Monday 24th of February 2025

pious image...

doing the email rounds....

doing the email rounds....

trump's evangelical bullcrap...


TV host Glenn Beck attacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Thursday, saying “too many people are looking at Trump and believing that man has ever opened a Bible … that’s the biggest crock of bullcrap I’ve ever heard.”

Beck, founder of, spoke at a rally in South Carolina for Republican presidential candidate 

“I’m going to be very blunt with you tonight,” Beck said. “Donald Trump is very dangerous in my opinion.”

Beck criticized those who believe that this country can be saved by a man who creates “gaudy buildings.”

He argued that Trump can’t just “come in and magically fix us.”

“He’s gone bankrupt four times,” Beck added. “You can’t declare bankruptcy as a country.”


trump of nimrod...


The US Christians (or at least some the US evangelicals) are awakening to the trickery of Trump... The are discovering the man will say anything, including tell bullcrap about his religious fervour, in order to get pass the post

Here is an article by Michael Bresciani (the publisher of American since 2005. The website features the articles and reports of Rev Bresciani along with some of America’s best writers and journalists, news and reviews that have earned the site the title of - The Website for Insight. ) at the Christian Post... It makes my atheistic eyes water with pain of laughter...


“But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” (James 1: 19-20 NASB)

Among the newscasters and pundits it is heard every day that Donald Trump is reflecting the anger of the American people. According to the apostle James that will not change very much and, in fact, in America’s fallen moral state, it may be what brings us to judgment rather than birthing some renewal of “greatness."

Shouldn’t we be asking if God is angry?

We complain about Obama’s lawlessness and obviously sleazy moral agenda, the liberally saturated Senate and the wimpy powerless Congress. While everyone disdains the breakdown in law and morals, nine men and women cloister in their chambers for a time and then emerge to proclaim that unborn babies aren’t human enough to save. After a generation of living in that lie, they frost the cake with the ruling that men can marry men.

And now we are angry?

We need to calm ourselves and question what kind of thinking, what appointments to the judiciary branch we have allowed, and what response God might have to a generation long slide into reprobation.

Forget Trump’s anger and his frivolous promise to make America great again – we are looking in the wrong direction.

There will be no greatness again until these things are dealt with. Can Trump deal with them?

Not likely.

The Deceived and the Deceiver – Which are we Dealing With?

“With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his. He leadeth counsellors away spoiled, and maketh the judges fools.” (Job 12: 16-17)

The charlatan often knows they are using deception to gain what they want from their victims, but they are not the most dangerous kind of deceiver, because someone, at some time, will always see through their deception.

read more if you're bothered...



"Democracy" is a numbers' game. It does not really matter for any deceiver if "someone, at some time, will always see through their deception". It's matter on how many will see through this deception. Deceivers don't worry much about a few people who don't believe them as long they keep the majority hookwindled. The rest is amusement to their fiendish ways...

the pope trumps trump...

Pope Francis has intervened explosively in the US election campaign, saying Donald Trump cannot claim to be a Christian while vowing to build a border wall to keep out immigrants.

Key points:
  • Pope says Trump is "not Christian"
  • Comments stem from Trump's views on immigration
  • Trump says remarks are "disgraceful"

"Anyone, whoever he is, who only wants to build walls and not bridges is not a Christian," the pontiff told journalists during his return journey from a trip to Mexico.

He was responding to a question about the Republican White House hopeful's anti-immigrant stance.

"Vote, don't vote, I won't meddle. But I simply say, if he says these things, this man is not a Christian," Pope Francis said.

Will Trump v Francis affect the polls?
The absolute media maelstrom around Donald Trump has only gotten that much bigger as they head into the South Carolina primary, where he's courting the evangelical vote.

There's a national poll out saying Senator Ted Cruz has passed him but he's been the frontrunner in the Republican presidential campaign since he began in June last year.

He won in New Hampshire, came second in Iowa, and he's heading into South Carolina with a 15-20 per cent lead on some people.

If the polls bear out, he's going to win that, and I don't think Americans are going to be too upset — at least people that would potentially support Donald Trump — that some guy who lives in Rome and is the leader of the Catholic Church has attacked their guy, their man — their bulwark against the elite, so to speak.

Analysis by North America correspondent Michael Vincent

"We need to see if he really said them and for this I will give him the benefit of the doubt."

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It's one thing taking on the pope...


It's one thing taking on the pope. But taking on Apple? And its religious fanatics?

Trump is shooting himself in the foot if he thinks he can get mileage out of this one.



US presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for a boycott of Apple until the tech giant helps unlock the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino killers.
Apple has clashed with the Justice Department (DoJ) over a court order forcing the company to help break the encryption on one of its phones.
On Friday the DoJ called Apple's refusal a "marketing strategy".
Apple said it will not help break into the the phone, citing wider privacy concerns for its users.
The phone belonged to one of the two people who opened fire at an office event in San Bernardino, California, last December, killing 14
Speaking at a campaign rally, Mr Trump said: "Boycott Apple until such time as they give that information."
On Thursday, a court ordered the tech giant to help break the encryption.
The government has called the request narrow and argued it is only focused on this particular iPhone.
The DoJ filed another motion in court on Friday after Apple's chief executive, Tim Cook, said Apple would continue to refuse the order.
A California court has set 22 March for the hearing.


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Trump is always about boycotting something. Just boycott Trump and you'll live a happier life...

boom baby boom...

Despite a disastrous track record of destroying the environment, declaring unnecessary wars and warehousing poor people inside prisons – the world is still being run by people born during the post-World War II baby boom (1946-1964).

This particular generation, also known as ‘The Baby Boomers’ have been heavily criticised over the last thirty years for their inability to look past their own retirement, which many of them believe should have been the day they turned 55.  

Dr. Braiden Youngen, an anthropologist and historian from the CSIRO, says the reason baby boomers are still in charge of the world is because they have instilled a false sense of importance into themselves.

“Many of them believe that they worked very hard for everything good in this world,” says Dr Youngen

“They are forgetting that the generation above them lived through a great depression and fought in two world wars,”

“They also forget that they are solely responsible for the global financial crisis in 2008, and the fact that it was through the help of Generation X and Y that both capitalism and civil order was able to remain relatively intact,”

“The most influential person on Earth, Mark Zuckerberg, is an entire generation younger than them… and most of them don’t know who he is or what he does,”

President Barack Obama only narrowly lands in the Baby Boomer category by two years. It is for the fact that he mostly identifies with Generation X that many believe his presidency has seen the two most progressive terms in the history of American politics.

However, the entire nation looks to be doomed under the now very real possibility of electing celebrity billionaire Donald Trump, who very much qualifies as a baby boomer.

Dr Youngen expands on this imminent threat to the way of life for most people around the world.

“Donald Trump epitomises the whole ‘it’s not my fault, its their fault’ Baby Boomer sentiment. He has no respect for the environment or people who aren’t doing as well as him,”

“If he gets elected. We will be sending young men to pointless wars for the next two decades,”

However, the scourge of the Baby Boomer is not limited to the United States. 

In England, everyday citizens are still expected to pay millions of tax dollars towards keeping a tabloid Royal family fed and dressed in silk. This is a result of romantic notions held by Baby Boomers throughout the Commonwealth, who refuse to acknowledge the discriminative class-system that exists beneath them.

In Australia, more and more international cities have been forced to close all live music venues at midnight, due to the fact that majority of their state governments and state police forces are run by Baby Boomers who have grown sick of the inner-city noise levels disrupting them while they are trying to watch re-runs of M.A.S.H.

Dr Youngen says it is very frightening to know that the anti-intellectualist Baby Boomer may have another ten or so years left before they are no longer in charge of the world.

“These people are jaded that most of them missed Woodstock, and upset that they were too busy reading print newspapers to get their heads around whole internet thing,”

“In fact all these people had to do in their life was not get AIDS. They certainly did a horrible job of handling things when it became an issue,”

“They were all able to buy homes for decent prices. In 1975 a 21-year-old would have be able to buy a property in Manhattan, London or Sydney while working at a convenience store,”

“They ended up buying a few each, and now they have created a housing bubble, where these same properties are priced so that the only people can afford them – are Baby Boomers. They don’t seem to understand this, so don’t be surprised when they say the younger generations aren’t working hard enough”

With Climate Change a very real issue for Generation Y and Generation X, The Baby Boomers are now focusing their attention on culling sharks and blaming Muslims for the issues they have created.


This spoof, a bit too close to reality is brought to you by the satirical/fibbing Betoota Advocate


the ‘chicken and egg’ question...

From Victoria Rollison

I am terrified of Donald Trump. If he wins the Republican nomination, which he looks likely to do, he will no longer be able to be sidelined as the ‘joke’ candidate, as someone not representative of mainstream views. So what does Trump’s rise tell us about modern American values? How has a country who used to hold themselves up as the ‘land of the free and the home of the brave’ fallen so ashamedly to their knees, exposing the bigotry, racism, fear, hatred and misery of average Americans?

There is no shortage of analysis of this type being contributed by writers across the globe. Many blame the Republicans for harvesting the hate and fear that Trump is now exploiting, whereas others say Trump has just tapped into the hate and fear that lay dormant, waiting for a voice, through the marginalisation and undermining of poor Americans. I would like to look at two sides to this argument which could roughly be coined the ‘chicken and egg’ question: what came first; do millions of white Americans really hate people who don’t look like them so much that they yearned for a President who would give them permission to say out loud what they’ve always thought, who promises to not-just-figuratively-but-literally build a wall to keep ‘others’ out? Or did Trump put these ideas in the heads of the poor, the repressed, the under-appreciated, the resentful by blaming the ‘others’ for everything that has gone wrong in these peoples’ lives?

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