Tuesday 22nd of October 2024

your NBN is not in your area... you can't afford it anyway and then it will splutter with clapped out copper. Brilliant...

malcolm steam engine NBN

Millions of Australians live in households without internet access, according to the World Economic Forum, who have awarded Australia the lowest scoring country in the category of affordability for internet access.

Key points:

  • WEF scores Australia ICT capabilities lowest scoring for internet access
  • 57 per cent of households with an income less than $40,000 don't have internet
  • Fees for hardcopy documents target poor, elderly, Indigenous people
  • Similar overseas efforts have resulted in law changes to protect consumers

As more and more people rely on emails and other electronic forms of communication to pay their bills and receive official statements, many companies have begun to charge fees to people who want documents sent to them in hard copy.

Today a campaign will be launched by Keep Me Posted in Parliament to ask corporations in Australia to reconsider charging Australians for document hardcopies.

Kelli Northwood, who heads the group Keep Me Posted, said it was far from ideal for the mostly poor and elderly who make up the large percentage of Australians who do not have access to the internet.

Ms Northwood said 57 per cent of Australian households with an income less than $40,000 do not have internet in their homes.

"From an affordability perspective, we have the World Economic Forum scoring Australia ICT (information and communication technology) capabilities the lowest scoring country in the category of affordability for internet access," she said.



it's time to pull malcolm's pants down...

Last month marked the hottest March in modern history and the 11th consecutive month in which a monthly global temperature record has been broken, US officials say.

Key points:
  • Global average temperature 1.22 degrees Celsius above 20th century average
  • Water temperatures also on rise
  • Eastern and northern Australia register record warmth

Officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that the string of record-setting months is the longest in its 137 years of record-keeping.

The globally-averaged temperature over land and ocean surfaces for March 2016 "was the highest for the month of March in the NOAA global temperature dataset record, which dates back to 1880", the agency said.


turd polish extra...

While the network neutrality debate mainly applies in the U.S., it recently flared up in Australia when NBN Co discussed separate pricing regimes for video-based infrastructure.

Net neutrality is when telecommunication companies provide a preferential pricing regime for companies offering video-based service. This basically creates a two-tiered system: a premium service for those providers that are prepared to pay a premium price for the transmission of their service and in general, a lower grade service for anybody else — creating a "them and us" situation on the internet.

Such special treatment flies in the face of the open and free internet as it was envisaged and as it has been used so far — whereby all users and all providers receive equal service.

Net neutrality flares up in situations where there is a monopolistic or at least a dominating telecommunications force at work. The U.S. has one of the most concentrated telecoms markets in the developed economies with basically three providers dominating the market. It was here a few years ago that the telcos started to implement preferential infrastructure services.


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wasting money, using copper...

NBN Co has ramped up its rollout of copper-based broadband connections, but telco experts say the move makes no sense, arguing that fibre would be both “future proof” and cost-effective.

With the national broadband network’s rollout deadline looming, NBN Co has now purchased enough copper cabling to wrap around the planet one-and-a-quarter times.

As of March 3, a total of 49,620 kilometres of copper had been bought for use in the NBN’s footprint, NBN Co told The New Daily.

The cost of the copper is “commercial in confidence”, an NBN Co spokesperson said, but based on figures provided to the Senate in 2017 could now exceed half a billion dollars.

Nearly 7000 kilometres of new copper cabling was purchased in the six months to March alone (up from 42,990 kilometres in October), with the $51 billion NBN rollout due to be completed by the end of the June.

NBN Co stressed that the total figure includes 19,771 kilometres of specialised copper cable used to create fibre-to-the-curb (FTTC) connections, as opposed to more of the problem-plagued fibre-to-the-node (FTTN) connections, many of which run on decades-old copper cables.

“The vast majority of copper we purchase today is for use in our FTTC network,” the NBN Co spokesperson said.

“FTTC brings fibre a lot closer to homes and businesses to enable very high-speed broadband, but it sometimes requires additional copper for the premises in this footprint.”

Although copper purchases for FTTN have “greatly reduced as that part of the rollout nears completion”, the rate of copper purchases “has actually increased since February 2019 when NBN started rolling out its FTTC technology”, the NBN Co spokesperson said.

“More than two-thirds of copper purchased by NBN over the last year has been for use in FTTC,” they said.

However, industry experts told The New Daily that NBN Co’s decision to roll out copper-based FTTC connections, rather than FTTP connections using “future proof” fibre optic cable made no sense financially or technologically.

Independent telecommunications analyst Paul Budde explained slammed NBN Co’s decision to roll out copper for FTTC rather than fibre as “a waste of money and a waste of time”.

FTTC connections use copper “lead-in” cables to connect a home to fibre at the kerb, he explained.

If you have fibre all the way to the kerb, why on Earth wouldn’t you go for the last bits of fibre to the house?’’ 

Rolling out new copper lead-in cables rather than superior fibre-optic cables “doesn’t make sense”, Mr Budde said, as the cost of installing the cables is equivalent, and installing fibre now would save on future upgrade costs.

“If you want to future proof the network … then why not put fibre in? You have to dig up the ground, that’s the biggest cost whether [you’re installing] copper or fibre,” he said.

If you put fibre in, you are future proof. And if you put copper in, then it’s quite possible that in five or 10 years you have to dig it up again and put fibre in.’’

Mr Budde said he believed that politics had driven the decision.

“The government is totally adamant that they are not going to install fibre-to-the-home,” he said.

In my opinion the only reason why you would not put fibre in is political.’’

Associate professor in network engineering at RMIT university Mark Gregory told The New Daily he was “flabbergasted” by NBN Co’s decision to roll out more copper for FTTC over fibre.

Copper-based technologies are already effectively obsolete,’’ Dr Gregory said.

“If they’re doing lead-in cables for FTTC, they should just simply be doing FTTP. The cost would be the same.”

Dr Gregory said that Australia’s telecommunications industry “is demanding that NBN Co commence the move to an all-fibre network”.

Last week, Telstra boss Andy Penn called for the government to develop a “long-term strategy for telecommunications in Australia”, including NBN upgrades.

“If the acceleration of the digital economy is crucial to a fast recovery, which I believe it is, then telecommunications is now arguably Australia’s most important infrastructure to this digital recovery,” Mr Penn said.

New South Wales’ state government is also pushing ahead with plans to roll out its own ‘Gig state’ fibre broadband network that could undercut the NBN in regional areas.

 ‘Up to a gigabit’ NBN plans, but only for some

On Friday, NBN Co launched three new speed tiers for residential broadband customers, but Australians without the right NBN connections will miss out on the fastest speeds.


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