Monday 24th of February 2025

beware of advertising...

advertising on a xtian website

This Christian Post website is of course full of morality and zealotry. It also explores all issues including those of a sexual nature that are not conform to those abstinence "dictums" of the bible even if they are made up, since the new bible was written by liars and forgers... Meanwhile the older book allows slavery, concubines and many wives for more sex in accordance with the word of god... 

So these religious nutters are pro-life, that is anti abortion even if you have been raped... and against family planning. As well the usage of condoms is not condoned. And there are many other tut-tut-tut towards bad behaviour, but then alleluia, we also have forgiveness... in full for having crapped on the side.

In this article, the end of which is shown, the Post discusses how some Vatican personnel got entrapped by the hackers of the Ashley Madigan website and revealed all the names of unfaithful men in search of you know what... How unfortunate, as possibly, the names of the Vatican personnel might have been added to the list by the wicked hackers...

But I really don't care much about this non-story. Here we have on a rigourously religious website touting the virtues of abstinence and tight-arse religious beliefs, with adverts that could make an old man like me have a heart attack. On one corner, promoting the next story: "Why Are So Many Middle Aged Men Succumbing to Sexual Sin?"

I'll leave you to explore the page and discover the other side of the page where SEXY "Senior" (here, seniority looks like no-one is over 30) RUSSIAN GILRS are on offer for a bit of dating... Nothing wrong with that, but if you're a still functioning old decrepit male and should you not double a heart beat, your nerves are better than mine...

Meanwhile the Queen does not look amused...

begging for forgiveness, possible after having been caught...


Statement from Josh Duggar:

I have been the biggest hypocrite ever. While espousing faith and family values, I have been unfaithful to my wife.

I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living and am grieved for the hurt, pain and disgrace my sin has caused my wife and family, and most of all Jesus and all those who profess faith in Him.

I have brought hurt and a reproach to my family, close friends and the fans of our show with my actions.

The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country I was hiding my own personal failures.

As I am learning the hard way, we have the freedom to choose our actions, but we do not get to choose our consequences. I deeply regret all the hurt I have caused so many by being such a bad example.

I humbly ask for your forgiveness. Please pray for my precious wife Anna and our family during this time.


Josh Duggar


Sorry Josh... It does not wash... We frankly don't care. It's only in your heart and the ire of your wife you should find forgiveness and solace. The public at large CANNOT FORGIVE YOU for mucking about. It is not our place to do so, whether we believe in god or not.

Here on this webpage, Clinique free skin care samples are on offer... 

priestly sexual abuse...

A Sydney Catholic Bishop who is dying of cancer and has been an advocate for a more compassionate approach by the church to victims of clergy abuse is to give evidence to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse on Monday.

"I have cancer and it's terminal. It'll be better they take the evidence now than wait for later," retired bishop Geoffrey Robinson told the ABC.

Bishop Robinson was a key player in the response of the Catholic Church to child sexual abuse by members of the clergy between 1994 and 2003.

"I'll be telling the royal commission what I know of the story of the Catholic Church's response, the good and the bad," he said.

Bishop Robinson was a member and chairman of the Bishops' National Committee for Professional Standards, part of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, which dealt with complaints of sexual abuse.

He was also one of the founders and chairman of Encompass Australasia, a program Bishop Robinson said offered treatment to "hundreds of priests and religious with psychological problems of one form or another".

read more:


According to my catholic friends, Bishop Robinson is one of the "good guys"... I trust them on this one though I am a fierce atheist...


budging the budgies...

Neat trick. Obviously the boffins at New Matilda hope that someone will not buy "this" space, but will buy another square of advertising above or below it... Good luck. 

shaming the advertisement......


Periods – they make you fat and mean.

Or at least, that appears to be the concept behind a new advert for menstrual pads that has been accused of both fat and period-shaming.

The adverts for Australian company Unicharm's Sofy BeFresh pads, which were made by the Melbourne branch of creative agency J. Walter Thompson, have been igniting social media outrage when they appear in ad breaks during Channel 10's The Bachelor

Read more: 
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