two weeks ago, Tony Abbott unveiled a new long term greenhouse gas reduction goalof reducing emissions by between 26% and 28% of 2005 levels by 2030.

One day before that announcement, the Daily Telegraph revisited modelling done in 2013 for the Climate Change Authority of a 44% emissions reduction target, in a front-page story headlined “ALP’s $600bn carbon bill”. That dollar cost was based on a calculated 2% reduction in growth in 2030, and the paper argued this cost was attributable to Labor because the party has said it would base its long-term targets on up-to-date advice from the CCA. Labor has not yet announced its preferred 2030 target.

Abbott then used the same figure to claim Labor’s policy would “hit our economy with massive and unmanageable costs, massive increases in power prices, massive increase in the hit on families’ cost of living” and repeated the claim that growth in 2030 would be 2% lower.

read more:


PLEASE DO NOT TRUST ANY OF TURDY's government figures. He does not believe in global warming and he still fancies digging more coal at warp speed out of the ground. He is a liar, a thief and a con artist.


Read from top.