Sunday 9th of March 2025

the NSW repo man...


repo man

"Secure, affordable housing that is connected to transport and jobs, to education and support services, is a crucial piece of the puzzle for reducing poverty and disadvantage in this state," she said.

Ms Howe said she believed the fund had the potential to deliver "far more" than 3000 additional homes.

IPA chief executive Brendan Lyon said the fund "will see thousands of people get stable housing and tailored support services, but it also begins to trial new ways to solve the public housing backlog".

However, opposition spokesman for social housing, Tania Mihailuk, questioned why the government needed to subsidise developers in "a booming housing market" with rents "on the rise".

"This government has demonstrated once again that they are focused on subsidising developers as opposed to people in need," he said.

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I don't know how many people got their "free" fridges...

Up to 60,000 households will get interest-free loans or discounts on new washing machines, fridges and water heaters under an ambitious $61.5-million election pledge by the Baird government to boost energy efficiency.

Under the policy, tradespeople will also be able to offer upfront discounts on the purchase and installation of energy-efficient air conditioners and heaters


The 60,000 households are projected to save $95 million in power costs over the lifetime of the appliances, which can range from 10 years for a washing machine to 20 years for a water heater.

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This could sound like mana from heaven... But the bloke wants to sell YOUR assets... Especially the delivery of gas and Electricity... As soon as the deed is done, your bill for energy will go through the roof again, as governments have already golden the posts and wires to get more value out of ordinary poles and wires...


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No stats available on this subject...

more land grab from bairdum...


Sydney's powerful Sydney Cricket Ground & Sports Ground Trust is forging ahead with plans for a land-grab to house a new 55,000 seat stadium, putting it on a collision course with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

The trust's push also puts Premier Mike Baird's government in a bind as it tries to work out where to build a stadium on crowded land in Sydney's inner east.

Mr Baird's government decided late last year to spend about $800 million on a new stadium at Moore Park – provided the new stadium was on land managed by the SCG Trust.

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I won't apologise for being rude or for using scatological expressions. We are being sold MAJOR crap from both the State and Federal governments all all levels, from the destruction of the CSIRO to that of Marine reserves, via the destruction of trees and other stupidity at warp speed. IDIOTS.


Ah, I see, it's mostly a space to expose the stupid plebs to ADVERTISING BILLBOARDS AND FENCES WITH SPONSORED PRODUCT PLACEMENTS in order to make sure they become or stay sheep — after having bought the right to become sheep with a ticket number 34,986 row A., AND CONTINUE TO BUY sponsored shit.


turning versailles into a coles supermarket...

The brilliant dope that is Mike Baird is flogging the PowerHouse Museum for a song to developers and having us, the plebs, pay a massive removalist bill of more than one billion dollars to relocate the bizo in woopwoopland — namely called Parramatta — where the westie kiddies will be able to see first hand what the inner city kids have seen first-hand since the PHM was brilliantly conceived on Harris Street. The move of course is designed to give the Chinese tourists the shove.

Mike Baird is like the new Minister for kultyural urinoirs in Frankfurt, Germany, who decided to plonk an open four-spaced pissotary at the entrance of the railway station. It stinks no matter the angle from which you like at it.

Yes, Mike Baird, the philistine, wants his mates the developers (of NSW Inc) to turn Versailles into a Coles Supermarket and The Louvre into a block of flat. 

Mike is an idiot with god on his side. A double idiot.

All of Mike Baird decisions have been uterly political. Nothing designed to improve the city of Sydney. See, for example, most of the "public" works (performed by privateers for profits) have been designed to destroy any of Labor's previous infrastructures before these would turn into heritage items. The Baird planned destruction and reconstruction of Waterloo is designed to destroy Labor heartlands — nothing more. Same with all the push and shove of the old public housing tenants in the Rocks who are being shoved out like dogs into a second rate kennel in woopwoopland. No thoughts about loosing their friends of more than 40 years... This happens of course when the Mike Baird merchants take over the Temple... UnChristian to buggery.