Wednesday 8th of January 2025

fucupping patronising mad idiot is taking us for fools once more...

turdy says no once more...

The Coalition's marathon same-sex marriage debate ended in a short-term fix which has reignited internal doubts about the Prime Minister's judgement and leadership.

Two thirds of the joint party room supported traditional marriage and binding MPs and Senators to the status quo.

But the Prime Minister said in a late-night press conference this was the last term in which his party could be bound, although the policy it would take to the next election was yet to be settled.

"Our position going into the next election should be that in a subsequent term of Parliament this is a matter that should rightly be put to the Australian people," Mr Abbott said.


the bad lollipop man...

There are great lollipop persons... These days, the companies doing work on the road tend to employ more good looking women than ugly blokes with beer guts... The good looking sheilas make waiting for the lollipop to turn around, from a full red stop to a yellow with care, a bit of a delight.

But with Turdy in charge of Australia's lollipops, ordinary folks like you, me and his sister, will wait a long time to see the green light. All his mates in Rolls and Jags get the go ahead behind our back but we linger in the doldrums, wasting fuel and patience. He is ugly. He is Hitlerian. He pontificates with the subtlety of a devious tyrant. He is a devious lying tyrant. 


Get rid of him. 

poor fellow my country ....

Yes Gus .... time for a good-old fashioned divorce .... send Tony "back to where he came from?!!!

It was John O’Grady who famously characterised Australians as “a weird mob” so how "weird" are we to accept that a phony Prime Minister can engage in “tricky processes” to game his own party colleagues & the Australian people into accepting that the issue of marriage equality should be decided by a sham plebiscite or referendum?

And how much weirder are we to ignore an even more egregious use of those same “tricky processes” to pass laws that will afford nameless, faceless, shameless, unelected & unaccountable bureaucrats higher powers than our nation’s courts to strip Australians of their citizenship for allegedly committing “crimes”, based on secret allegations made by other nameless, faceless, shameless, unelected & unaccountable bureaucrats?

A weird mob?

More like "Poor fellow my country"!!

following this debacle, there is a terror alert in the wind...

Yes John,

I am awaiting with amusement for the next terror alert in this country... By Friday 14 August, there are 50 per cent chance that an announcement by the Primal Monster leading this country to perdition, would tell us "terror alert sumpthin' or rather" to make us tighten our butts with more stupid laws to catch the villains. By next month, the chances of this happening will reach about 98 per cent. 

All this crap of course is designed to promote Turdy as a leader-in-Chief, while he is no more than a little Shit-in-Turdom... Even me, Gus-the-ignorant, expected tons of crap from Turdy but never as much as he has obliged upon this fair nation.

turnbull in the whiffs...

Malcolm Turnbull has questioned Tony Abbott’s handling of the same-sex marriage debate, warning that the prime minister’s proposal of a plebiscite ensured it would remain “a live issue all the way up to the next election” and overshadow the government’s economic messages.

The communications minister pointedly said the details of the policy were yet to be fleshed out and should go to cabinet – hinting at disquiet that the prime minister had not consulted senior ministers before calling the snap joint party room meeting on Tuesday.


Yes malcolm, and Turdy welcomes the distraction from the economic messages which so far, since the COALition took over, have been SHIT.

Now the Turdy trick lies in the wording: in a referendum, the changes have to be implemented. In a plebiscite the changes can be implemented by Parliament but not necessarily so... Clever bastard. 


clever bastards...

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has argued his plan to put same-sex marriage to a vote would give the people a say, but he has not said how it would work.

Treasurer Joe Hockey said options included a plebiscite "where there is a question put to the Australian people".

He said a referendum was another alternative "to change the constitution, Section 51 (xxi), where it's defined as the Commonwealth having power over marriage".

Last night on the ABC's 7.30 program Mr Morrison suggested a full referendum.

read more:


Why go through all this ugly pain and strange complication, while it is simple a matter of a recognition that 99.9 per cent of families have homosexuals in them? And that some of them in adult stable relationships want their union blessed with approval from the community? Is this so hard? Suddenly the rates of suicide would drop, a general feel-good sentiment would permeate society and cash would flow... Let them be married. 

Ah I see, the Turdy government is full of religious tight-arse bastards or illusionists, including Morrison, who massage the issue some more, with promises that has no real meaning for another year and a half, hoping the issue would have gone away by then. The idea of a plebiscite of course was seen as a fudge by most of the population, some journalists and Gus, so someone in the ranks of the Turdy government is now floating the idea of a referendum on the subject... Do I smell more fudge? Hum... Bastards. Clever bastards.

turdy terror division...

The Federal Government has confirmed at least eight Australians feature on a "hit list" released by a group calling itself the Islamic State Hacking Division.

The group has released details of 1,400 people, including mobile phone numbers, credit card details, online passwords, and private emails on social media.

The leak includes the personal information of Australian Defence Force employees, a Victorian MP and several public servants.

Justice Minister Michael Keenan said intelligence agencies were looking into the threats and urged all Australians to take basic measures online to keep themselves safe.


My gut instinct told me that there would be a 100 per cent chance of a "terror alert" the day after the Turdy debacle on equality of marriage (following this debacle, there is a terror alert in the wind...).

But like a good generous dog I went with a 50/50 per cent chance. Fat chance... My gut instinct was right...

afur brandis and martha morrison are not getting married...

The attorney general, George Brandis, has slapped down the suggestion from fellow frontbencher Scott Morrison that the Coalition’s same-sex marriage “people’s vote” could be conducted through a constitutional referendum.

Morrison, the social services minister, made the suggestion on Wednesday night, saying “when you have a referendum, there is an opportunity for both sides of this debate to be fairly put to the Australian people, for all of the issues to be fully considered and presented I think in an even-handed way.”

“I don’t think we’ve been having a very even-handed debate on this issue,” Morrison told the ABC’s 7.30 report.

But Brandis said on Thursday a referendum was “entirely unnecessary” and a plebiscite was “the appropriate way to resolve this.”

“I only became aware of Mr Morrison’s remarks this morning and I think, it is very important as attorney general that I remove confusion. A referendum is not necessary to resolve this issue,” he told Sky News...

read more:


Here we go with more confused confusion about the confusion designed to confuse everyone... even themselves...

turdy is right?... I see... he's stupid nonetheless...

Abbott is right when he says this is an issue that should not be owned by one side of politics or another. As premier, I took a similar approach to same–sex adoption in NSW: the bill was introduced by the independent Clover Moore, the major parties allowed conscience votes so everyone could have their say, and both I and the leader of the opposition scrupulously avoided partisan politics. Each of these elements was crucial to the legislation’s dignified debate and ultimate success.

The weeks ahead in Australia will likely be fascinating, exciting, distressing, emotional, anticipatory, and, at times, challenging. I hope the debates in the days ahead are conducted with the best of ourselves seeking the best for all our citizens.

Like my husband and I, Mark and his husband have two teenage boys. Mark often says the world will be a better place when our children’s generation is in charge. They’re growing up in a world that is increasingly blind to the things that used to divide us, like gender, race, or sexual orientation. He’s right, but it is only because previous generations have worked hard to make it so. One big challenge remains: to remove the legal and artificial distinctions that divide a family like Mark’s from a family like mine.

Ireland and America have shown it can be done, and now, I pray, it is Australia’s turn.

read more:

That is why Turdy is opposed to the whatever because he says: "this is an issue that should not be owned by one side of politics or another" but he wants to own the complete rejection of the issue... Iddiott Turdy... Lacking free space in the pigeon loft.