Saturday 11th of January 2025

meanwhile, in trump's world...


Trump Delegate Says Current US Leaders May Need to Be "Killed"

A Patriot Movement supporter, approved by the Trump campaign, talks of violently overthrowing the federal government.

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That didn't take too long.

At 3:05 pm on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan endorsed Donald Trump, the apparent GOP nominee. This came in a tweet in which Ryan said, "I'll be voting for @realDonaldTrump this fall. I'm confident he will help turn the House GOP's agenda into laws."

And Ryan submitted a statement to his hometown paper explaining his decision. Essentially, the reason was this: we really don't like Hillary Clinton, and Trump will likely sign into law bills passed by a Republican Congress. Ryan said nothing about Trump's temperament, ideas, or abilities. And this makes it official: this is now Trump's Republican Party. The submission of the GOP establishment to Trump is complete. The fellow that Marco Rubio denounced as a con man has forced the leaders of the party to kneel before him, principles be damned. The deal is done. The ring has been kissed. On with the show.

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polite patriots against pissy politicians !...

There's only one reason why the Founding Fathers put the Second Amendment…If the federal government were to follow the path of all other governments, at some point it will turn to tyranny against the people. And at that point, when it stops to uphold and abide by the Constitution—and we're talking about the Supreme Court, Congress, and the executive branch, all three are way off away from the Constitution right now—the people have the right to assemble, bear arms, go to Washington, DC, or wherever necessary, and go into military battle against the government and replace those in government with individuals that will uphold the Constitution. The Constitution should remain, but the people that are abusing it should be, the polite word is, eliminated. The harsh word is killed. And they're killed by American citizens with weapons. And if people have tanks, assault weapons, if they have bombs—they need to have the weaponry necessary to be able to overthrow the federal government.

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Time to revise those plans for your bomb shelter under your house and dig deeper...

a better voice...


A Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist is joining the RT America team. Author and social critic Chris Hedges will host a weekly interview show called ‘On Contact,’ which will air “dissident voices” currently missing from the mainstream media.

Hedges will interview the black sheep of the establishment, leading discussions that can’t be heard anywhere else.

“The absence of dissident voices from the airwaves, including on public broadcasting that was originally designed to allow those not beholden to the power elites to be heard, has turned the media landscape in the United States into an echo chamber for the powerful and the wealthy,” Hedges said.

“Chris and his decades work are a true embodiment of  RT’s motto ‘Question More.’ He is unafraid to be a rare voice of dissent in the American news media, however unpopular his position,” said Margarita Simonyan, RT’s editor-in-chief.“Perhaps if voices like Chris’ weren’t ignored by the political and media establishments 13 years ago, we could have avoided a lot of the travesties plaguing the Middle East today.“


Gus note: the travesties plaguing the Middle East at the present are running according to plan by the CONservative NEOliberals. This crap is specifically designed to steal the goodies while everyone is distracted.


empress clinton — more genuine than half a fake potus... GHU...

"Imagine Donald Trump sitting in the situation room, making life or death decisions on behalf of the United States; imagine if he had more than his Twitter account at his disposal when he's angry."

She, on the other hand was the genuine article - POTUS in waiting, with her sense of history and very sensible grasp of things such as terrorism, Russian expansionism, Chinese adventurism and the mind-numbing conflicts of the Middle East. But there was no mention of her vote, as a senator, to invade Iraq; nor her championing, as secretary of state, of the disastrous military intervention in Libya.

"I'm going to keep American security at the heart of my campaign … we're choosing our next commander-in-chief [and] like many across out country, I believe the person the Republicans have nominated for president cannot do the job," was her opening line.

Her talk was billed as a major foreign policy address, but there were no new policy points and, in truth, this whole appearance could be best described as a knee in the nuts for Trump, who has been relentless in dishing out the same kind of attacks on Clinton.

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Though Gus is a full-blown atheist, GHU means "god help us"... meaning that we're in fu%$#@&g trouble...

on with the circus clowns...

The Caligulan malice with which Donald Trump administered Paul Ryan’s degradation is an object lesson in the price of abject capitulation to power. This episode should be studied as a clinical case of a particular Washington myopia — the ability of career politicians to convince themselves that they and their agendas are of supreme importance.

The pornographic politics of Trump’s presidential campaign, which was preceded by decades of ignorant bile (about Barack Obama’s birth certificate and much else), have not exhausted Trump’s eagerness to plumb new depths of destructiveness. Herewith the remarkably brief timeline of the breaking of Ryan to Trump’s saddle.

On May 3, Trump won the Indiana primary, ending competition for the Republican nomination. On May 5, Ryan said he still was not prepared to endorse Trump. That day Trump responded that he was not ready to endorse Ryan’s agenda. This was not news, considering that Trump has campaigned against every significant element of this agenda — entitlement reform, the rule of law, revival of Congress as a counter to the executive overreach that Obama has practiced and that Trump promises to enlarge upon.

On May 12, a Trump meeting with Ryan resulted in a cringeworthy joint statement that had to be read to be properly disbelieved.

seriously hypocritical crazy mainstream conservative...


Ah, but what of Trump’s famously mercurial and vociferous temperament? Surely that sets him apart from his most ardent opponents. Well, not all of them. Take radio host Glenn Beck, for instance.

Despite his long and self-admitted record of mental instability, Beck became one of the most prominent faces of #NeverTrump, even after he mashed his own face into a bowl of Cheetos in a bizarre attempt to mock the real-estate tycoon’s famously orange visage.

The #NeverTrumpers should never have allowed Beck within a hundred miles ofNational Review’s “Against Trump” issue. And yet there he was, despite his past claims that demonic forces were trying to keep his Blaze television channel off America’s cable systems, that President Obama would soon begin putting conservatives into concentration camps, and that God had “ordained” Ted Cruz to become the president.

In the end, the voluminous attacks against Donald Trump from the right didn’t amount to much, and not just because conservatives have long been far less numerous than they’d long believed. The attacks didn’t work because they were so obviously hypocritical.

The time to stop Trump was in the 1990s, when the movement’s intellectuals were busy prostrating themselves before Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as they sought to remake the GOP into a party for white Christians.

read more of this funny (but tragic) mea culpa article: