Saturday 4th of January 2025

bushit foreign policy .....

Cuba it is (04/08/06)

From the BBC
Bush calls for democracy in Cuba

US President George W Bush has urged Cubans to work for democratic change in his first public comments since Fidel Castro had stomach surgery on Monday.
He pledged Washington's support for Cubans who sought to "build a transitional government in Cuba committed to democracy".
The US has blockaded Cuba since Mr Castro took power in the 1960s. Fidel Castro has delegated power to his younger brother Raul for the period of his recovery.
Neither brother has been seen in public since the announcement, fuelling speculation about the island's future.
The BBC's Stephen Gibbs in Havana says the situation is calm but security has increased.

'Take note'

In a written statement issued on his way to his summer retreat in Texas, Mr Bush also warned that the US would "[|take note] of those, in the current Cuban regime, who obstruct [Cubans'] desire for a free Cuba".
The US is home to a large Cuban exile community based in Miami, much of which is hostile to the communist authorities in their home country.

Gus: most of the exiles are good American-Cuban... a bunch of opportunists, descendants of former corrupt Cubans, profiteers, Das Fascist Kapitalism followers, greedies and scrooges, who can't wait to go and steal what's there-is-not-and-is bolted down, burn the effigies of Castro and destroy all the social benefits that this poor country (due to American policies) has managed to create and are working well... A country where sharing and community sense is stronger than anywhere else in the world... obviously something to be ransacked for the sake of individual greed and a snubbed US administration....

US helps Castro, via Venezuela

From the New York Times

Cuba Perks Up as Venezuelan Foils Embargo

Published: August 4, 2006
BOGOTÁ, Colombia, Aug. 3 — As Raúl Castro takes up the task of leading Cuba in place of his brother Fidel, there is, surprisingly, one less thing he may have to worry about: the state of Cuba’s economy.

The credit goes, in large part, to the [|economic lifeline] thrown to Cuba by the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, who is using his country’s tremendous oil reserves to prop up the Castro government and counter Bush administration policy in Latin America.


Gus: As mentioned on this site before, Cuba is paying for the service by sending up to 20,000 fully trained doctors to Venezuela... Not just a one way street...

[|Cuban Doctors in Venezuela Operate Free Neighborhood Clinics]

Castro urges the American people to demand democracy in the USA

Rice urges Cubans to push for change
Saturday 05 August 2006, 2:21 Makka Time, 23:21 GMT

The US has called on Cubans to work for "positive change" in the county as Cuba's health minister said Fidel Castro was recovering well and would return to power. Castro, 79, temporarily handed over power to his younger brother Raul on Monday after he underwent surgery for gastrointestinal bleeding.

On a visit to Guatemala on Friday, Jose Ramon Balaguer, the health minister, said the veteran leader was recovering well from the operation.

"We know Comandante Fidel will recover soon and will be back with us soon."

Also on Friday, Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, [|appealed] directly to Cubans to stay at home and strive for democracy.

Yes La Rice forgot to specify "democracy like in Iraq''.....
Castro — beaming from his hospital bed and well cared for by a fantastic public health service that he helped create — urged the people of the USA to strive for proper democracy although he did not hold much hope because the ruling party, the Fascist Kapital may be too powerful for that... He also urge the Americans to stop their government's interference in other country's business.

blind to reality


In their arrogance the US can't and won't accept that maybe, just maybe the PEOPLE of Cuba will not choose to trade their free and top notch medical system and their relatively STD free way of life for the crime and corruption and poverty and lack of medical care enjoyed by the "free and democratic" peoples of their northern neighbours.

 They can not see that the Latin American world, just like their fellow Human Beings in the nations of the Middle East and elsewhere may not wish to become "satellite nations" to another Imperialistic country. Most of those countries did not gain their own independence until way into the 20th century, and then only through revolutions that cost their countries deadly. Many are still recovering from the devastating rule of dictators set into place by American interests.

True, many are still finding their feet, but all have the right to do that with help from wealthier nations, not at the expense of their own right to self determination.


You just need to be a flea against injustice. Enough committed fleas biting strategically can make even the biggest dog uncomfortable and transform even the biggest nation. ~~ Marian Wright Edelman

Organically annoying the US?

From the Independent

...Mr Salcines led a brief tour of his garden, stopping off to point out things of which [|he was particularly proud]. There was the shed of tomatoes that had produced five tons of fruit in six months, a self-designed metal pyramid structure which he claimed focused natural energy and benefited not just the plants but the gardeners as well; a worm farm wriggling with California Red worms and the bright marigolds planted at the end of each row of vegetables to attract bees and butterflies. He was also very proud of his crop of splendid, shiny mint. "The Hotel Nacional [Havana's state-run landmark hotel once frequented by the likes of Al Capone] uses our mint for its mojitos [a mint-based cocktail]," he said. "It's because it's organic.

More dead, less numbers

This from our ABC

Iraqi forces may control security in 18 months, US general says
By Kim Landers

The top United States general in Iraq believes the country's own forces could take over security within 18 months.

The Bush administration usually avoids mentioning a date for when US troops will hand over control to Iraqi security forces.

The top US general in Iraq, George Casey, says he thinks Iraqi forces are getting closer to being able to operate independently.

"I can see over the next 12 to 18 months, I can see the Iraqi security forces progressing to a point where they can take on the security responsibilities for the country with very little coalition support," he said.

The Iraqi Prime Minister will take operational control of Iraqi troops next month.


Gus: The rate of Iraqi being blown up by whatever is decreasing so much, the count of dead people via violent means is expressed in "dozens" rather than singular numbers... Yes, the sooner the coalition forces get themselves out of there, like NOW, the sooner peace in Iraq shall come — if not straight away, at least soon enough for most...