Tuesday 4th of February 2025

of lords, cocaine, prostitutes, global warming, anti-democratic conservatives and of european community scorn...

the good lord and the other spruiker...

LONDON — Britain’s unelected and overcrowded House of Lords lost one of its members last month, when a newspaper exposé prompted the resignation of Lord Sewel of Gilcomstoun in Aberdeen, a former university lecturer who was accused of snorting cocaine with a prostitute and pictured wearing an orange bra.

But after this brief downward blip, the second chamber of the British Parliament seems poised to resume the long expansion of its ranks.

Prime Minister David Cameron is expected to nominate several dozen new members soon, continuing a tradition in which the party in power adds to its representation in the House of Lords, which, while limited in authority, can amend or delay legislation.

read more:



Of course Baron Sewel is a newcomer to the Pommy sewers of Lordships... Sewel was given his Lordship for services, which to say the least is quite a low commoner's activity. Services? Pwawttt ! To be a real Lord one has to have a Lordy dad (and Granddad before that), own villages, own serfs and shoot foxes in traditional hunts. 

We should realise though, the bad behaviour by Lord Sewel — snorting cocaine and frolicking with prostitutes — is far less dangerous than the pseudo-scientific climate change denial promoted erroneously by the Goggly Lord Monckton... Yes, Lord Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley is an hereditary peer who may not even own half a brain and expect us to be the same.

Lord Monckton is a fake scholar who waddles in Confirmation Bias by twisting observation and eliminating contrary experiments to suit a COMPLETELY idiotic viewpoint. 



Wikipedia entry probably written by the Lord Himself tells us (trumpets please):...

... he is a liveryman [superior to "freeman" of course] of the "Worshipful Company of Broderers", an "Officer of the Order of St John of Jerusalem", a "Knight of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta", and a member of the "Roman Catholic Mass Media Commission". He is also a qualified Day Skipper with the Royal Yachting Association, and has been a trustee of the Hales Trophy for the Blue Riband of the Atlantic since 1986.[8]

On the death of his father in 2006 Monckton inherited the title Viscount Monckton of Brenchley [only one per family], but as this was after the House of Lords Act 1999 he did not inherit his father's position in the House of Lords.

Phew... His loss, our gain.x

So like the never seen son of Hyacinth Bucket, the Good Lord is an expert at embroidery. Yes he is completely stitched up... And all the cabals he is a member of, are old dusty traditional turditional societies that have ceased to have any influence on social behaviour for more than a hundred years. As a Day Skipper of the RYA, of course he is not allowed out at night on the water... and The Blue Riband lost its prestige a long time ago to aeroplanes. 

These grandiloquent organisations Lord Monckton is a fellowsheep-person in golden garb in, should kick him out forthwith with tar and feathers for impersonating someone with an education. Yes, Lord Monckton has a slightly above average gift of the gab but this is where start and finish his skills. Most of what he sprouts is fake and encased in erroneous pomposity. His comprehension is nil. His scientific knowledge is below zero and his reasoning rings bells backwards. 

As far as I can search, The "Roman Catholic Mass Media Commission" does not exist as an entity but as various bishopates, including the Pope's (Pontifical Council for Social Communications). They have their own "Commissions" on social communications and mass media. May be Lord Monckton is a member of one in his own "Roman Catholic Mass Media Commission". What the good Lord Monckton is religiously doing here is a bit obscure or should attract our suspicions with distrust, especially when sprouting about sciences... 




So The CONservative government of David Cameron in Pommyland wants to create more Lords... Of course this is the most undemocratic way to rule a society. No wonder, the other European nations deride the idea with scorn and hate 'em Poms.


the galileo movement is full of shit...


Supported by their wives and risking their personal finances they underwrote and organised an Australian tour by Lord Monckton - famous for explaining the scientific data, the statistics and the UN bureaucracy's political fabrication of global warming alarm.

Overwhelmed by enormous public response, John and Case discovered that people feel confused. In their gut many Australians sense that climate change is natural and that climate has always been changing. People want to discover understanding and clarity for themselves.

Through their voluntary effort, Case and John freed many people previously afraid to speak out publicly.

Mixing with everyday Aussies during the tour they became frustrated: despite the tour's huge success, it got little media reporting. The key to ending corruption of science and politicised misappropriation of public funds is to reach out to people directly by enabling people to discover climate reality themselves. People are then free to protect Australia, workers, families, jobs and industry against politicised misrepresentation of science. Voters will have the power to influence politicians of all parties to vote against any carbon dioxide taxing or 'trading'.

This site explains Case's and John's apolitical public campaign. It gives visitors reassurance and ease on climate. It's a rallying point to a mainstream media voice for the growing majority of Australians wanting to reclaim their lives from media spin and politicians' control.




Sorry to interrupt here. Them media spins are at least 75 per cent in support of the erroneous views of the Galileo movement but this gullible movement against sciences wants 100 per cent commitment from the media against the sciences as well. So far the media in favour of their ridiculous views include Alan Jones (their Patron), all of the right-wing spruikers on radio (about 90 per cent of all spruikers) and the entire Murdoch press (about 75 per cent of the media at large). 

Politically, the turdy government in Australia is against any knowledge of anything scientific as well...

As well this erroneous movement appropriated the name Galileo to associate themselves with the scientific might of the man against the flat-earth theorists, in case they would be accused of being flat-earth theorists for being backwards in mistaking alchemy with sciences.


the surface of the planet is warming up...


July was the hottest month ever recorded, putting 2015 well on track to beat out 2014 for the hottest year since records began. Carol Linnit from DeSmog Blog reports.

Raging wildfires and apocalyptic smoke. Huge algal blooms visible from space turn seafood on the Pacific Northwest toxicCalifornia’s droughtAlberta’s droughtAlberta’s floods.

There’s no doubt: it’s hot and weird out.

According to officials with the United States' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) July was the hottest month ever recorded, putting 2015 well on track to beat out 2014 for the hottest year on record. Records date back to 1880.

NOAA climate scientists Jake Crouch said the new data

“... just affirms what we already know: that the Earth is warming.”

The warming is accelerating and we’re seeing it this year.”

According to figures released by the NOAA, the average temperature for July was 16.6º C. That beats out previous record highs from 1998 by 0.08º C.

July also broke the record for ocean warmth. The average sea surface temperature was 0.75º C above the 20th century average.

beforeitsnews : Feeling the heat: Earth in July was hottest month on record … http://t.co/fySqpH8T2spic.twitter.com/BMh5hnGXvk

— Ragam Info News (@ragaminfonews) August 23, 2015

Keith Stewart, climate and energy campaigner with Greenpeace Canada, said that when it comes to breaking temperature records, we’re just getting started.

Said Stewart:

"I think from now on out the anomaly will be when a year or a month isn’t the hottest ever. These things do go up and down but the trend is upwards so we’re going to continue breaking records until we take serious action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and even then the warming is going to continue for decades."


read more: https://independentaustralia.net/environment/environment-display/july-2015-is-officially-hottest-month-on-record-ever,8086


murdoch moochers and gaggles of lords...

Panic Attackers: Grass-Roots Challenge Sparks High-Level Hissy Fit

I have actually had occasion to meet one of these ponderous grandees — a one-time Murdoch minion who also served faithfully as a mouthpiece for Moloch at several other ritzy rightwing rags before finding himself translated into the upper reaches of Davosian Valhalla at a global financial firm. It was a work assignment; I was interviewing him about his munificent philanthropy — but upon learning that I was an American, he spent almost the entire session complaining of what a raw deal poor Dick Nixon got: a leader whose greatness Americans were too stupid to see. (In a similar vein, I also interviewed the husband of one of the titled CPS members; he spent most of the interview talking about how much he had loved San Francisco — “before the gays got hold of it.”)

This gives you some flavor and measure of the “minds” behind the most top leading independent tank of leading top thinkers that there ever was in Blighty.

Now you would think these well-tanked thinkers would be feeling pretty chill nowadays, as their eager dogsbodies in the new Tory government proceed fiercely and furiously to impose the CPS vision of despoliation and repression — sorry, “freedom and responsibility” — on the worthless rabble whose bestial needs must be contained and exploited — for their own good, of course! — by their betters. Hayek's in his heaven, all’s right with the world.

But no; like the rest of the bipartisan British Establishment, the Thatcher-Tankers have been thrown into a towering tizzy by the distinct and increasing possibility that someone outside the cozy club of crony capitalism might actually ascend to the leadership of the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn – a long-serving MP who has been frequently, and at times vociferously, at odds with the sad sacks of warmongering, corporate-coddling shinola that have constituted the party’s leadership for many years — now holds a huge lead in polls for the top post. Although he is a man of “radical” views — radical, that is, to the pro-biz, pro-war, austerity-embracing centre-right technocrats who run Labour — Corbyn has surged ahead by using a sneaky, sinister tactic virtually unheard of in our day: democracy.

To a Labour Party left moribund by Blair’s war crimes, Brown’s floundering and the boundless ineptitude of Miliband, Corbyn has brought thousands of enthusiastic new members. More than 400,000 people have joined Labour since Corbyn’s campaign began. This is in marked contrast to the tenure of Tony Blair at the top of the party — a period that saw 200,000 members exit Labour, most of them stage left.

Here too you might think Labour would be pretty chuffed by this remarkable turn of events. A party more invigorated than it has been in almost 20 years, bringing a wider circle of people into the ranks, including the young and the long disaffected; what’s not to like? But the Clinton-style “triangulation” technocrats who dominate the party structure — and have turned “New Labour’s” pro-business tilt into a lucrative revolving door for themselves as they leave political life for cushy corporate jobs — have thrown a hissy fit of historic proportions at Corbyn's unexpected rise. Not to mention the ghastly thought that the party’s ordinary members might actually elect a leader who actually advocates policies they actually support. For as we well know, such things are not supposed to happen in the “managed democracies” of our modern era.

read more: http://www.chris-floyd.com/Articles/2511-panic-attackers-grass-roots-challenge-sparks-high-level-hissy-fit.html


Read from top...

revisiting an old fridge...

the actor and the princess...


Jack Nicholson once offered Princess Margaret cocaine at a dinner party held in her honour, a new book claims.

The actor is said to have pulled her aside at the glamorous event in Los Angeles and made the offer in an effort to get to know her better.

But the princess declined and spent much of the night drinking and dancing with John Travolta instead.

The anecdote is recounted in a new biography of top Hollywood agent Sue Mengers, who hosted the party for the princess in 1979.



I smell a rat here... An unverifiable anecdote to sell a new book... Is John Travolta a really good dancer?... Kidding. Anyway, see toon at top and read story from top...


meanwhile, the bombe alaska...


KOTZEBUE, Alaska — In this native village situated on a gravel spit above the Arctic Circle, life is changing more quickly than the Alaskans who have lived off the land and water here for thousands of years can keep pace with.

“The ice is the biggest thing,” said Dominic Ivanoff, 28, a leader of Kotzebue’s tribal council. He used to need two foot-long auger extensions to cut holes through the thick ice when he went fishing in April. Now, he said, the ice is thin enough that he needs none.

The situation is even more severe in smaller villages surrounding this remote slice of northwest Alaska, where climate change is not a political talking point or a theoretical scientific phenomenon but a punishing everyday reality. Some communities are sinking into the water, as erosion and melting permafrost wash away their foundations.

Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/03/us/politics/obama-takes-climate-message-to-alaska-where-change-is-rapid-in-alaska.html?&hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0


For those who don't know what the bombe Alaska is: It's a frozen dessert that melts quickly if left in the sun...


Read from top...


shock jock prostitution...

Australia and New Zealand are expected to face strong criticism from Pacific Island leaders disappointed the nations are not doing more to combat climate change.

The issue will likely dominate this week’s Pacific Islands Forum leaders summit in Port Moresby, ahead of the United Nations climate change conference in Paris later in the year.

Pacific leaders want the world to work on restricting the global warming temperature rise to 1.5C, fearing a 2C target will risk the survival of many tiny islands.

read more: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/sep/06/australias-inaction-on-climate-change-set-to-dominate-pacific-island-talks

People do not like their house to be invaded... This is mostly why Alan Jones does not like Coal Seam Gas exploration and exploitation. He owns acreage. Good for him. But when it comes to dig up coal and sell it to the Chinese, Jones is a bad tactician. He goes against Turdy, badmouthing his new new coal mines... but Jones still supports Turdy in general, including in the opposition to windmills.

Jones does not believe in global warming, so Tony Abbott uses Jones to promote his "global warming is crap" views. These views, in turn, are in favour of digging more coal... It's insane and limited. It's a form of prostitution while claiming rape at the same time.

let me eat my words...

The radio broadcaster Alan Jones is fronting a new advertising campaign against the Abbott government’s changes to environmental laws to stop “environmental saboteurs”, saying the laws “put at risk not just our environment but our very democracy”.

Jones urges people to contact their local member to protest against the changes to the Environmental Protection Biodiversity Conservation Act in ads which began running on Sky TV on Monday and were authorised by a spokeswoman for the Lock the Gate alliance.

“I may live nowhere near the Liverpool Plains or the Great Barrier Reef, but I sure as hell am concerned that they are protected,” Jones says. “The latest move by the Abbott government puts at risk not just our environment but our very democracy. It is quite simply unbelievable".

read more: http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/sep/07/alan-jones-the-voice-of-ad-campaign-fighting-environment-law-change



I am flabbergasted... Alan is now the fully fledge champion for the environment. I would never have believed it... So let me eat my words ad apologise for many of the things I said about Alan Jones... 

Now for another notch and for Alan Jones to come to terms with the concept of GLOBAL WARMING, first defined by Arrhenius... Let Alan Jones discover that his mate Lord Monckton of Brenchley and his coterie has led him astray on the road of unscientific scepticism. 

GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL (despite the cool weather in Sydney at the moment)