Monday 10th of March 2025

duplicitous turnbull...


When it comes to action on climate change, the Government has permitted "big business" to take out public insurance against democracy, says Kellie Tranter.

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION documents reveal that the mining sector, capitalising on its access to government officials, has been busy laying the groundwork for Australia’s position in relation to any emissions reduction commitments struck in Paris.

The mining industry claims to account for about 11 per cent of Australia’s GDP and more than half of Australia’s merchandise exports. It was reported in June that Australia received more than $4 billion from foreign governments to fund coal projects since 2007, with Australia being the fourth highest recipient of public finance for coal.

With the industry's persistent lobbying about its economic importance and its provision of up to date ready-made analyses and arguments, it is perhaps unsurprising that the continued promotion of coal has been accepted by the government as in Australia’s national economic interest. Or, that the government will continue to maintain its defensive stance in relation to the coal industry.

In February, Bernie Delaney, part-time advisor to Peabody Energy, requested a meeting with Sam Gerovich, Australia’s Ambassador for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), to discuss, 

‘U.S. moves to have the OECD enact a policy guidance document which restricts funding for coal fired power generation projects ...’

In the same month, Brendan Pearson, Chief Executive of the Minerals Council of Australia, met with Mr Gerovich and later emailed him the PACE 2014 World Coal Association Concept Paper(Concept Paper).

The Concept Paper asserts:

In the lead-up to COP21 in Paris there is no evidence to suggest that mitigation action arising from any climate treaty will come close to achieving emissions reductions necessary to limit atmospheric concentration of CO2 to 450ppm [the global concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is currently 400ppm for the first time in recorded history] ... Deploying high efficiency, low emission coal-fired power plants is a key step along a pathway to near-zero emissions from coal with carbon capture, use and storage ... The vision of Platform for Accelerating Coal Efficiency would be to raise global average efficiency of coal-fired power plants and so minimise CO2 emissions which will otherwise be emitted while maintaining legitimate economic development and poverty alleviation efforts ...

Singing from the Concept Paper, former Prime Minister Tony Abbott led the charge with hisinsistence that "coal is good for humanity”.

Big business should be kept well away from environmental policy making, not a healthy mix: #COP21

— mmbl (@pers0na1) November 30, 2015

Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg also toed the industry line with his moral case for the approval of the Adani coal mine because it would help pull millions of people in India and other countries out of energy poverty.

It was only after Australia adopted its obstructionist postion, in relation to attempts by theOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to rein in export subsidies for coal power stations, that Trade Minister Andrew Robb, last month, issued a media releaseindicating:

'Australia’s objective in these negotiations was to ensure developing countries have access to High Efficiency, Low Emissions technologies, while at the same time, ensuring their energy needs continue to be met.'

'High Efficiency, Low Emissions (or HELE) coal-fired power plants', again comes straight from the Concept Paper in the context of being part of the plan for economic development, poverty reduction and,

‘A key step along a pathway to near zero-emissions from coal with carbon capture, use and storage.’

But the laudable objectives spruiked by the coal industry don't actually seem to be put into effect. The report, “Under the Rug: How Governments and International Institutions Are Hiding Billions in Support to the Coal Industry”, launched in June by WWFNatural Resources Defense Council and Oil Change International notes,

‘Zero export finance for coal has gone to Low Income Countries, where the need for energy access is greatest, whilst one-fourth went to High Income Countries with no energy poverty concerns.’

New survey finds Aus big business including BHP & Rio Tinto are among those holding back action on #climatechange

— Sydney Environment (@SEI_Sydney) September 17, 2015

In February, Brendan Pearson wrote to the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet urging the Government,

‘to significantly expand the nature and breadth of economic analysis that will inform the setting of Australia’s emissions reduction commitment ahead of COP21.’

Naturally, the Minerals Council had already: 

received advice from a range of Australia’s most experienced economic modellers that it is possible to undertake the detailed economic analysis outlined above in sufficient time to inform the setting of Australia’s 2025/2030 emissions reduction target later this year.’

So it was not surprising when Australia recently refused to sign the Fossil-Fuel Subsidy Reform Communique to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. The Financial Review reported

‘Pressure built on Mr Turnbull and Environment Minister Greg Hunt, who is also in Paris, when the Minerals Council of Australia contacted the minister several days ago to express concern at the communique’. 

Mr Pearson also happened to be in attendance at the backbench policy committee meeting on Monday.

Who is really setting the agenda for Australia's position in relation to fossil fuels and CO2 reduction? Will large resource companies use the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism, under theTrans-Pacific Partnership agreement, to frustrate action on climate change by raising the prospect of potentially large amounts of financial liability that would not otherwise be present?

In October, participants at the New South Wales Liberal State Council scoffed at Malcolm Turnbull – with good reason it seems – when he asserted,

“Nor are we [the Liberal Party] run by big business or by deals in back rooms.”

When it comes to action on climate change the Government has permitted "big business" to take out public insurance against democracy.

Kellie Tranter is a lawyer and human rights activist. You can follow her on Twitter @KellieTranter.


on saturday...

image at top from the front page of The Saturday Paper...

burning carbon credits...

LE BOURGET, France — The international climate change negotiations entering their second and final week encompass a vast and complicated array of political, economic and legal questions. But at bottom, the talks boil down to two issues: trust and money.

In this global forum, no one questions the established science that greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels are warming the planet — or that both developed and developing economies must all eventually lower their greenhouse emissions to stave off a future that could wreak havoc on the world’s safety and economic stability.

In a major breakthrough, 184 governments have already submitted plans detailing how they will cut their domestic emissions after 2020.

Those pledges are expected to make up the core of a new accord, which could be signed next weekend. The agreement is also expected to require countries to return to the table at least once every 10 years with even more stringent emissions reduction pledges.

read more:

sill burning too much fossil fuels...


Massive amounts

“The most promising finding in our report is the coupling of lower carbon emissions with a strong economic growth of more than 3%,” said Professor Jackson, of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment and the Precourt Institute for Energy.

“But even if we reach peak global emissions within a decade or two, we’ll still be emitting massive amounts of CO2 from burning fossil fuels.”

Professor Le Quéré isn’t betting that the stall in emissions is permanent. And, even if it were, that would still not be enough.

Says Professor Le Quéré:

Global emissions need to decrease to near zero to achieve climate stabilisation. We are still emitting massive amounts of CO2 annually – around 36 billion metric tons from fossil fuels and industry alone. There is a long way to near-zero emissions.

Today’s news is encouraging, but world leaders at COP21 need to agree on the substantial emission reductions needed to keep warming below two degrees Celsius.

And despite the slowing of CO2 emissions globally, the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has now reached 400 parts per million − its highest level in at least 800,000 years.


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