Wednesday 22nd of January 2025

a bit of populism...

trumping hmiself...

Yet, large and growing minorities in every country of Europe, and now in America, believe that not only is this proposition absurd, the end result could be national suicide. And when one considers the millions who are flocking to Trump and Sanders, it is hard to believe that the establishments of the two parties, even if they defeat these challengers, can return to same old interventionist, trade, immigration, and war policies.

For Trump is not the last of the populist-nationalists.

Given his success, other Republicans will emulate him. Already, other candidates are incorporating his message. The day Francis predicted was coming appears to have arrived. Angela Merkel may have been Time‘s Person of the Year in 2016, but she will be lucky to survive in office in 2017, if she does not stop the invasion from Africa and the Middle East.

Yet Joe Biden’s dismissal that it is reactionaries who oppose what the progressives of Davos believe is not entirely wrong. For as Georges Bernanos wrote, when Europe was caught between Bolshevism and fascism:

To be a reactionary means simply to be alive, because only a corpse does not react any more—against the maggots teeming on it.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority. Copyright 2015

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a bit of derivative financial advice... place your bets...

Quantum binomial model[edit]

Chen published a paper in 2001,[3] where he presents a quantum binomial options pricing model or simply abbreviated as the quantum binomial model. Metaphorically speaking, Chen's quantum binomial options pricing model (referred to hereafter as the quantum binomial model) is to existing quantum finance models what the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein classical binomial options pricing model was to the Black–Scholes–Merton model: a discretized and simpler version of the same result. These simplifications make the respective theories not only easier to analyze but also easier to implement on a computer.

Multi-step quantum binomial model[edit]

In the multi-step model the quantum pricing formula is:


which is the equivalent of the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial options pricing model formula as follows:


This shows that assuming stocks behave according to Maxwell-Boltzmann classical statistics, the quantum binomial model does indeed collapse to the classical binomial model.

Quantum volatility is as follows as per Meyer:[14]

 Bose-Einstein assumption[edit]

Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics can be replaced by the quantum Bose-Einstein statistics resulting in the following option price formula:


The Bose-Einstein equation will produce option prices that will differ from those produced by the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein option pricing formula in certain circumstances. This is because the stock is being treated like a quantum boson particle instead of a classical particle.


read  more:


Note that a lot of the www (World Wide Web) is based on the Bose-Einstein statistics.

meanwhile in the unreal world...


Watching Trump is marvellous, a bit like watching Groucho in 1936. He’s not going to get away with this one is he? Jesus, he is, writes Bob Ellis.

TODAY HE pulled in Palin, and it … sort of worked. She has the brash charm of Lucille Ball and the strategic intelligence of Bilko, but under the current “she’s a celebrity, and celebrity’s what we want” rule of the Murdoch Right, she supplied him with the “completion” he needed to nail down the Iowa Christian Lunatic Right for the sixteen or eighteen days he needed it, and here we are.

His persuasiveness is remarkable. All you need in America these days is a good voice, conviction, apparent certitude, and, oh yes, enduring fame. Trump was famous for a decade for his “you’re fired” shows, just as Nixon was for twenty years before he was President for his anti-Commununist crusades – the most famous pro-Communuist President, that is – and Reagan for twenty years a man who slept with monkeys in Hollywood movies before he even mentioned politics.

Fame is all you need. It is an adequate subsitute, in America, for religion.


But … he’s got to be very, very careful with his cheeky-sneer-and-grin tactic, unprecedented since Davy Crockett’s. If the House of Commons won’t let him into England, is he doomed? He might be. America has a long tradition of the self-mocking leader-clown (Mark Twain, Bob Hope, Bill Clinton) and it’s hard to think of one who got the tactic wrong.


He has a lot more rope to hurt himself with than we think. Dick Cheney was allowed, after all, to shoot a friend in mistake for a duck. Gerald Ford injured many golf-playing friends. Dick Nixon was drunk most nights after eleven.


Another question he hasn’t actually addressed is the numbers. He will score a lot of anti-Mexican, anti-Latino Republicans in the next two weeks but the raw numbers he gets versus Hilary’s raw numbers in November will be far, far less because of the Mexican vote and the Afro-American vote and the female vote when it comes to election day.


His “surge” may be seen to be an illusion, an Iowa-illusion, a clown-illusion, a sort of Halloween joke. 

What happened to freedom of the press? Trump has bullied the media into submission, and it really wasn’t hard

— (@Salon) January 21, 2016

Is he likely to be one of those “Goldwater phenomenon” candidates (loud, defeatist slogans, wild cheers from the octogenarian faithful) who cries, loudly, what a few dumb-ass provincial oldies yearn to hear as the ship goes down in the Titanic icebergs of popular inevitability.

And we will see what we shall see.

Read more:,8603

the emperor has no clothes...

Conservatives shaken by the rise of Donald Trump have appealed to Republicans not to support his presidential candidacy, uniting in a full-blown attack from the pages of an influential conservative magazine.

The National Review, a leading voice of the American right founded by the late commentator William F Buckley, targeted the Republican presidential frontrunner in an "Against Trump" cover, editorial and essays.

"Trump is a philosophically unmoored political opportunist who would trash the broad conservative ideological consensus within the GOP in favour of a free-floating populism with strong-man overtones," it said.

External Link: Independent Journal tweets photo of National Review cover

The publication followed up with essays by 22 conservative figures who took turns denouncing Mr Trump.

Calling him "astoundingly ignorant", a "charlatan", a "glib egomaniac" and plain "crazy", the conservatives expressed revulsion at the prospect of Mr Trump becoming president and what he might do to the US and the Republican brand.

"This is a crisis for conservatism," said talk show host and author Glenn Beck in one of the essays.

David McIntosh, president of the Club for Growth wrote: "Trump beguiles us, defies the politically correct media, and bullies anyone who points out that the emperor has no clothes."

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two corinthians walk into a bar...


Donald Trump is working overtime to show his "Christian" credentials to the evangelicals. Some of the evangelicals are not so sure about him "coming late" to visit god's kingdom of sinners on planet forgiveness... In his latest effort at the Liberty University, some evangelicals were not impressed.



Is Donald Trump a Double Minded Man?

Trump Saying 'Two Corinthians' Doesn't Matter; His Heresy Does



I guess a double-minded man is a hypocrite?


Here comes Tom Delay:


Trump came happily to work his shtick on the "nice religious people" — as he put it — packing the Liberty University arena. Sadly, Trump gave an incoherent speech consisting mostly of lines that pandered to his audience.

The performance was insulting to Christians everywhere. I wonder if the majority of the Liberty audience grasped that fact?


But one of the evangelicals was more forgiving:

The Family Research Council's Tony Perkins said Donald Trump's recent Bible gaffe at Liberty University proves the 2016 presidential candidate is "not familiar with [the] Bible."

Perkins, a conservative Evangelical leader, made his comments after Trump blamed his reference of "Second Corinthians" as "Two Corinthians" on Perkins.

Perkins told CNN's Erin Burnett this week that he is "guilty as charged" for writing some helpful notes for Trump ahead of his speech at the Christian university on Martin Luther King, Jr. day.

"No, I don't dispute it at all. I wrote the scripture reference, which is 2 Corinthians 3:17, [17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.] which is how it's written," Perkins told Burnett on "OutFront" this week.

"I'm guilty as charged. That's exactly what I did. I sent him a couple of suggestions of some things he could talk about as a connection point," Perkins continued, adding that Trump's mistake "shows that he's not familiar with Bible."


Gus: Donald Trump might have told it differently: "Two Corinthians walk into a bar...". I don't really care what he said and mucked up, apart from Donald being a rude slapstick idiotic demagogue comedian in search of a gig at the White House. "God help us !"


So let's leave the (nearly) last words to Donald himself:


After telling an Alabama pep rally in August 2015 that his favorite book is the Bible, Trump declined to name his favorite Bible verse when asked by Bloomberg's "With All Due Respect," prompting speculation on his actual knowledge of the Holy Book.

"I wouldn't want to get into it. Because to me, that's very personal," Trump told Bloomberg in August 2015. "The Bible means a lot to me, but I don't want to get into specifics."

The 2016 presidential candidate, who identifies as a Presbyterian, also said he doesn't ask God for forgiveness while speaking at a Q&A at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa in July 2015.

When asked by moderator Frank Luntz if he's ever asked God for forgiveness, Trump replied: "I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so."

"I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't," Trump added. 

The presidential candidate clarified that he believes his taking of the Holy Communion is an act of forgiveness.

"When I drink my little wine — which is about the only wine I drink — and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness, and I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed," he said. "I think in terms of 'let's go on and let's make it right.'"


Donald is a teatotaler. Gus is a boozer. Donald is a successful snake oil merchant, a granny's real estate fobber and he does not know what he's talking about (including the Bible and religious matters) beyond these sticky merchandising feat — but he tries hard to spin votes from the religious sector.

Gus is a fierce new atheist — becoming fiercer and fiercer when seeing guys like Donald Trump getting away with it... I guess the media (the MMMM) is to be blamed for encouraging him. But most of the MMMM (Mediocre Mass Media de Mierda) is owned  or influenced by our own Rupert Murdoch who promoted Tony Abbott to the fore (I guess Uncle Rupe made a bet with himself to get the unelectable elected). The result was beyond despair. And the bad smell lingers...

see also:



god bless americ...


Sometimes tooted as the precursor of God Bless America:



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Ethnic stereotypes 




kill the witches !... they give you warts !...

One startling feature of the latest race to become the next president of the US - which begins in earnest with next week's Iowa caucuses - is the runaway success in the opinion polls of the outspoken billionaire, Donald Trump. But this should not be so surprising, says Michael Goldfarb, as Trump is just the latest example of a tendency in American politics that goes back a very long way.


The simple four-letter word that works if you want to get elected. Political professionals know that playing on people's fears - going negative - is the way to win.


A somewhat fancier word that is used to describe excessive, irrational fear and distrust. It, too, works from time to time - in American politics, at least.

This current presidential season is one of those times. Donald Trump has surged to the front of the pack competing for the Republican Presidential nomination by giving voice to outsized fears many in America have - of illegal immigrants, of Islamic terrorists, of free trade agreements shipping American jobs to China.

Trump promises to make America Great Again - as if the US somehow was no longer the most powerful country in the world - by simple solutions: deporting all 11 million illegal immigrants, banning Muslims from entering the US, and forcing the Chinese government to back down through tough talk.

The phrase "paranoid style in American politics" was coined by the late historian Richard Hofstadter. He defined the Paranoid Style, "an old and recurrent phenomenon in our public life which has been frequently linked with movements of suspicious discontent."

In a country that at its best radiates an infectious optimism, it is interesting how often fear has stalked the American landscape.

Richard Parker, who lectures on religion in the early days of America at Harvard's John F Kennedy School of Government, traces paranoia in American public life back to the Salem Witch Trials in the late 17th Century and even before that, to the religious politics of the Mother Country.

the trump angel dictionary of insults, 2016 edition...


Donald Trump’s Twitter Insults:
The Complete List (So Far)


In the seven months since declaring his candidacy for president, Donald Trump has used Twitter to lob insults at presidential candidates, journalists, news organizations, nations, a Neil Young song and even a lectern in the Oval Office. We know this because we’ve read, tagged and quoted them all. Below, a directory of sorts, with links to the original tweets. Insults within the last two weeks are highlighted. Related article | Live analysis of the Republican debate.

current and former presidential candidatesJeb BushFormer Florida governor“will do anything to stay at the trough”“low energy guy”“at the bottom of the barrel”“low energy”“he should go home and relax!”“sad sack”“chances of winning are zero”“did poorly last night in the debate”“weak & ineffective”“campaign is a disaster”“low-energy individual”“low-energy 'stiff'”“has no chance”“a sad case”“a total embarrassment to himself and his family”“took millions of $'s of hit ads on me”“spent $59 million & done”“failed candidate”“ridiculous”“SO SAD”“poor”“he's bottom (and gone), I'm top (by a lot)”“really pathetic”“phony”“weak”“low energy”“campaign is a disaster”“a loser”“can't win”“terrible on Face the Nation”“a basket case”“weak”“ineffective”“false advertising”“campaign is a disaster”“puppet”“puppet”“cratered”“if Jeb Bush were more competent he could not have lost the skirmish with Marco”“stupid message”“VERY weak on illegal immigration”“campaign is in total disarray”“paid ridiculous amounts of money”“if he can't manage his campaign, how can he manage our countries finances?”“had a tiny 300 person crowd”“totally lost”“too soft”“our country needs more energy and spirit than you can provide!”“pathetic”“doubled Florida State debt”“no more Bushes”“is miserable”“fell more than anybody”“just doesn't get it”“will never secure the border”“will NEVER Make America Great Again”
Ben CarsonRetired neurosurgeon“incapable of understanding foreign policy”“very weak on illegal immigration”“many lies by Ben Carson”“Pyramids built for grain storage - don't people get it?”“VERY weak on illegal immigration”“has never created a job in his life (well, maybe a nurse)”“very weak on illegal immigration”
Lincoln ChafeeFormer Rhode Island governor“Can anyone imagine Chafee as president? No way.”Chris ChristieNew Jersey governor“spending all of his time in NH”
Hillary ClintonFormer secretary of state“lied last week”“doesn't have the strength or stamina to be president”“totally flawed candidate”“stupidity”“pathetic”“LIED at the debate last night”“SAD!”“We need a #POTUS with great strength & stamina. Hillary does not have that.”“lied”“disloyal person”“weak and ineffective”“no strength, no stamina”“does not have the STRENGTH or STAMINA to be President”“won't call out radical Islam”“will be soundly defeated”“afraid of Obama & the emails”“SHE HAS NO STRENGTH OR STAMINA”“corruption is what she's best at”“weak”“totally incompetent as a manager and leader”“no strength or stamina”“she looked lost”“her record is so bad”“the trade deal is a disaster, she was always for it!”
Ted CruzUnited States senator“will do anything to stay at the trough”“dropping like a rock”“a nervous wreck”“not caring for the truth”“reckless”“in bed w/ Wall St.”“puppet!”“people do not like Ted”“a nervous wreck”“falling in the polls”“spending $millions on ads paid for by his N.Y. bosses”“hypocrite”“greatly dishonest”“When will @TedCruz give all the New York based campaign contributions back to the special interests that control him.”“hypocrite”“why did he accept money from people who espouse gay marriage?”“the ultimate hypocrite”“says one thing for money, does another for votes”“did not list on his personal disclosure form personally guaranteed loans from banks. They own him!”“The Ted Cruz wiseguy apology to the people of New York is a disgrace”“Goldman Sachs owns him”“not much of a reformer”“not believable”“not nice”“would speak behind my back, get caught, and then deny it”“should not make statements behind closed doors to his bosses”“he will fall like all others”
Carly FiorinaFormer business executive“campaign is dead”“failing campaign”“if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache”“has zero chance”
Bobby JindalFormer Louisiana governor“spent $1,000 to register in New Hampshire & dropped out the next day. Such a waste!”
John KasichOhio governor“poor”“doesn't have what it takes”“can't debate”“dummy”“one of the worst presidential candidates in history”“so easy to beat!”“total failure”“total dud”“fell right into President Obama's trap on ObamaCare”“almost last”“he came in dead last”“I will sue him just for fun!”“so irrelevant to the race”“pathetic”“failed image”“failed campaign & debating skills”“wasting time & money”
Martin O'MalleyDemocratic candidate, former governor of Maryland“failed”“a clown”“has very little chance”
George PatakiFormer New York governor“so easy to beat!”“couldn't be elected dog catcher if he ran again”“terrible governor of NY, one of the worst”
Rand PaulUnited States senator“lowly”“Why is @RandPaul allowed to take advantage of the people of Kentucky”“truly weird”“reminds me of a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain”
Rick PerryFormer Texas governor“did an absolutely horrible job of securing the border”“should be ashamed of himself”“failed on the border”“should be forced to take an IQ test”“doesn't understand what the word demagoguery means”“failed at the border”“needs a new pair of glasses”
Marco RubioUnited States senator“a lightweight choker”“couldn't even respond properly to President Obama's State of the Union Speech without pouring sweat & chugging water”“a highly overrated politician”“cannot be President”“only won the debate in the minds of desperate people”“lightweight”“very disloyal to Jeb”“weak on illegal immigration”“VERY weak on illegal immigration”“perfect little puppet”“very disloyal”“never made ten cents”“totally controlled”“worst voting record in Senate”“lazy”“all talk and no action”“very weak on stopping illegal immigration”“VERY weak on immigration”“knows nothing about finance”“incapable of making great trade deals”“lightweight”“rarely there to vote on a bill”“worst attendance record in Senate”“weak on illegal immigration”“will allow anyone into the country”“just another all talk, no action, politician”“truly doesn't have a clue!”“worst voting record in Sen.”“worst voting record in Senate”
Bernie SandersUnited States senator“wacko”“a disaster”Scott WalkerWisconsin governor“puppet”“cratered”“massive deficit, bad jobs forecast, a mess.”“not presidential material”“not smart”“your very dumb fundraiser hit me very hard--- not smart!”
Glenn BeckTelevision personality“crying”“dumb as a rock”“failing”“lost all credibility”“irrelevant”“wacko”“sad”“failing, crying, lost soul”“very dumb and failing”“has zero credibility”“irrelevant”“mental basketcase”“viewers & ratings are way down”“irrelevant”“wacky”“a real nut job”“always seems to be crying”
Elizabeth BeckLawyer“talk about me but know nothing about me”“knows nothing about me”“I loved beating her”“did a terrible job against me”“easy for me to beat”“she wanted to breast pump in front of me at dep.”
Joy BeharTelevision host“fired from her last show for lack of ratings”
Charles BlowColumnist, The New York Times“dishonest reporting”
Brent BozellPresident, media research center“begging for money like a dog”
Frank BruniColumnist, The New York Times“dope”
George W. BushFormer president of the United States“the WTC came down during his watch, 9/11”“no more Bushes”“wants $120,000 to make a boring speech”“not nice!”
Jeb Bush, Campaign staffer ofEmployee for Jeb Bush“arrogant”“questioned me in such a nasty fashion”
George H.W. BushFormer president of the United States“no more Bushes”
Carl CameronFox News reporter“consistently fumbles & misrepresents poll results”“has been so wrong & he hates it!”
Alisyn CamerotaCo-anchor, “New Day”“disaster”
Ben CardinMaryland senator“It's politicians like Cardin that have destroyed Baltimore.”
Graydon CarterEditor, Vanity Fair“a total loser”“sloppy”“grubby”
Amy ChozickReporter, The New York Times“third-rate-reporter”“totally in the Hillary circle of bias”
Bill ClintonFormer president of the United States“hypocrite”“terrible, failed badly”“was called a racist”“DEMONSTRATED A PENCHANT FOR SEXISM”“so inappropriate”
Anderson CooperCNN Anchor“Has the absolutely worst anti-Trump talking heads on his show”
S.E. CuppColumnist“flunkie”“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”“one of the least talented people on television”“boring and biased!”“totally biased loser who doesn't have a clue”“will be gone soon”“hard to watch, zero talent”“one of the dumber pundits on tv”
Sopan DebReporter, CBS News“dishonest reporting”“should be fired”“lied”“dishonest”
Erick EricksonConservative commentator“ran Red State into the ground”“no 'it' factor”“total low life”“will fade fast”“fired like a dog”“just doesn't have IT!”“a major sleaze and buffoon”
Major GarrettWhite House correspondent, CBS“total agenda”“bad reporter”“covers me very inaccurately”
Willie GeistCo-host, “Today”“uncomfortable looking”
Whoopi GoldbergActress and television personality“now in total freefall”“terrible”“very sad!”
Bernard GoldbergJournalist“not good”“just doesn't know about winning”
Lindsey GrahamUnited States senator“embarrassed himself with his failed run for President”“embarrasses himself with endorsement of Bush”“so easy to beat!”
Maggie HabermanJournalist, The New York Times“third-rate-reporter”“totally in the Hillary circle of bias”“sad”
Mark HalperinPolitical analyst“doesn't have a natural instinct for politics”
Mary Katharine HamJournalist“isn't smart enough to know what's going on at the border”
John HarwoodChief Washington correspondent, CNBC“bombed”
Melinda HennebergerEditor-in-chief, Roll Call“Don't misrepresent in order to make a point”
Dan HenningerDeputy Editor, Wall Street Journal editorial page“lies”
Jeff HorwitzReporter, The Associated Press“one of the worst reporters in the business”“wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face”
Arianna HuffingtonFounder, The Huffington Post“dummy”“liberal clown”
Kasie HuntPolitical correspondent, MSNBC“poor and purposely inaccurate reporting”
Harry Hurt IIIAuthor, “Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump”“failed writer”“talk about me but know nothing about me”“dummy dope”“wrote a failed book”
Samuel L. JacksonActor“golf swing. Not athletic”“cheats”“does too many TV commercials – boring”“not a fan”
Hallie JacksonCorrespondent, NBC News“bad reporting”
Cheri JacobusG.O.P. consultant“virtually incompetent”“failed career”“incoherent with anger”
Penn JillettePerformer“sad”“worst show in Las Vegas”“hokey garbage”“goofball atheist”“never had a chance”“wrote letter to me begging for forgiveness”“boring guy”
Woody JohnsonOwner, the New York Jets“If Woody would’ve been w/me, he would’ve been in the playoffs”
John Kasich's ad guyChief of advertising“his proposal was a rip off”
Megyn KellyFox News anchor“lightweight reporter”“lightweight reporter”“I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct”“so average in every way”“dopey”“lies”“highly overrated”“bad!”“very bad at math”“the most overrated anchor”“really weird, she's being driven crazy”“don't watch her show”“had her two puppets say bad stuff”“I don't watch”“should take another eleven day 'unscheduled' vacation”“highly overrated”“lightweight”“not very good or professional”“really bombed tonight”
Charles KochConservative donor, billionaire, philanthropist“looking for a new puppet”
Serge KovaleskiReporter, The New York Times“pulled-back from his 14 year old never retracted story”“having fun.”
Charles KrauthammerColumnist“Iraq war monger”“highly overrated”“clown”“dopey”“should be fired”“a dope”“highly overrated”
Bill KristolEditor, The Weekly Standard“even dumber”“a sad case”“his predictions are always wrong”“Dopey”“lost all credibility”
Charles LaneOpinion writer, The Washington Post“a real dope”John LegereChief executive, T-Mobile“focus on running your company”“try hiring some good managers”Errol LouisPolitical commentator“doesn't have a clue”Rich LowryEditor, National Review“clueless”“incompetent”“should not be allowed on TV”Frank LuntzPolitical consultant“a total clown”“a clown”“where did you find that dumb panel”“a low-class snob”“knows nothing about me or my religion”“came to my office looking for work”Ruth MarcusColumnist, The Washington Post“terrible today on Face the Nation”“no focus, poor level of concentration”Jonathan MartinJournalist, The New York Times“not good reporting”“would be nice if @jmartNYT learned how to read the polls before writing his next story”“dishonest”John McCainUnited States senator“has done nothing”“I am no fan”“All he does is go on television is talk, talk, talk”“incapable of doing anything.”“has failed miserably”“doing a lousy job in taking care of our Vets”“let us down”“dummy”“graduated last in his class”“should be defeated in the primaries”Joe McQuaidPublisher, New Hampshire Union Leader“dumb”Ana NavarroCNN contributor“flunkie”“[one] of the dumbest people in politics”“has no talent, no TV persona”Michael NutterFormer mayor of Philadelphia“doing a terrible job”“low life”“a crude dope!”Tim O'BrienJournalist, Bloomberg“dumb guy with no clue”“really stupid talking head”“dopey writer”Clare O'ConnorStaff writer, Forbes“dummy'”“dummy”“dummy writer”Lawrence O'DonnellTelevision host, MSNBC“a fool”“dopey”“dopey political pundit”“one of the dumber people on television”Barack ObamaPresident of the United States“spends so much time speaking of the so-called Carbon footprint, and yet he flies all the way to Hawaii on a massive old 747”“Is our president insane?”“has a horrible attitude”“he is just so bad!”“I did much better on 60 Minutes last week than President Obama did tonight”“terrible”“incompetent leader”“all talk & no action”“hollowing out our military”“weak & ineffective”John OliverComedian, Host, “Last Week Tonight”“very boring and low rated show”Dana PerinoFormer White House press secretary“just not getting there”Steve RattnerWall Street Executive, New York Times contributing writer“should have gone to prison”Tom RidgeFormer Pennsylvania governor“a failed 'Bushy' & PA Governor”“shouldn't be allowed to do [his] bias commentary”“faulty thought process”John RobertsSupreme Court chief justice“my judicial appointments will do the right thing unlike... Roberts”“let us down”Cokie RobertsContributor, “Morning Edition”“kooky”“even dumber”Mitt RomneyFormer Massachusetts governor“I don't need his angry advice”“blew an election that should have never been lost”“terrible 'choke' loss to Obama”“he choked!”“why would anybody listen to @MittRomney?”“lost an election that should have easily been won”Ronda RouseyMixed martial artist“not a nice person!”Karl RoveFormer deputy White House chief of staff“loser”“so biased”“still thinks Romney won”“unfair”“dummy”“no credibility”“FoxNews should can him”“dopey”“pushing Republicans down the same old path of defeat”“a loser”“shouldn't be allowed to do [his] bias commentary”“establishment flunky”“dummy”“should get a life”“just totally bombed”“a loser”“has ZERO credibility”“an establishment dope”“has made so many mistakes”“loser”“dope”“total fool”“an all talk, no action dummy!”“part of the Republican Establishment problem”“purposely mischaracterized my statement”“dopey”“dummy”“biased dope”“moron”“wasted $400 million”“didn't win one race”“total loser”“a clown with zero credibility”“irrelevant clown, sweats and shakes nervously”“has zero cred”“made fool of himself in '12”“has no credibility”“a bush plant who called all races wrong”“clown”Jennifer RubinBlogger, The Washington Post“one of the dumber bloggers”“in love with Marco Rubio?”Ben SchreckingerPolitico reporter“major lightweight with no credibility”“so dishonest”Rick ScottFlorida governor“did really poorly on television”Molly SimsContributor, “The View”“a disaster”Paul SingerHedge fund manager“Mr. Amnesty”Tavis SmileyJournalist, PBS“hater & racist”Shep SmithAnchor, Fox News“so totally biased”“should be ashamed of himself”Stuart StevensPolitical consultant“a dumb guy who fails @ virtually everything he touches”“failed campaign strategist”“can't get a job!”“made some of the dumbest political decisions of all time”“a zero”“arrogant”“terrible political instincts”Chris StirewaltEditor, Fox News Channel“one of the dumbest political pundits on television”“dope”“really dumb puppet”John SununuFormer New Hampshire governor“dummy”“couldn't get elected dog catcher”“forgot to mention my phenomenal biz success rate”Alwaleed bin TalalPrince, Saudi Arabia“dopey”“wants to control our U.S. politicians with daddy's money”Marc ThiessenColumnist and Fox News contributor“failed”“never been able to make a comeback”“a third rate talent”“really dumb puppet”Chuck ToddModerator, “Meet the Press”“so dishonest in his reporting”“no ratings”“was going off the air until I came along”“very dishonest”“just hopeless”“knows so little about politics”“still not nice”“I saved his job”“sleepy eyes”“sleepy eyes”“will be fired like a dog”“love watching him fail”“killing Meet the Press”“pathetic”Katy TurNBC News journalist“should be fired”“dishonest reporting”“incompetent”“incorrect story”“3rd rate reporter”“lied”“dishonest”Bob Vander PlaatsPresident and chief Executive, The Family Leader“a bad guy!”“phony”Frank VanderSlootEntrepreneur“Last victim was Mitt Romney - see how that turned out.”Paulina VegaMiss Universe, 2014“hypocrite”Nicolle WallaceFormer co-host, “The View”“doesn't have a clue”“a disaster”Marty WalshBoston mayor“wasted a lot of time and money”George WillColumnist“deadpan”“BORING”“dopey”“broken down political pundit”“wrong almost all of the time”“broken down”“boring and totally biased”“should be thrown off Fox News”“wrong on so many subjects”Juan WilliamsPolitical analyst, Fox News“you never speak well of me & yet when I saw you at Fox you ran over like a child and wanted a picture”Rick WilsonRepublican political consultant“weak and totally conflicted”“dumb as a rock”Neil YoungMusician“total hypocrite”Mort ZuckermanOwner, The New York Daily News“dopey-clown”Bill de BlasioMayor of New York City“the worst mayor in the United States”“disgrace”“worst mayor in the United States”“his ineptitude”“probably the worst Mayor in the history of #NYC”groupsJeb Bush, Supporters of“detriment of America”Jeb Bush, Campaign ofThe Presidential Campaign of Jeb Bush“a total waste of money”“too much staff being paid way too much money”Club for GrowthAntitax political group“crooked”“total frauds”The Democratic candidatesGroup“very gentle and soft”“no STAR”DemocratsPolitical party“total weakness & incompetence that gave rise to ISIS”“it's the Democrat's total weakness that is the greatest recruiting tool of ISIS!!!”European leadersgroup“weak leaders”Republican presidential candidatesgroup“beg for money etc. from the Koch Brothers”“puppets”ISISTerrorist group“low-level degenerates”“thugs”“losers”The Obama administration“incompetence of our current administration is beyond comprehension”Other presidential candidatesMostly Republican politicians“phony”“all talk and no action”“not only breaking the spirit of the law but the law itself”“what the other candidates are doing is a disgrace”PeopleGroup“have got to stop working to be so politically correct”“know NOTHING”Politically incorrect foolsGroup“stop wasting time and energy on nonsense”Politicians“all talk, no action”“very stupid, highly incompetent people running our country into the ground”“incompetent”“we are all tired [of them]”“failing”“experts in never facing any consequence”“incompetent”“all talk and no action”The Republican establishmentGroup“out of self preservation, is concerned w/ my high poll #s”The Republican PartyPolitical party“getting ready to treat me unfairly”The Republican Party of VirginiaPolitical party“total mess”“stupid”“be smart and win for a change”“has lost statewide 7 times in a row”“suicidal”“BAD!”Other Republican candidatesGroup“mere puppets”RepublicansGroup“hollowing out our military”Super PACsPolitical fund-raising committees“a total scam on our system and country”Donald Trump, Opposition to“are totally ineffective & have been for years”U.S. LeadersGroup“we are being led to slaughter”mediaAnderson Cooper “360”CNN News program“a waste”The Associated PressNews organization“false”“has one of the worst reporters in the business”“dishonest reporting”“always looking for a hit to bring them back into relevancy—ain't working”“Reuters is a far more professional operation”“reporting is terrible & highly inaccurate”“now irrelevant”“they have lost their way and are no longer credible”“should change their fraudulent story”CNBCNews organization“crazy”“fictitious polling numbers”“sad”“continues to report fictious poll numbers”“pushing the GOP around”“ridiculous debate terms”CNNNews organization“so sad”“dishonest reporting”“paid a fortune for an Iowa Poll, which shows me in first place over Cruz by 13%, 33% to 20% - then doesn't use it”“When will @CNN get some real political talent”“totally one-sided and biased against me that it is becoming boring”“bad reporters”“only says negative”“just plain dumb!”“ratings starved”“does not cover me accurately”“why can't they get it right”The Daily BeastNews website“failing”“money losing”The Des Moines RegisterNewspaper“failing”“I think something's going on w/them”“ultra liberal”“seriously failing”“they lie”“failing”“ultra liberal”“has no power in iowa”ForbesMagazine“failed magazine”“circulation way down”“failing”“failing”FortuneMagazine“few people know that Fortune Magazine is still in business”Fox NewsNews organization“childishly written & taunting PR statement”“The statement put out yesterday by @FoxNews was a disgrace to good broadcasting and journalism”“pathetic”“without me they'd have no ratings!”“treats me so badly”“not fair”“why doesn't @FoxNews quote the new Iowa @CNN Poll where I have a 33% to 20% lead over Ted Cruz and all others”“has been treating me very unfairly”“other networks seem to treat me so much better than Fox News”“only Fox News is consistantly fighting the Trump win”“should be ashamed of yourself”“not very good or professional”The Huffington PostNews organization“should change their fraudulent story”“money-losing”“money-losing”“they only write bad stories about me!”“money losing”The mainstream media“able to so incorrectly define a word for the public”“sad!”“dishonest”“dishonest reporters!”“always tough when they falsify”“won't report!”“dishonest”“wants to surrender constitutional rights”“they only want negatives”“will not report the highly respected new national poll that just came out”“how will the media put a negative spin on this one?”“troublemakers”“despite the[ir] best efforts, the people are speaking loudly and clearly”“lies”“Meet the Press”Television show“very dishonest”“terrible ratings”“ratings starved”“Morning Joe”Television show“off the rails”“waste of time”“so off”National ReviewMagazine“over”“dying”“losing for years”“failing”“dying”“very few people read”“failing”“lost it's way”“New Day”CNN News program“treats me very badly”“not going to watch anymore”The New Hampshire Union LeaderNewspaper“failing”“won't survive”“highly unethical”“kicked out of the ABC news debate like a dog”“has lost all credibility”“circulation dropping to record lows”“they aren't worthy of representing the great people of NH”“endorsed a candidate who can't win”“unethical record”“failing”“stupid”“desperate”“bad management”“begged me for ads”“dying”“will be dead in 2 years”“has been run into the ground”“dying”“in turmoil”“dying”“very unethical”The New York Daily NewsNewspaper“nobody reads it”“dying tabloid”“it is dead”The New York TimesNewspaper“allows dishonest writers to totally fabricate stories”“failing”“change your false story”“failing”“should focus on fair and balanced reporting”“boring articles”“big help will be needed fast”“SAD!”“made all bad decisions over the last decade”“incompetent”“dopes”“poorly run and managed”“failing”“should be focused on good reporting and the papers financial survival”PoliticoNews organization“3rd rate $ losing”“no credibility”“If they were legit, they would be doing far better”“some very untalented reporters”“money losing”“Losers!”“considered by many in the world of politics to be the dumbest and most slanted of the political sites”“a scam!”“pure scum”“dishonest”“has no power”“so dishonest!”“clowns”“serious haters”“dishonest”“failing”“losing lots of money”“really dishonest”“not read or respected by many”RedState.comConservative web site“small crowds”“The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell”Television show“unwatchable”“The View”Television show“close to death”“dead T.V.”“put it to sleep”UnivisionMedia organization“doing really badly”“too much debt and not enough viewers”“need money fast”“controlled by Mexican government?”Vanity FairMagazine“has lost almost all of it's former allure”“failing”The Wall Street JournalNewspaper“reported 'Cruz momentum' but nothing about the fact that I easily won!”“so dishonest”“purposely mischaracterized my statement”“failing”“so totally wrong”“dummies”“so wrong, so often”“loves to write badly about me”“some of the dumbest people on television work for the Wall Street Journal”“looks like a tabloid”“ever-dwindling”The Washington PostNewspaper“tax scam”“inaccurate”“dishonest reporting”“bad”“big tax shelter”“loses a fortune”The Weekly StandardMagazine“small and slightly failing magazine”placesBritainCountry“trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem”GermanyCountry“a total mess-big crime”“going through massive attacks to its people by the migrants allowed to enter the country”IranCountry“doing many bad things behind our backs”MexicoCountry“totally corrupt gov't”“totally corrupt”“we get the killers, drugs & crime, they get the money!”“unbelievable corruption”“not our friend”“they're killing us”New JerseyState“deeply troubled”Saudi ArabiaCountry“without us, gone!”The United States of AmericaNation“get tough and smart U.S., or we won't have a country anymore”“looks more and more like a paper tiger”“we are weak”“we are letting criminals knowingly stay in our country”“Iran ripped us off by making one of the best deals of any kind in history”“out negotiated again”“has become a dumping ground for the world”Washington, D.C.United States capital“such a mess”“nothing works”otherAmazonOnline retailer“if @amazon ever had to pay fair taxes, its stock would crash and it would crumble like a paper bag”“@washingtonpost scam is saving it!”“no profit company”Bandon Dunes Golf ResortGolf course“a toy by comparison”The Benghazi hearingsCongressional hearings“a total disaster for Republicans & America”The Bias-Free Language GuideGuide to politically sensitive speaking“an outrage”Common Core standardsEducation policy“a disaster”DebatesPresidential debates“really dumb but record setting”The Democratic debatePolitical debate“very boring”“really boring”The Fox News debateRepublican presidential debate“The 'debate' tonight will be a total disaster”Illegal immigration“crime and killing machine”The Iran nuclear dealInternational sanctions agreement“terrible”“is a catastrophe”“will lead to at least partial world destruction”“one of the dumbest & most dangerous misjudgments ever”“poses a direct national security threat”“Rockin’ in the Free World”Popular song“didn't love it”Macy'sDepartment store“one of the worst-performing stocks”“very disloyal company”“Don't shop there for Christmas!”“disloyal”“very disloyal to me”“racial profiling”“no guts, no glory”“there are far better stores”“Macy's stores suck and they are bad for U.S.A.”“no guts no glory”“Wow! I hear that thousands of people are cutting up their Macy's credit card.”“terrible hypocrites”“Macy's stock just dropped”“so many people calling to say they are cutting up their Macy's credit card”“they 'racial profile' all over the place”“racists”“weak on border security”Major League BaseballSports organization“so ridiculous”The New York Times, Article of“such bad reporting”“a puff piece”ObamacareHealth care law“just the beginning & it's going to get worse”The State of the Union addressCongressionally mandated speech“one of the most boring, rambling and non-substantive I have heard in a long time”“really boring, slow, lethargic”“very hard to watch”T-MobileTechnology company“I think the service is terrible!”Trans-Pacific PartnershipTrade Deal“terrible”“The Triumph of William McKinley”Book“terrible (and boring)”The U.S. visa system“broken, like so much else in our country”The U.S.-Mexico borderPolitical boundary“totally out of control”“absolutely disgraceful”The United States, Government of“too much staff being paid way too much money”Veterans AffairsGovernment agency“corruption and incompetence”
A podium in the Oval OfficePresidential lectern“looks odd”“not good”