Wednesday 15th of January 2025

I've been ruminating since finishing the book a couple of weeks ago (Jane Rayner)

I loved the book. It articulated all my feelings about our own 'Austrian housepainter' and the threat he and his bully boys and girls pose to our democracy and our society.

Unfortunately, he has tapped into that dark reservoir of hatred, envy and spite we all possess to some degree and is exploiting it as hard as he can lick. He tells people what they want to hear and they lap it up, while he makes sure that opposing opinions and views are stifled or trivialised.

NHJ is our wake up call. And now I know that I am not alone feeling the way I do about this most Dishonourable Member. It's a great feeling and I feel a little more positive that we will get rid of him before it's too late for this country!