Monday 10th of March 2025

seriously, despite many flaws, labor is far better than the CONservatives who call themselves "liberals"....


The Fake Tradie ad is an insightful piece of subversive modern performance art, says the fake advertising agent behind the Coalition’s new promotional campaign. He speaks exclusively to Independent Australia.

WHEN MELBOURNE PERFORMANCE ARTIST Branler Massif decided to set up a fake advertising agency about a month ago, he had no idea he would soon be catapulted right into the middle of the 2016 Federal election campaign.

The idea behind the agency, which Massif named It’s Unreal, was to produce fake advertisements that would provide an ironic commentary on modern methods of persuasion and propaganda. His aim was to convincingly ape a modern advertising agency in all respects, even to the extent of opening a fake office and setting up a fake commercial website.

And so when Federal Liberal Party national campaign director Tony Nutt responded to a fake advertisement on It’s Unreal’s fake website and asked Massif to produce a commercial for the Liberal Party, Massif was delighted to assist. He regards the advertisement as, perhaps, hismagnum opus so far.

Today, Independent Australia spoke to Bran Massif in the wake of the extraordinary social media reaction to his fake advertisement, which began airing over the weekend.

read more:,9130


a fake advert...

INDEPENDENT AUSTRALIA: It seems that social media has picked up on the majority of the themes you have embedded in your work, but do you think you made your fake advertisement too convincing? Do you think some people may mistake it for a real ad?

BRANLER MASSIF: Well, we are talking about Australians here, so I guess some of the more gullible might. But, really, it’s pretty clear that this “tradie” [does air quotes] is an actor who had never been on a worksite in his life. To make that even more apparent, we made him sit on a workbench puzzlingly placed in the middle of a laneway outside the worksite, with a plugged in buzzsaw placed precariously close to his dangling gold bracelet and Rolex. In fact, we deliberately placed as many OHS issues in that advertisement as we could so there could be no confusion about its genuineness and in the hope we may be able on-sell this ad to WorkSafe as a “what not to do”.

Of course, we also asked the British actor we hired to not quite conceal his real accent and had him end with: "I reckon we should see it through and just stick with the current mob for a while." I mean, come on! No fair dinkum political advertisement would end with something so pathetically wishy washy. If anyone was spoofed by this obvious parody ad, then more fool them.,9130


Drongos... See also: long smoko for a man who looks he's never used a power tool in his life and speaks like a vaucluse politician...

a stinker


The claim

"[The Coalition] have had almost three years on this... Over that time we have gone from 30th in the world for internet speeds to 60th in the world for internet speeds," Opposition communications spokesman Jason Clare told ABC's RN Breakfast on June 13, 2016.

Has Australia's global rank for internet speeds fallen from 30th to 60th under the Coalition? ABC Fact Check investigates.

The verdict

Mr Clare is correct.

Experts contacted by Fact Check said reports relied on by Mr Clare, published by content delivery network provider Akamai, are highly regarded and accepted by the industry.

The reports show Australia's average peak connection speed of 30.1 megabits per second ranked 30th in the world in the quarter ending in September 2013, the month the Coalition took office.

The most recent report available at the time the claim was made shows Australia's average peak connection speed of 39.3 mbps ranked 60th in the world in the quarter ending in December 2015.

Experts consulted by Fact Check said the Coalition contributed to Australia's drop in rankings for several reasons, including its policy of rolling out fibre to the node technology rather than fibre to the premises.

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Note: "spuiking" (in toon at top) — speaking in a "quiet" spruiking manner... It's designed to twist your brains softly rather than loud harangue front-on to which you would balk at. Spuiking is also related to SPEWING and PUKE...


unlike the tradie...

Apparently, unlike my fake but real investor at top, the tradie, in the Libs' advert, who does odd jobs for the advertising agencies is a real tradie who owns his own business. So should he have employees, which no-one has told us (he could be the only "worker" in his company), he would have to pay penalty rates for overtime, weekend jobs, night jobs etc... Does he charge less for cash? No wonder he wants the Libs (CONservatives) to be brought back as they want to slash "penalty" rates. Since he does not have a website, he seems he does not care much about the crummy Turnbull internet, nor about the way Turnbull/Abbott have been planning to destroy Medicare despite Turnbull claims to the contrary.

Turnbull promises are worth as much or less than the Abbott promises before the 2013 elections. Giving Turdball/Abbutt a mandate is like opening your front door and inviting thieves inside your house. Kick Malcolm out.


a round of satire... tradies vs traders...


Speaking to The Betoota Advocate this morning, Turnbull says he wasn’t 100% convinced the advertisement would appeal to the Australia aspirational class, and that he has since sacked the media staffers responsible for the campaign video.

“There’s a lot of different people I need to appeal to as Prime Minister. I already have the banking sector sorted, but it’s the droves of jilted middle class Australians that I really need to target,


“My predecessor had a much better time talking to these people, all he had to do was create a sentiment of Hanson-era xenophobia. I’ve made a point of not saying ‘boats’ as much in this election,”

“But yes, I am still struggling with this messaging as you can imagine. The people behind this video have been let go,”

Turnbull says he has searched far and wide for the right voice when it comes to appealing to non-private school educated people who work with their hands.

“I even went down to the Sydney Roosters HQ in Bondi. Unfortunately Bouris says he’s having the same problem. We’ve all forgotten how to talk to these people. They are a fascinating sub-culture,”

“After speaking with several of my National Party colleagues, I resolved to hire a handful of ex-ZOO magazine staffers. They seemed to have this market sorted out,”


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tradies vs traders...



long smoko for a man who looks he's never used a power tool in his life and speaks like a vaucluse politician...


Robbie Williams impersonator Trent Bowater is Labor's own fake tradie



$20/Hr Tradie - Stop Overpaying for Tradesmen (Gus: as long as "he" is not a plumber or an electrician — personal experience tells me that some tradies charge $75-$120 for call plus $15 per quarter hour plus parts — at double the retail price though they get these bits wholesale with a "tradie" discount... Now you know how some of the "tradies" can afford a couple of investment properties, while you're still paying the hire-purchase on the fridge that just went kaput)



Unions launch their own 'real tradie' ad | SBS News





Europe's growing army of robot workers could be classed as "electronic persons" and their owners liable to paying social security for them if the European Union adopts a draft plan to address the realities of a new industrial revolution.

Robots are being deployed in ever-greater numbers in factories and also taking on tasks such as personal care or surgery, raising fears over unemployment, wealth inequality and alienation.

Their growing intelligence, pervasiveness and autonomy requires rethinking everything from taxation to legal liability, a draft European Parliament motion, dated May 31, suggests.

Some robots are even taking on a human form. Visitors to the world's biggest travel show in March were greeted by a lifelike robot developed by Japan's Toshiba (6502.T) and were helped by another made by France's Aldebaran Robotics.

However, Germany's VDMA, which represents companies such as automation giant Siemens (SIEGn.DE) and robot maker Kuka (KU2G.DE), says the proposals are too complicated and too earl


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