Monday 10th of March 2025

the neocon promotion department is winning...


The glorious Uncle Rupe network is everywhere. Some of its branches are running at a loss. Such losses in any independent press outfits would lead to catastrophic bankruptcy. The Australian for example has not made a profit as I know of since its inception in 1964. 


This would not please the master of disinformation but this is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. It's not really supposed to "make money", though it would be nice if it did... But it's like a benevolent public service announcement on behalf of the neo-cons. Uncle has other extremely profitable ventures that can pay for the losses. The master wants the disinformation to be maintained against the hubris of reality. His neo-conservative scribes know the drill, and despite the platforms making these losses, the writers are well paid to write the neo-con mantras ad nauseam. And most of them believe in the shit as much as the master. This is why they are employed. And when there is not enough mediocre mass media de mierda singing the praise of neoconservatism, Uncle Rupe will create new platforms from which to push stronger neoconic messages. 

He wants to promote these ideals through all echelons of society. 

Uncle Rupe's Daily Telegraph for example is promoted as the newspaper for the simple working man (who cares about women) but within its bosom of sports and pages of scandalous American dog turds on the Australian shores, the Daily Telegraph will push the neocon agenda via its specialised writers who seem to come straight out from the populist handbook of writing for dummies. Do'h... Labor bad, Liberals GOOD. Simple and RELENTLESS.

But Murdoch has to spur the believers in the upper crust. He does not want ANY of the rich top dogs to be swayed by the reality of global warming, nor by the fragility of the financial sector which he will blame Obama for, while cashing in on exchange rate variations. 

I believe Uncle Rupe supports Trump. He said so in indirect ways, like indicating that "Donald's strategy to the White House was the best". In other publications, the Uncle Rupe neocon scribes will do the same trick as they did here to get Tony Abbott-the-unelectable, elected. It's a twisted trusted way to make you doubt your own judgement, often based on manipulated hubris rather than proper analysis of what's on offer. 

For example, Julia Gillard had a basket of somewhat sensible policies that were designed to help most of the people — from education to health. Not perfect but far better than what had been on offer by the Liberals (CONservatives — Australian neo-cons). Sure she did not support the gay marriage issue, but her own party was cool on the idea at the time — and she needed Jo de Bruyn, a fierce religious nut in the Labor Party, as an ally, in order to stay afloat ( 

Gillard's cold refugee policies of sending them to Malaysia was derided by everyone, including the Greens, a sniggering merde-och press and a Tony Abbott who would gloriously turn back the boats with his fingers, then send the refugees to Cambodia for nothing. So from a harsh policy that would have helped more refugees settle in Australia. Instead, we moved on to a crazy policy of silence, invasion of Indonesian waters by our navy, paying cash to the boat smugglers to turn back in supplied new little orange boats, plus running concentration camps and sending three refugees to Cambodia for 50 million bucks... Billions more altogether. 

I dare say the deal with Malaysia would have been beneficial to that country and Australia as well — by Australia taking TEN times the number of ALREADY UNHCR-PROCESSED refugees in proportion to those sent there. This may have sounded harsh but it would have orderly solve the problem of people smuggling far better than "turning back the boats" and as the same time provided a decent outlet for already-processed refugees, saving cash for not-having to messily process them in various offshore islands, without riots nor deaths.  

But Mr Murdoch wanted his golden boy, Tony, to take over. One simple trick is to lob the current incumbent with your own selection, as if the two were bastard cases  — in the same basket, BUT, there is a but, you slowly make sure that there is a subtle inequality in this basket. Your chosen golden boy could not do worse but could "reasonably" do better. the gamble is not great, but "better".

Then you create a discord in the ranks of the people you want to get rid off — and claim that your golden boy is NOT LIKE THAT. Eventually you run full frontal and claim in a headline on your Daily Telegraph that "Australia needs Tony". It's a progression built towards your goal. Bingo.

We shall see how the US presidential selection go on this score. There is more tricks in this arsenal than being so obvious. At this stage, Uncle Rupe does not care much about who in the Republican party gets the gig as long as the other mob is defeated. I would not be surprised if Uncle rupe supports Bernie the Socialist in order to trim la Clinton's chances. This sort of capers has been done before. Here in Australia, the Uncle Rupe "appeared" to also support Rudd, then dropped him like a dirty sock in the final run against his golden boy Tony. Tricks are tricks. If you fall for it, you're dumb.

So in 1995, Uncle rupe created the weekly Standard, a magazine for neo-cons to reinforce their own values and destroy anything that was not in their scope. William Kristol, an American neoconservative political analyst and commentator, was the co-founder and editor of Uncle Rupe's magazine... In 1997, Kristol also co-founded the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) with Robert Kagan. We know the rest. If you don't, go rummage through the garbage.

By the end of 2006, PNAC was reduced to a voice-mail box and a ghostly website with a single employee … left to wrap things up, according to a correspondent at the BBC News. In 2006 former executive director of the PNAC Gary Schmitt said PNAC had never been intended to "go on forever," and had "already done its job," suggesting that "our view has been adopted." In 2009 Robert Kagan and William Kristol created a new think tank, the Foreign Policy Initiative, which scholars Stephen M. Walt and Don Abelson have characterized as a successor to PNAC...

That Uncle Rupe sold the weekly Standard magazine in 2006 (2009?) to Philip F. Anschutz. and the demise of the PNAC did not stop the WS magazine neo-con attitude, including the promotion of the Bush doctrine. Uncle Rupe had decided, by then, that The Wall Street Journal was a bigger more serious magazine for promoting his rabid neocon views. The owners of the WSJ had a choice, sell for a handsome profit or face a loosing war against Uncle rupe who was prepared I guess to launch an equivalent journal to be run at a loss until the WSJ would have lost readership and run at a loss as well. it's called competition. 

The views at the weekly Standard are still using the same tricks learnt from Uncle Rupe stable of scribes dedicated to the neocon cause. Place your golden boy in the same bastard basket... you know the rest. 

LOATHE THY BROTHERAre Donald Trump and Barack Obama two examples of the same American affliction?
By Lee SmithApril 5, 2016 • 10:00 PM


the neocon rants and disinformation platforms...



So of course the rants, and the threats, will get worse and louder and more popular and more dangerous because that’s the America that Barack Obama is passing on—a divided, tribal country where citizens are regularly impugned on the basis of their religion, skin color, income levels, party affiliation, or whatever other characteristics will help a politician gain and keep power.

But don’t blame Obama for that. It’s not his fault, because it’s always someone else’s fault. Trump, as Obama told a crowd in Austin, Texas last week, is on the Republicans—a reflection of their rotten culture. The commander in chief who has used the oval office as a soapbox to publicize his opinions on nearly every subject under the sun—from rap stars to a Cambridge beat cop’s foolishly arresting one of the country’s leading intellectuals, and from NCAA basketball brackets to the Academy Awards—has nothing to do with how the country now looks and sounds after 7 years of him holding the conch.

And in truth, Obama is right. No one in America is responsible for anything these days. George W. Bush isn’t responsible for starting two wars and failing to win either one of them. The American people bear zero responsibility for the 2008 economic crisis, touched off by a nationwide Ponzi scheme in the housing market. Blame Wall Street, says Bernie Sanders. And don’t blame “The Bern” if his own dusty textbook version of “socialist economics” somehow fails to bring instant prosperity to a 21st century information-age economy. That failure would also be on someone else—like the tech moguls, or hedge funds.

And don’t blame Donald Trump if racists love him too. Nothing is Trump’s fault, just like nothing is Obama’s fault, because they’re the same guy—narcissists who overvalue their own intelligence, exaggerate their achievements, and blame others for their failures. And that’s exactly what America deserves right now—because that’s the nation that we’ve become.

Lee Smith is a fellow of the Hudson Institute. The Tablet is a "unique brand of Jewish journalism"


The Hudson Institute is an American conservative[2][3] non-profit think tank based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1961 in Croton-on-Hudson, New York, by futuristmilitary strategist, and systems theorist Herman Kahn and his colleagues at the RAND Corporation.

The Institute is committed to innovative research and analysis that promotes "global security, prosperity and freedom."[4] It promotes public policy change in accordance with its stated belief that "America’s unique and central role in the global system offers the best foundation for security, the defense of liberty, and assuring economic growth."[5]

In March 2011, Kenneth R. Weinstein was appointed President and CEO of the Institute.[6]

Founded 1961 by Herman Kahn, Max Singer, and Oscar Ruebhausen from the RAND corporation in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. Its initial policy focus, while conservative, largely reflected Kahn’s personal interests, which included the domestic and military use of nuclear power, the future of the workplace in the U.S., and the science of "futurology." As the Cold War died down and funding for military projects decreased, Hudson started examining domestic, social and economic issues.


Critics question the institute's position on many issues, such as their negative campaigning against organic farming, since they receive large sums of money from conventional food companies. The New York Times commented on Dennis Avery's attacks on organic farming: "The attack on organic food by a well-financed research organization suggests that, though organic food accounts for only 1 percent of food sales in the United States, the conventional food industry is worried."[53]

After it was revealed that Michael Fumento received funding from Monsanto for his 1999 book Bio-Evolution, company spokesman Chris Horner confirmed that it continues to fund the think tank. "It's our practice, that if we're dealing with an organization like this, that any funds we're giving should be unrestricted," Horner told BusinessWeek. Hudson's CEO and President Kenneth R. Weinstein told BusinessWeek that he was uncertain if the payment should have been disclosed.


the trick of "placing them in the same basket, then...

This is the Murdoch press trick of placing parties in the same basket... The next trick will be to slowly take you by the hand and tell you that Malcolm is still better than Bill and "Labor is no good"... Meanwhile, Julie Bishop will lie overtly about Labor economic debt and deficit.... All in good political strides and would be funny if this mob of idiots paid attention to the way the planet is warming. But no, the clever idiotic scribes at the Australian are slowly preparing the ground again for a full assault on Labor, while trying to appear "balanced"...



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