Sunday 9th of March 2025

oh boy...



US presidential candidate Donald Trump appeals to veterans on Tuesday, saying a Trump administration would take better care of them while also building up the US military. In a 14-minute speech that had been billed as a major national security address, the real estate mogul chose to stage the event aboard a decommissioned battleship, the USS Iowa.

Trump: I'll make US military so big and great, nobody will mess with us...


big guns...

Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump pledged at a campaign rally to rebuild the US military to make it so powerful no other nation could challenge the United States.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – The stadium can hold 43,000 people, but CNN from aerial coverage estimated the crowd at around 20,000.

“I will rebuild our military, it will be so strong and so great,” Trump told a crowd on Friday at a stadium in Mobile, Alabama.

“It will be so powerful and so great that we will never have to use it, nobody's going to mess with us.”

Trump Says US Defends Competitors Japan, South Korea, Gets Nothing in Return

Donald Trump criticized the US commitment to defend South Korea and Japan without getting anything in return.

The US is obligated to defend Japan if the country comes under attack, Trump said, but under the terms of the defense treaty Japan doesn’t have to come to the aid of the United States.

“Do you think that is a good deal?” he asked a packed crowd at a stadium with a capacity of 43,000 people.

Trump said that the United States was running up enormous trade deficits with Japan and South Korea while defending them, but getting nothing in return.

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tripping trump...


SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — Determined to prove their mettle, several Republican presidential candidates showed new aggressiveness in lacing into Donald J. Trump on Wednesday night, seeking to elevate themselves as leaders of substance and shake up a race that Mr. Trump has dominated all summer.

While moderators at the CNN debate tried repeatedly to pit one Republican after another against Mr. Trump, the candidates fought to break out of that dynamic, with Carly Fiorina emerging as an especially tenacious combatant who provided some of the few moments where Mr. Trump looked uncomfortable.

The debate covered a broad range of subjects — immigration, the nuclear deal with Iran, same-sex marriage, federal financing for Planned Parenthood — and was more inclusive than the first debate last month, allowing each of the 11 candidates to engage through a nearly three-hour forum that tested their endurance.

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"we have a problem in this country called... trump"...

Donald Trump has been criticised for failing to correct a supporter who said US President Barack Obama was a Muslim and "not even an American".

The Republican sought to laugh off the comment, which was preceded by the supporter saying: "We have a problem in this country - it's called Muslims".

The comments were made at a campaign rally for Mr Trump in New Hampshire.

Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton said his failure to denounce "hateful rhetoric" was "disturbing and wrong".

Pointing to his first questioner at the campaign event in Rochester, the billionaire businessman said: "I like this guy."

"We have a problem in this country called Muslims," the man said. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."